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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Cade could still disappoint. He has to become a more consistent shooter than he has shown to justify having been 1/1
  2. Hockey does recognize goalies as a unique position- for instance goalies don't serve their penalties and other special rules apply to them. But the distinction between forwards and defenseman is purely internal to a team, the rules don't recognize any difference between the 5 skaters. and even in football, all an O-lineman has to do check in with the official and he can participate in a play anyway anyone else can.
  3. if you want to know the real reason the railroads have problems, it's because we don't make trucks pay for the cost of the damage they do to roads. If we did, truck freight costs would rise, and rail transport everywhere would be more competitive. More externalized costs and crooked social cost accounting. Find a problem in America and I'll wager you can easily find a route to a business where costs have been allowed to be externalized - even guns, maybe especially guns.
  4. yeah. then again, things can always change -- if he plays well. Play well and some team might decide they don't care about past baggage. Heck if he plays well enough the Wings might decide they don't care about past baggage. 🤣 I think the limiting factor is the time though. Even if there is some change in the underlying reality (which is admittedly probably a long shot) there is a limit to what you can prove in any direction between now and March 3.
  5. In the Freep St.James seems pretty adamant that they've only brought him back to try to move him, but she doesn't offer the reasons for why she believes that.
  6. this may all be true but compounding old bad decisions with more new bad decisions is no way to make progress.
  7. Ted Cruz should meet a Fire Marshall sometime. But even so, one door just means it's open more continuosly.
  8. Has anyone ever watched a school bldg door during class change? You can't lock down buildings that hundreds of people have to go in and out of every hour. Even if the first person has to card to open the door, all the people flowing behind are just going to enter on one door opening. Anyone can just fade into the queue. Do people have brains at all? To do this would require a much more sophisticated system. For instance everyone carries a RF ID and the system would have to scan the number of bodies entering and match to the number of ID's detected. Conceivably possible - not trivial to do. And even then you would only know an unauthorized person entered - it wouldn't have prevented the entry.
  9. Yeah - I don't think things will change unless a large enough number of states get to together to force a Constitutional Crisis. As long as you have a gun control president who refuses to call out the army against the states. I can imagine we might get chaos in a lot of police departments when 2A supporting cops argue they should refuse to follow state law......
  10. Money has a logic all of its own 💰!. When you throw around the kinds of $$ the Rangers have I think players automatically believe winning is inevitable.
  11. That's been discussed here before. I guess all we can say is that we know they considered it before the last Bally contract was signed and decided the existing arrangement was more profitable for them. Which makes sense in a way since Bally was paying more than they could ulitmately afford!
  12. the only way around that short term would have been for Ilitch to persuade someone like Theo Epstein to come here. A person with so much track record that he could sell a future FAs would believe in. Harris just doesn't have that kind of track record. He is going to have to show progress before anyone trusts that he's going to get to where he is selling.
  13. If you inherit the assets of the RSN, you inherit a set of existing ad sales staffs that have all the contacts and relationships in place. I think the biggest hurdle is that if MLB holds all the rights and sends all the games out on one service, how do teams participate in the revenue? Right now the RSN money all (largely?) goes local. If MLB originated everything I would guess there would be some attempt made to nationalize at least some part of the income and that's were the battle gets fought.
  14. I don't know how comparable the two are. Note that Baseball has literally thousands of games, gives MLB a much broader base over which to distribute the cost of the network - or in short - the economies of scale are more favorable for MLB>
  15. I don't think they are any more obstrusive than they ever were in terms changing the outcome of the game play. Replay has made officiating more time consuming, but we've always had officials making game swinging calls at critical parts of big games, because players have always crossed the line on infractions trying to get a edge at a critical point of big games. You could do away with replay completely and go go back to the status quo ante, and it would remove the delays, but I don't know how you ever force fans to go back to accepting the normal proportion of bad calls you are going to get when you have 10 angles of super slo mo video indicting each of those missed calls.
  16. Suspect dead at his own hand. 43 yrs old and no known (so far) affiliation with the University.
  17. The Wings won the first few minutes of the 1st and 3rd in a big way, but as Ozzie said, the Wings were beneficiaries of a lot of puck luck the rest of the time. The game was a lot closer if you looked at overall offensive zone time. But we'll take it.
  18. 6-1. Wings score on a 6 on 5 delayed penalty call. Can even remember the last time I saw the Wings do that.
  19. which is more useless as a finisher, Zadina or Veleno?
  20. In my book it's pretty simple, if you can't afford to operate without putting other people's lives at risk, maybe you shouldn't be operating. This all comes down to maybe my biggest complaint about the way we do capitalism - externalized costs. I seems like no business in American can do business without the true liabilities for the real costs they incur being shuffied off to someone (everyone) else. It will be stupid Inability to do proper cost accounting that will be the downfall of the system when it collapses.
  21. this is 1970's level tech. No reason for there not to be a wireless mesh system on the train that reports bad bearings/hot spots the to engineer in the train in real time. That would be modern tech. OK there is a reason - no-one has forced them to do better - for all the reasons you stated. Heck, it's only been in the last few years they have finally implemented an occupied track non collision system that's been in the proposed stage for a generation. It's the F'ing 21st century and we have half a dozen *ungated* RR grade crossings around Ann Arbor because the RR won't pay for even that 100 yr old tech.
  22. But unlike the NFL blackouts of yesteryear, MLB TV blackouts are not to protect ticket sales, and they don't benefit the home *directly*. They are to protect the RSN, the theory being that more valuable RSN rights mean bigger payments to the teams. But with the RSNs going under and the rights all devolving back to the teams and league, this is the perfect time to rationalize the system. With all the broadcast rights back in one place, the teams can in theory collect the full value of the broadcasts and MLB could offer Gameday to customers for *all* games for one fee. So simple you *know* it won't happen.
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