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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. that's true but my point is that there has *always* been an allure that you could put a QB back their that is dual threat. And you can - guys like Michaell Vick have been the passing fancy (pun intended), but in the end the concept always eventually founders on the increased injury probability. A QB is too valuable to put at risk as a RB on a regular basis. So I will predict that the current allure of Mahomes and Hurts will sooner or later founder on the same injury probability rearing it's ugly head.
  2. I'm not sure why we should give this organization any credit for knowing what they are doing. Has there been a shred of evidence they do since Gores bought the team?
  3. Of course there was a time when you had one man in the booth on a radio broadcast. Maybe that was the reason.
  4. Yup. You could have had Tua, could still have traded Stafford for a bunch of high picks to charge up the '22 draft, and all you would be out was Odukah. Hard to say anyone would have passed on that alternative future looking back from today's view. C'est la vie.
  5. I think the league swings back and forth on this through time. I remember when a 'scrambler' like Fran Tarkington was all the rage and the future of football. Sure, mobile QBs are great until a few teams get burned by making huge commitments to guys who can't stay on the field or get old fast when they lose their legs and then rest get gun shy about QBs that run around again. Nothing new in this.
  6. and yards in the air *down* the field doesn't capture it all either. Some of the throws that require the most arm strength and accuracy are across the field, where you you don't have the luxury of being able to put a lot of air under it.
  7. It's probably also OK to admit this is a good OL. And it's going to be true that Goff is a better QB behind this OL than he might be behind an inferior one (what QB isn't?), and that is probably part of what things like good blitz numbers and deep throw stats are also telling us. But so what? The fact is he *does* play behind this line and not a different one. A GM's job is to assembly a team, not just a bunch of players. So I don't care if he can't scramble for his life behind Backus, Cherilus and Raiola as well as Mahomes could. He doesn't have to.
  8. I think (hope) that in a few years we will look back and see current LiCo based batteries as a transitional technology and we'll wonder how we got so far down the line of using anything that hazardous. Sort of like how we started out using seriously poisonous carbon-monoxide rich coal gas as utility gas in cities before methane natural gas replaced it.
  9. + for the Ross and Dali. I guess that makes sense because an artist's name carries maximum style hinting information.
  10. When it comes to soldiering, the young make the best soldiers because they are the least risk averse, and are easiest to condition to reduce scruples about killing other people - which is the brutal end implementation of your point above.
  11. 2nd P was some of the worst hockey I've seen the Wings play in a while. Just sort of standing around on defense waiting for something bad to happen. On the bright side maybe that energy they didn't spend in the 2nd will be available in the 3rd. They will need it. Rangers have a lot of comebacks.
  12. So the Wings drove a stake through the Caps heart Tuesday night...
  13. So I didn't hear it, but got the recap from the afternoon crew - Yzerman gave an interview and said he did think the playoff experience would be good for his team, and that he could be a buyer at the deadline but was not interested in any rentals.
  14. Elon probably put this one out this morning just for MB.
  15. assuming he was ever 'on' it, which we don't know either.
  16. Doug Fister claimed he could throw from the other side just as well, but he never tried in competition - at least not with the Tigers. The strength of 'handedness' does vary in the population. We all know people who are useless with their off hand, and some people who are nearly perfectly ambidextrous, but I'd guess there are not many of the latter.
  17. I think the idea that Yzerman is going to be swayed from "the plan" by two weeks of play or making one wild card berth is over estimated. That is fan sentimentality, not that of a GM trying to build a champion. He is either going to trade Bert or sign him. I absoutely don't see him letting him walk just to make a playoff series they're going to be elimated from anyway. But it's the likelihood of signing him for the $ they want, not making the WC that's going to drive it. Guys pushing the other narrative like WoJo haven't watched SY very closely.
  18. From some of what is coming out now you have to wonder if the Tigers had gotten *too* aggressive about trying to change a few guys. Baseball players operate so near the bleeding edge of their body's and brain's limits that I think that sometimes even if a guy in theory *should* be doing something differently, it may not work for him in practice. It's a fine line coaching staffs have to walk between helping guys and screwing them up and no staff is going to get it right every time, you just hope you can put a staff in place that gets it right more often. For the Tigers, it appears they were on the wrong side of the line for Faedo and I'm guessing Torkelson as well (and possibly Coolbaugh at the parent club in general) but OTOH, to be fair, they also had several guys like Lipcius, Perez, Brieske, Wentz, and Meadows make a lot of progress last season.
  19. when a switch pitcher faces a switch hitter, who gets the last switch? (the hitter) And where do you get a custom reversable baseball mitt?
  20. It's easy rhetoric to do what Reagan did and make rhetorical hay out of when the government screws up, and then. conclude the answer is to kill the gov completely. Easy to do and easy to get funded by the commercial interests who want nothing more than to get that government along with that pesky 'public' out of the way of their profits. However the real answer to when the gov screws up is to go back, roll up your sleeves and try to make it work better. You will always fail, but the process of continuing to try is the only thing that allows successful countries to muddle through to any kind of long term success. In the end the gov is us, and if succeed in killing the gov, we will wake up to find we have killed ourselves as well.
  21. the thing about spin rates is it depends on the pitch. Great spin rate on your FB and you are Justin Verlander. Great spin rate on your slider at 18 and you're probably on the surgical table by 21. 😱🤔
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