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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Maybe like Shrub, and even Obama to a lesser extent, Carter would have done better if the Presidency had come to him later in life. In any case, I don't know if we've had a President redeem himself to the public after a less than positively viewed presidency to the degree Jimmy Carter has. Most ex-presidents who leave office less than at peace with their tenure become crotchety old guys like Hoover, or like Nixon insist on trying to regain some kind of relevancy that the public has no interest in bestowing. Carter as President was sort of an immodest, small minded, self-righteous jerk. But he mellowed out and found a better self in his retirement.
  2. That's on a par with DTE now wanting us to pay for them to trim trees on 'your property' which are actually on *their* easements. Why do you demand the rights on the property then ask the homeowner to pay for the maintenance on it anyway?
  3. Interesting issue. My home NAS uses the Google TOPT app, at the "U" everything is mobile push to an app called DUO. ATT, SSA, among sites that use SMS 2FA though...
  4. LOL - Correct. But it they assumed everyone was really picking BPA, everyone's list would converge too much and they wouldn't generate any buzz.
  5. the problem is that NHL can't decide what it wants to be. A number of years ago they decided get rid of the fighting and they put rules in place for that - but now they regret that and want to go back to a more 'let the boys settle things' approach so they still have all the retaliation rules but they have stopping giving penalties to instigators the way the concept was intended. And in front of the net is where you see it the most. For a few years the 1st guy that did anything in front of the net it was 2min and it really cleaned up the nonsense around the goalies. Now the 1st move gets ignored and we're back to having scrums in the crease everytime a goalie holds a shot - which I think is completely stupid, and its the retaliators getting busted. But that apparently is the game that Toronto likes.
  6. The other one that sort of floored me is that they've decided Haase sets up a *foot* further back than he should. How can coaches not notice if a guy a fricking foot further back than other guys? How does a guy spend 6-7 yrs in the minors and nobody says to him, "you know kid, some of those breaking balls you receive would still be in the zone if you caught them a little closer to the plate." And this wasn't even the Tiger org, but Cleveland, who are supposed to be pretty on the ball, right? It's hard to escape the feeling that most of the time these poor guys spend in the minors is totally wasted for them.
  7. The Faedo story is really depressing to read. At one point Avila seemed to be going in the right direction - he had the Tigers working with some bio-mechanics people at UM, but either they picked to wrong people to talk to, balked at the bill, or whatever; that effort obviously came to nothing.
  8. I've also said this as a joke but it's also true - If OSHA had jurisdiction over baseball they would have had to change the was pitchers throw a long time ago. Now of course, that's a joke because we don't care that guys making millions of dollars make a concious decision to put their UCLs at more risk that we allow workers who get more ordinary paychecks to take whether they are willing or not, but consider all the MiLB kids who end up with surgery who never get any kind of payday from baseball. Of course there are lot injuries in all sports, but off hand I can't think of any other sport where you have a particular injury which has become so much a matter of inevitability rather than just the risk of random accident.
  9. Never followed him as a player but always had good thoughts about him because I had a Sal Bando model glove that I liked a lot.
  10. he's getting worse. Both legs quaking and his right hand clenched on the chair for suppression. Unfortunately even if it is Parkinson's it could still take a long time to kill him.
  11. I wouldn't care if the corporate inc tax stays low as long as all corporate derived income i.e. - stock awards, stock options, dividends and capital gains get taxed at the same rates as ordinary incomce. But give me one or the other at least.
  12. Sure, there are teams like the Yankees whose local networks are intact, but that wouldn't stop MLB and the orphaned teams teams from setting up a network with no backout for the participating teams. Blackouts would only need to remain for those areas with RSNs remaining. But that would still be a big step toward a more fan friendly system. As a fan in Det who may want to watch both the Tigers and Yankees on the same service, what do a I care if a Yankee fan still needs 'YES' ? 🤷‍♀️
  13. what's the diff? The way managers work it today, they use so many guys they almost guarantee that they are going to bring in someone having an off-day. I say that tongue in cheek but I do believe that the modern system completely misses the reality that on any given day, some guys are not going to be able to perform, and that the more guys you regularly use in one game, the more games you put at risk of hitting a guy who gets shelled and loses that game. That goes under what I would call genneral over confidence in numbers. A player is NOT his stats. His stats are only the average of what he is over time. On any given day he might be anything other than what his stats say he should be. Ignore that at your peril as a manager.
  14. They've seen you coming for a long time...
  15. No starters, no relievers. The perfectly symmetric pitching staff.: 12 pitchers, everybody throws 3 innings every 4th day.
  16. 4th line getting into the act. 5-2 with 15:30 left
  17. McCarver turned me off early as a broadcaster by coming into Det to do a Tiger game once without having done his homework - I don't remember which pitcher but he was rambling on about a Tigers pitcher's certain pitch -- which was one he didn't throw. After that it was easy to never give him the benefit of the doubt I guess. OTOH, he was good in the booth at all the aesthetic things - nice voice, good delivery.
  18. Is the ice in this arena generally crappy? Seems like an inordinate number of pucks bouncing over sticks. Makes for choppy game. and Trevor still does the worst interviews in all of US sports.
  19. this is the kind of case that cries out for a really punative judgement, which is likely to come, and then eventually be vacated by a craven Supreme Court.
  20. LOL - giving up the bad goal seems to have finally woken them up a little. The 1-1 to end 1.
  21. Wings can't even make a clean pass to save their lives now.
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