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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. There was a report that a random security camera caught the brakes and/or bearings on this train on fire 20 miles prior to the derailment. The condition of US rolling stock and rail tech is purely third world. But no, we don't need regulators, the invisible hand of market will cure all our ills.....
  2. All true enough. Still, all those teams won't be standing still either, some of them will find good players in the draft, etc. NFL careers are short and NFL teams have 53 players so every football team turns over a lot season to season.
  3. We can all breath a sigh of relief - the MSM has weighed in..... https://www.nytimes.com/article/ohio-train-derailment.html
  4. I prefer the other view. The officials shouldn't just let the team that abuses the rules (and or the other team!) the most, win. Just because the stakes are higher doesn't mean the rules should be bent more or because one team is willing to bet the officials won't call them for illegal play because it's late in a big game. If anything you have two teams that are supposed to represent the epitome of performance - they should be able to at least meet the same standard of play that they did in the regular season. This wasn't really a controversial call, The DB directly held back the receiver on the way to where he wanted to go. That is going to be called every time it's seen. Granted it's not always seen, but that's a different question.
  5. then, there is this: https://www.mic.com/articles/107896/scientists-finally-prove-why-pop-music-all-sounds-the-same
  6. got nailed once in about 4th or 5th grade. A huge windstorm had hit the neighborhood and ripped shingles off all the roofs around the school and the pieces were all over the school playground. So at lunch/recess kids started frisbee-ing them around at each other and some of us thought we were likely to get killed. So a couple buds and I started collected them and taking them off the field. Of course what do we know about dumpsters at that age(which were probably locked anyway)? So we found an out of the way niche around the side of building to stash them. The bidie of an art teacher whose room windows overlooked the area turned us in. We got no hearing that we were removing the stuff from the field. Probably turned me into a bomb throwing LE sceptic on that very day..... 💣🥷
  7. The Guardian covered it, but mostly from the angle of Bakken crude moving through the same corridors. Also CBS. Pittsburg Papers been working it. Unfortunately, in given the way local news capability has collapsed in the US, we probably can't get much national attention to an event with no immediate casualties or obvious political fallout.
  8. The only call in this one I had an issue with was giving KC another bite at the challenge after ruling no play after the catch they then overturned. You have to challenge before the next snap. I don't think it should make a difference if the result of that snap is wiped out. But I assume that was the fault of the rule book, not the particular officials.
  9. IIRC Anhueser-Busch did not run a Budweiser ad during the SB. Is that a first in 57yrs? And was the Dodge Ram electric pickup the best or worst ad of the night?
  10. I think if it's reasoanble to assume the action prevented the receiver from getting to where the ball was supposed to be thrown it's a good call, and holding a jersey does absolutely slow you down, so I don't have a problem with that call, but if this game did demonstrate anything about NFL rules, it's that there is no logical way to explain what is or isn't a catch.
  11. Not his best effort. The man is clearly slipping.
  12. well sure, but you're not going to get Taiwan's semiconductor foundries by invading them - I would guess the Taiwanese would destroy them before they let Xi have them. As Muad'dib would say "He who has the power to destroy a thing controls it absolutely"
  13. The die was cast when the first signal/banwidth supplier agreed to pay a content provider for programming. The transaction should go the other way! The content provider receives ad revenue. They should be paying the bandwidth provider to transport their content - how it ever came to be inverted is an interesting question.
  14. At a single point in time there you can always select of a subset of your customers willing to pay a higher price and then maximize revenue at a sales point with fewer, higher value sales. But that is at a point in time of an established market. But for pro sport its the TV that creates the market in the first place. Cut back on the wide desemination of the games and the overall customer base shrinks, and eventually the numbers willing to pay the premium price begin to fall as well. So long term it's self-defeating for the sport as a whole, even if a manager can boost his quarterley revenue short term. Given the nature of US corporate governance, it's easy to understand how this kind self-defeating strategy becomes the order of the day. People confuse 'Market Economy' and the particular organzational evolution of US corporate structure and management. They are not the same thing, and you can have a market economy and its benefits with a vastly different set legal and organizational structures than the particular ones that have evolved in the US and no doubt a better one at that.
  15. Which make you wonder what the attraction of Taiwan is, since it has one of the lowest fetility rates in the world. Population pressure driving a decision desire to take over a place that is going to need even more services for the aged than the mainland. Brilliant.
  16. Well you have to admit the Chinese should be amused by the asymetry of what these floaters probably cost them (assuming this last thing originated in China) and what we are spending to go get them. How could you not be? Just rolling one F22 down the runway probably costs more than whatever comprises their whole fleet of these little response magnets. I'm not knocking that we've decided to play our half of the game kinetically, but that doesn't make it less funny in the "swatting flies with a howitzer" kind of way.
  17. Chinese NORAD detection limit test balloons? $49.99 a pop on AliBaba?
  18. right, but they didn't 'get' him for the trade pieces, they 'got' him for the $dollars spent. The question was what kinds of players the Wings could expect to draw with their trade pieces, which is a bit different question from how much the Wings are willing to pay for a FA - which is the bigger part of what NY did (i.e. pay as opposed to trade) to nail down Horvat as more than a rental.
  19. Seider's fine. They just need to get to where he isn't trying to do the work or 2 or 3 players by himself. That's one place the Wings at least have some leadership - their two best players - Larkin and Seider, are strong team guys. You couldn't blame either one for playing a more selfish game, but neither does.
  20. We have to hope the consensus scouting report on Bertuzzi doesn't converge to: "good player on a bad team, but maybe not good enough player to be good on a better team."
  21. Sure, but but keep in mind all NY got was a rental and the chance to negotiate from less distance with a free agent. They didn't give up that much but they didn't yet land anything like a long term piece of their future either (which is what the Wings are still looking for)
  22. They are in a tough spot. They already have lots of middling guys - what they need -as I think you noted - are a few more top end guys and usually you get those from high picks or big FA signings. Unless you send out Larkin or Seider, which gets you nowhere they are the only upper echelon talents you have, I don't see any one on this roster bringing back enough to get the Wings what they need.
  23. you can buy a lot of plane tickets for a couple extra million.
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