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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'm a bit thick - struggled to see the connection to anything here until the SO reminded me Ono spent time in Cinncinati. I guess the key is on the outer carton - it's an Ohio product he maybe missed in B.C.
  2. what's the deal on his line? Last couple of years he's had 50% more goals than assists. Not a classic ratio for a center.
  3. Beyond the supply line and turbine maintenance expertise required, another issue with Abrams is that they are a 60 ton tank - they won't be moving around much in any spring mud! USDOD analysis about their suitability for the task is probably spot on, but you do what ya gotta do.
  4. this is fine. Ukraine can make a show of running a few Abrams around and then use the rest for fixed defenses if they have to while they climbe the learning curve - but if it unsticks the coordination of the larger international effort we can live with a move that creates some suboptimal logistics
  5. Can you play next to Larkin? (asking for a friend)
  6. Lindsay does have this dangerous (to himself) talent for occasionally stumbing into the truth. It can take his best effort but he always does manage to get up again and move past it.
  7. The Pistons are a hot mess. Bad coach, bad team, high picks spent on players that are not panning out (Hayes), can't get on the court (Cunningham), or still have to learn to shoot the basketball (Ivey) or would be great players for an older era (Duren). The headwinds are just too much for this franchise to get anywhere.
  8. Really? Whose mind do you think it changed about anything? I tend to think that is was the at the cutting edge of the American system of media confirmation bias - but Lear was clever enough that it confirmed everyone's biases both ways. I think Liberals who think it was some kind of landmark at pushing cultural boundaries completely misunderstand how all the real Archies watching the show understood it. And I think Lear knew that perfectly well, basking in the glow of liberal affirmation while trotting to the bank with the proceeds of the conservative viewership's simultaneous self-satisfaction.
  9. I mean really. Have we ever had an off season whirlwind of activity to match this one?
  10. I guess I'm in the minority but I never found AITF very funny. Maybe because my father was a big fan who liked it because he never saw it as satire at all. I suppose that guaranteed a negative response from my youthful oppositional self. Jean Stapleton was brilliant though. Her ability to stay in that character through any and everything was epic.
  11. LOL. Then again, Price at least speaks in complete sentences ecapsulating discrete concepts, which puts him in a league beyond what Matt Shepherd achieves on any regular basis.
  12. Rassussen is nice player but I think he's shown he doesn't have quite level of value that would prevent me from including him in a reasonable trade.
  13. True, and the coaches on the team who drew them up would know more about whether a receiver is running his routes precisely.
  14. We can only hope. There seem to be two lines on the graph going in opposite directions. The Russians started with their best kit and theirs is degrading while Ukraine's is improving, but the manpower line is going to keep tilting in the Russian direction as Putin continues ramp up the mobilization level in Russia. As Putin's inspiration (may have) put it, quantity has a quality of it own. I have to say I didn't think Russian society would put up the loses reaching what they already have, so all bets are off on what Putin may manage to drive them to.
  15. You have to imagine imagine Perez' and Lipcius' K good rates have the attention of the new regime.
  16. You wonder if there was a little 3D chess being played there where Shanahan had some idea Dallas might try going no line if he showed no rush when he knew he still had a TO to get out it and Dallas wouldn't when they lined up again.
  17. Certainly ended up a goof ball play. When SF came back from the TO they changed it up and Dallas was screwed leaving the line empty.
  18. Kind of retro to see the run game creeping back into winning football recently. SF eventually wore Dallas down enough that the run game starting grinding them up in the 4th and that was the difference.
  19. this is all good - much later than it should have been to be there now when it's most needed, but good. But don't you have the gnawing suspicion that neither side in this war gains a clear advantage until they achieve air superiority on the battle field? The Russians have shown they can't, but the West continues to embargo air frames for Ukraine the would test the opposite proposition.
  20. yeah - who knows - he's certainly old enough to remember or have been involved in the Sino/Vietnamese border battles that followed on the heels of the US withdrawal - there could be backstory there as well.
  21. I thought one idea was to swap consignment of some number in refurb as the backfill to a country that was willing to deliver equipment that was ready to roll?
  22. Does TJ have a problem with zigging when he should be zagging?
  23. sometimes a party shooting might be a gang related situation but it sounds like this guy might have actually tried to shoot up another venue, was stopped by people in the crowd and so moved on to this one. I guess it's unclear whether it was the same person for certain but they are thrying to check that out as they looks for the guy.
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