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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Wasn't Weaver just quoted as saying you win by dominating the boards? Hasn't anyone told him that when half the shots in a game are threes you can't dominate rebounding from the post because rebounds go everywhere?
  2. Hronek took advantage of the space to come in about 10-15' closer, he'd been taking all his shots almost at the line - closer is always better!
  3. yeah - that was a bad stretch. The Vancouver PP goal was pretty terrible also - they let him walk right down the slot. But like somebody said on a broadcast recently - the game burns so much energy it's almost impossible for any team to play a whole game without some let downs- you just hope you can still keep things to the side and your goalie is sharp. It's a tough competition between them but I wonder whether Sundqvist or Rasmussen falls down more times in one game.....🙃
  4. IDK if I'd go *that* far. . There was a lot of frustration with Drummond from day one. If we recall, two things with young Drummond was that he didn't have strong hands, and since he couldn't hit FTs he was going to be fouled down low even if had better post moves. I don't know if Wiseman has strong enough hands to hold onto the ball better than Drummond, but he's going to start out ahead of young Drummond just by virtue of being able to hit his FTs. Assuming the deal goes through...
  5. The lack of ability to find/develop talent that hadn't been demonstrated yet is exactly why Avila is gone. It's how a FO creates a winning team without simply buying it at premium cost, which is what you have to do to acquire talent that has been demonstrated. So one way to look at this is that we now have Harris exactly because Ilitch hopes/believes he is going have a higher batting average on the "acquire for what they could become" piece. So must we all.
  6. It's bench minutes, but his 3pt% this sesason is over 40%. Stanley only playing for layups and treys nowadays and apparently doing better for it - highest eFG% of his career.
  7. One must be aware of not cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. To be on the receiving end of advanced Chinese tech where we control the grounds as compared to years of being coerced into putting our tech on the ground in China where they controlled it isn't the part of US/Chinese relations I'm going to lose the most sleep over.
  8. small detail and not about the politics, but the article appears to say Ford is planning to put Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries in vehicles as opposed to the more common "Lithium Ion" type. I've used LIP batteries - they are safer and probably will give longer lifecycles, but they are not as space/weight efficient as LI.
  9. I think you can sacrifice a fair amount of defense at the corners for offense. A lot of teams have won a lot of games with a LF, 1B and 3B that weren't great gloves, but 2B, SS, CF probably not so much. What you don't want to do is give up offense for defense in LF and then play a SS who can't field!
  10. Beck with his starting line-up forecasts has Baddoo competing for platoon time in *right* field. That would be daylight madness with his arm.
  11. if the market decided, good chance that means he's playing for someone else.
  12. so in general it is true that the players in any given era are probably better than those that went before, especially given the shooting skill that has developed in the league - still it might be fun to see what one of today's teams would do against a hard nosed defensive team like the bad boys under the old rules. Maybe there was a reason that nobody shot 33% from the three point line back in the day. 🤔
  13. /...sigh.../ The board is already too resigned to another disaster season. However, It won't be premature if he stays on schedule.
  14. translation: "Here we are at 35 and 65 again..."
  15. Cleveland got Garland and Mobley and won more than 20 more games in Mobley's first season. Cade played 64 games his 1st season and the Pistons still only won 20 of them. We pick up #5 and #13 in 2022 and are still a 20 win team. And we are still left hoping Case plus Mr X from the '23 draft will be the saviors once they play together -- but the expectation anything they do in the draft changes things has to fade after watching the last two drafts have zero impact on win totals. It's great to be able to say you have these nice young players - but they're supposed to make a difference.
  16. On the glass half full side - He is still on the young side for the development of a 7 footer
  17. Boyd was expected back sooner - he had a definite rehab set back. Of course anyone else could also You really can't count on anything wth pitchers, but if Skubal can stay on the prescribed schedule without such a set back, he has a shot a being out less time than Boyd was. That's about all you can say.
  18. Yeah, sort of like Al Avila used to collect also-ran middle infielders hoping one would eventually hit. We saw how well that worked out....
  19. it still depends. It's not just twitter alone - I think the war in Ukraine is a good example of that. There is a flood of information of all types about the war reported on twitter. Very little if any of it ever moves the public immagination or the MSM to cover the war much more actively. So no doubt Twitter news is a huge source, but Twitter news content doesn't seem to drive broader agendas by itself, other ingredients need to be present. I guess it provides a vehicle to the public to become interested in a story and that drives the rest of media - but I think it's worth maintaining the distinction between twitter content generators driving agendas vs the broader public being responsible for bringing something that may have initially appeared on twitter to the cultural forefront. The latter effect of what catches the public fancy is capricious and largely unpredictable as opposed to being driven by Twitter content generators. Not that they don't try.
  20. The Pistons have something like 10 top ten picks in the past 11 yrs, 7 of those yrs under Gores, and they still have a roster that can't win games. Coaches come and go, management comes and goes - they are showing a disturbing trend toward a WCF rut under Gores.
  21. Speaking of Britain, it's sounding like they may be ones to break the ice and send a Western airframe to Ukraine.
  22. The Freep's puff piece on Santana went directly to that point. Garko (as per Petzold) said they are less interested in changing his swing/mechanics than just making him stronger to get his bat speed up https://www.freep.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2023/02/01/detroit-tigers-prospect-cristian-santana-takes-next-step-in-growth/69857673007/
  23. Sure, it's always a balance of what else the guy brings. We had a guy even in the game as it was played a few years back make a pretty good name for himself as a running back who you'd be hard pressed to find film of doing much blocking....
  24. agree a RB should not be expected to do much against DE/DT on an overload, but a lot of blitzes are LBs or DBs and a RB should be able hold his own in those situations. I would still rate it at a useful skill.
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