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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. in the interview clip Holmes seemed to me to be thinking purely in terms of getting a backup secured and doing it a little earlier in the process than they strung it out to last year. I'd go short on early round QB draft.
  2. Cartoon says Manning didn't have a lot on his FB. No issue for his first start but something to track given how many guys come to camp throwing full speed today.
  3. man, tough AB for Torkelson there. Every pitch was on a corner or just off. He did what he could do - took all the balls and swung at the strikes, but he wasn't going to do anything with any of them.
  4. No problem. Washtenaw east of Stadium, Huron Parkway, Jackson Rd west of Wagner. All within minutes of campus....
  5. Looking at those they also have pretty bad lawyers and marketing people, because if you hold a trademark, the quickest way to lose it is to talk about your own product incorrectly. So for instance, if the NCAA is going to avoid losing the right to the trademark "NCAA Basketball", then every time they referred to it in their own literature, they need to say, "NCAA Basketball brand Naismith game competition" or some such. (see - already impossible). IOW, if you don't use your own trademark to properly refer to your own product as a particular case of a generic thing, you lose it. If you look at Dupont literature about Teflon - it always says "Teflon brand non-stick coating" etc. As one of our alums would say - loonspuderry.
  6. NCAA is not going to successfully sue anybody for saying dribble - or probably several others of those because they fail the 'alternative' test. You can't sustain a trademark for a term for something if it already has become the generic term for it - for instance "NCAA Basketball". For example, take 'Kleenex brand tissue." Without 'tissue' being available, they could not trademark 'Kleenex', The NCAA tournament is the thing itself - I don't see how that could pass muster. Obvious the same for dribble. OTOH, "Elite 8" is a particular term for a particular tournament quarter final. Since I can say what I just typed, 'Elite 8' is probably trademark able.
  7. I though C.K. had a lot of useful things to say early in his career, but it seemed like Obama's determination to get the US out of lapdog status to whatever injustices Israel wanted to commit in the West Bank was more than he could handle and it seemed to drive him right into the lunatic right's arms before he passed.
  8. I only wore a tie-back (soft cloth 'strings') when I had to wear one all day. Cannot abide elastic around my head or behind my ears for more than about 1/2 hour. Got really good at tying knots behind my head.
  9. translation: "Leave Bibi alone to complete his putsch" ?
  10. things look like they could start falling apart in Israel. Army people talking about refusing to be bound by orders from a Netanyahu government if he 'overrules' a Supreme Court that throws out his 'reforms' https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/28/opinion/netanyahu-israel-palestinians-courts.html
  11. Yzerman doesn’t seem to have made a bad move yet. Well maybe Vrana but Mantha doesn’t appear to much of a loss. It’s been good strategy to go defense 1st because two or three bodies is all you need for a big impact. Seider and a revitalized Hronek, and now Walman and there you are. I think we are already at a point where most of the Wings trouble in the own end is weak puck pressure by our forwards.
  12. Have to agree with pfife here. CNN wasn't trying to improve their prestige, they simply wanted to do better in the ratings wars by being less offensive to the US right wing. But that was a fool's errand anyway because they aren't going to out 'FOX' Fox. And frankly I don't know how you tell the truth - which is the 1st requirement for prestige, and court the US right wing. Which is why CNN is in a box just as bad or worse than it was before Warner's attempts to reposition it. In fact to take it a step further, Prestige and Profit in media are pretty much mutually exclusive (as the old CBS/ABC/NBC "news as loss leader" system of the past showed) and I have no doubt CNN's new overlords are far more interested in the latter than the former.
  13. Ha - well for sure tastes vary - DD's 8 DH lineups drove me slight crazy. The Tigers need to be better but DD's style is not the answer to me. His MO isn't sustainable in a mid-teir market where the money isn't infinite, otherwise he is going to mortgage away your team's future like he did here. I think of his tenure here as a period like a crack addition. It was a high, but it came with costs. I know I'm repeating myself but pro sports is all about owners lucking into hiring the right GM. Harris seems to be banking on being able to get some of the current players to do better while he puts his systems in place for finding new ones. As a general proposition that's an uphill battle, but I think he will end up being able to claim some apparent success, but not because anything he did worked on those current players, but just because some of them will regress back to their averages after having had sub average years last season. But we won't know if the player acquisition/development org he builds works for a while.
  14. This season Lillard is taking 1.6 more shots per game to average 8.3 more points per game. Efficient.
  15. Statement from GOTUS as per today's WaPo The Biden administration on Monday emphasized the inclusive nature of the evidence so far. National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby, speaking at a White House briefing, said the new intelligence assessment was part of an ongoing “whole of government” effort to investigate how covid-19 began, although he acknowledged that firm conclusions have remained elusive. “There is not a consensus right now in the U.S. government about exactly how covid started,” Kirby told reporters. “That work is still ongoing, but the president believes it’s really important that we continue that work and that we find out as best we can how it started so that we can better prevent a future pandemic.”
  16. yeah- that one was definitely a painful watch also.
  17. I would guess Yzerman still has bad dreams about the pre Bowman teams that were improving but would go into Edmonton and get beat up in the playoffs for the same reasons. His own team had to get a lot stronger before they won as well (Federov, Fetisov, Shanahan, McCarty, Chelios, etc...) so he knows the drill.
  18. The comment was half tongue-in-cheek, because if anything is clear it's that Yzerman is dead set on a bigger, harder to play against team, and if he's not quite there today he intends to be tomorrow. Edvinsson wasn't ready but Soderblom actually didn't handle himself half badly while playing with Ras and Sunqvist, but any Wings fan has to be looking forward to seeing more of these guys and less of our current development dead ends. Officiating in the NHL seems to go in cycles. I stopped watching hockey altogether for a number of years mostly because I didn't care to watch the game their rule book was producing. I hope we're not on a route back to that.
  19. I guess I'm proabably not following all the flurry of league moves since Harris came in because I had no idea who most of the guys who pitched in this game were.
  20. The only problem with this lawsuit is that it isn't big enough. Even with a treble punitive damage award it won't have the effect on Fox that is needed.
  21. Seider didn't play with the physical edge he plays with now a year or two ago either. Heck for that matter the guy whose physical presence we are bemoaning the loss of tonight didn't play to his size for a long time either. Still barely does some of the time.
  22. further facts seem unlikely - at least as long as Xi lives.
  23. As much as I dislike fighting in hockey, when the officiating runs like like this you might as well start a big brawl, make your point and get your money's worth.
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