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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Hens fall 3-1 but the 1 was a Torkbomb on a 1st pitch FB. Mize with the start. 3.1 IP, 0R 1H 1BB 3K 50 pitches. Best FBs ~95mph
  2. I'm not a person that pines for the good old days. But this is the one aspect that is really depressing to me. It really should be embarrassing for anyone to support this scumbag. And it is such a measure of the increasing acceptance of incivility on our society that there are media servers that will even put this out. Of course if Trump is Exhibit 1 with the media, Elon is 1A with the medium.
  3. I assume Seattle's BP must be in bad shape for Servais to leave Kirby out there to get hammered.
  4. keep the virgins locked away if the rice crop is failing.....
  5. That's an interesting question. Not sure DeSantis going AWOL would move Sunshine State Trumpers or not. At this point Trump may be the more popular of the two in-state.
  6. let them burn as much public opinion capital as possible before the convention, so if the CPD does boot them to the curb no-one will care.
  7. fireable offense. Ilitch claimed he was bringing in a someone to build a winner, when all we're getting is a pretty face in a polo with another con.
  8. This morning's July PPI release 0.1%; 2.2% year over year. "Core" PPI 0.3/3.3%
  9. I don't really care if they cut him as long as they find someone to play in front of him. If that's a guy that comes up from the system fine, but if that guy isn't there you pay the $$ and sign or trade for someone. SS is too important to leave as a hole in your lineup. To amend my previous take - cutting him is actually another matter. I would say cutting him or not comes down to whether he's going to be a malcontent if he doesn't start. If so, then you let him go. if he'll play out his deal as backup 2b/ss and late inning defensive replacement, then fine.
  10. Statcast currently has Colt at +1 runs above average and the kid is turning the DP as well as anyone. Colt at 2B is not going to be pressing problem for the Tigers. If Jung doesn't cut it at 2b that will present a dilemma though.
  11. Bush Jr and Trump do share that they are/were both empty vessels intellectually. All they had was ambition, and they let the people around them use them as conduits for beliefs/programs they really didn't care about, understand, or have their own vision about. For Trumps it's all purely transactions for the votes, With Bush Jr he was buying credibility for being the serious person he never was. So Bush became the creature of the neo-cons in FP and the large number of legal wackos he put in at DOJ. Trump by racists, white nationalists and anti-abortion evangelicals. Now Trump has reached new levels of transparency with his admission of his policy being bought by Musk. I think DJT thinks he's somehow going to get hip or cool points for jumping into bed with Elon, but advertising that he is proud to be bought by campaign contributions (oil industry also) probably isn't going to be a good look with any independents.
  12. I think it’s more like Carlos is the resident malcontent now, nothing any team does suits him.
  13. FWIW, I just saw a story about Tork - I think in the Freep. Coach says he is +2 runs on defense in his time at Toledo so far. found it... https://www.freep.com/story/sports/columnists/carlos-monarrez/2024/08/09/detroit-tigers-should-call-up-spencer-torkelson-triple-a-toledo/74720785007/ (While I generally don't consider Carlos as knowing anything about Det baseball, I assume he can get a quote right.)
  14. If they don't bite the bullet and cut Javy loose at the end of this season after 3 yrs of futility, any confidence I have left in this management will be gone. if you can't cut bait when you have to, you don't have enough will to win to ever get out of mediocrity. There will always be something that didn't work out, some player that disappoints, someone who got too many years, someone with a career ending injury -- it is inevitable. Its just a normal part of the overhead for any pro sport franchise today. If you are going to let it freeze your org every time it happens, you are done before you ever even get out of the gate. Fielder, Zimmermann, Martinez, Cabrera, Baez. it happens, it will keep happening. It's not the exceptional condition, it's the normal condition. The Tigers have been using dead payroll as an excuse not to improve for too long.
  15. It's more than a little disappointing that management hasn't come up with at least a replacement level SS in 23 months on the job. It's not like no one knew it was a need.
  16. I think I made the observation before that if you are scouting a guy and everything he does already looks right technically but he still gets no results, maybe you'll have more luck with a guy like Sweeney where ( assuming your assessment) you can identify some stuff to work on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. In another sign the apocalypse is upon us, NYT has announced it will no longer endorse candidates for State and local elections in the state and city of NY. That puts them one step closer to never making any at all, and thus never having to cross their capitalist overlords by endorsing candidates whose election would be in the service of the common good of their readers. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/12/business/media/the-new-york-times-editorial-board-political-endorsements.html
  18. he's been a high K guy with a so-so glove so far. I guess no-one is going to worry too much about the glove until he proves he can hit enough to make to the majors - which he does seem to be working at!
  19. absolutely. and if you do use your credit card - always uncheck "save my credit card info". And while it can be an initial inconvenience, you can go one step further - open a bank account linked to paypal with a low minimum balance. Feed that account as you go only what you anticipate spending with paypal. You now have an absolute limit on your liability should it all get hacked.
  20. just watched the rest of this one I missed. Malloy still pretty brutal in LF. Colt hitting the ball hard and playing some good 2B. Greene, Keith, Vierling, Carpenter are your solid major leaguers. Meadows looks like a pretty sure bet as well. So 5 guys. If Dingler hits that 6, if Tork makes it back 7, or you sign at least one real major league hitter and now you are in range of a lineup that can get you somewhere. That's closer than they have been in a while. So oddly enough for next season it looks like more pitching question marks than on the hitting side. Haven't been in that situation in a while.
  21. It's funny how the government forced TV broadcasters to adopt new standards and frequencies when technology changed, but never forced AM broadcasters to shut down and go to the FM band. Maybe the move to digital TV was actually less cutting edge when it happened than the introduction of FM was in its time so there was more doubt about whether it would be viable, plus FM had no capability like the big regional clear channel stations of the time. Also the spectrum of the AM band is probably not worth much to anyone else the way the big chunks of the UHF band that has been re-allocated is.
  22. I keep hoping for the day when political advertising becomes so ineffective candidates give it up. Even today I have to doubt anyone believes anything they see/hear in a political ad, but I imagine they can still be useful/effective for driving turnout of people whose minds are already made up.
  23. it was his first AB of the game so no prior HBP. He had made one play in the field on a GB prior to his AB..
  24. you know Trumps logon credentials are on PostIt notes on his monitor.
  25. I'd guess more reviews/interviews on the Miles Taylor book must have hit recently.
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