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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. BTW, if you think Warde is on thin ice with Ono, there is this to consider. He could be blowing smoke, but here it is... https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2022/10/see-santa-ono-talk-nil-and-plans-for-university-of-michigans-future.html
  2. As far as his mingling endeavors at UM, I heard he's played Cello with the University Orchestra, but it's probably been too cold for him to have investigated any of the reputed clothing optional bends along the Huron River....
  3. but is that any worse than your 2nd corner being exposed against the guy your new #1 corner is now covering? Don't see a downside here - but I assume your funnin'
  4. This 'investigation' was probably pointless from the get go. I'd be surprised if the Supreme Court had a computer system secure enough to track things to a grain fine enough to detect the duplication of a document. It's not an institution that is supposed to keep state secrets! Plus I woudn't think that in most systems it its very hard for anyone who has access to an electronic document to create a practical duplicate of the text in clever enough ways to evade detection by a system logger anyway - (e.g., without simply copying the file). Not to mention that from the reporting it apparently would not have been particularly difficult to walk out with a hard copy either.
  5. Yeah - I'm all on a good corner. And the other neat thing with a finding a shut-down corner is that it can bump each other guy in the secondary to an easier cover. Mulitplication by addition.
  6. Yup - but that's the way it goes in life - just ask Bill Buckner...
  7. you realize that only about 20% of the faculty participated in that vote? And only half of them were unhappy - so that is 10%. Mostly the leftside unhappy 10% that mirror the MAGA in the larger society on the other side. There was very little actual compliant that I could see from serious people on campus anywhere about the way Schlissel handled COVID. They promulgated a solid Vax policy, had a fully functioning testing and tracking regime in place, got quickly into waster water testing/tracking, and had intelligent processes for how to determine what actions were going to be safe and which weren't. Had a very good information/policy awareness/education program up and running and got a complete remote work system off the ground. A LOT of resources were positioned to support/facilitate seamless transistion from live to remote classes on the fly as necessary. I thought it was a well led and damn impressive effort. The thing you have to realize is that UM is fun target for the Det papers - and as a big institution they are fair game, but in general it's all squeaky wheel stuff that you read about - whether it is in any way representative of what is actually going on on campus is purely incidental. Schlissel's problem is that he didn't know how, or maybe after a few years just began to stop caring, about keeping the regents happy with their political needs and pet donor projects. That certainly was foolish wrt helping him defend his position (I really half suspect he was looking to get fired.....), but generally little of that stuff is actually important to the real life of the University. And the truth is the Dems, who control the board of Regents, have put up some pretty terrible regent candidates. When you have a couple of ambulance chasers and an Ilitch family also ran as the majority of your democratic party regents caucus, the likelihood of cultural disconnect with your typical lifetime academic administrator is going to be pretty high. Anyway, that's my take FWIW.
  8. It can take a while.... It took Schlissel 8 yrs to do himself in, Harbaugh has had about as long and so far is still only at the misdemeanor level (😱). Martin Philbert only lasted three as Provost but got away with his act for probably 10 yrs on the faculty before that. With regard to Pearson - AFAIK they didn't substantiate any of the serious charges against him and in the end he appeared to have been dumped primarily not hewing to current cultural imperatives. Actually, I would guess Schlissel might even have survived his 'stupidity' with the proper self-flagellations if he had had the support of the Regents, but he had already lost that for being impolitic in ways that had nothing to do with the stupid behavior they used as the excuse to fire him.
  9. of course he was 'standing in the way' if he had no authorization to do anything. People are stupid when they look at large institutions and think things just happen on someone's whim. The test for Manuel on NIL starts from Ono coming on board as of 10/22. Nothing before that has any relevance I have no idea how it will shake out but I do know that most commentary about the University from the sports field comes from a standpoint of general ignorance about the rest of the institution and how it works.
  10. I haven't seen any numbers on what they have done on NIL so I don't have any basis to comment. One can only assume they have done something adequate to keep Harbaugh on board. I'd said at the time that Schilssel was fired that NIL became a frozen topic at UM because policy regarding that kind of money had to be a Presidential level decision and Mary Sue was not going to be the one to make it. So nothing could happen until Ono was in place. That may well have irritated Harbough - and legitimately, but there was nothing Warde Manuel could have done about it.
  11. you think a major college coach like Harbaugh sufferes his AD to be tweaking how smoothly this program is 'running' from day to day? I doubt it. Your complaints are about the coaches, not the AD. Teams and coach management is a head coach responsibility. Also, I would guess that the fact that Manuel still seems happily ensconced in his job would indicate that he and Ono basically played a game of bad cop/good cop with Harbaugh, and it appears to have worked, but whether Manuel is still here in 12 months will prove that out one way or the other.
  12. Like Lafreniere? Bird in hand and all that....... But seriously, if he's a UFA, trading him now is basically like a baseball rental isn't it? You still think it's possible to get all that much?
  13. If you were a sport fan, sure, he was a non-entity. In terms of keeping an even keel when the various crazies at the U start running around with their hair on fire, the go-blue tuition guarantee, and also wrt to running the Univeristy through COVID I thought he he pretty much hit everything spot on.
  14. I doubt if Mary Sue did much of anything in terms of initiatives out of the President's office. I can't think of any evidence of it. Her main obligation as interim was to be available for political and fund raising efforts because the donors want to rub elbows with the U Prez .... and to help find Ono.
  15. those are all coach's management issues you are talking about. You are the big Harbaugh fan, did you want Manuel to fire him? Or Howard? Firing Howard over one incident would have generated a lot more heat than his incident did. (The losses will solve that problem soon enough if they continue!). Life is a series of choices of the lesser evil. And he did fire Pearson. Firing coaches is a pretty blunt instrument but that's the main one he has for these kinds of incidents. Warde's bosses have been happy because the program is solvent and supporting new capital investments on campus. For a long time preceeding Ono, the UM admin leadership have not in particular been sport's fans so the bottom line for revenue sports at the Fleming bldg has been - revenue. Ono is definitely more interested, we'll see what difference if any it makes (and the Fleming Bldg is no more). But he certainly doesn't seem in any hurry to have Manuel sanction Harbaugh for 'being in the news' so much, so there's that.
  16. LOL - Doesn't surprise me at all. Schlissel would have ben the first to admit he wouldn't have a clue to how to review Manuel in any meaningful way. I Imagine as long as Law enforcement and the NCAA were staying away and the AD budget balanced he had nothing to say. Not to mention that if they did have any kind of real working relationship, the formal review process is stupid anyway. Formal review processes are for employess whom their managers don't know well enough to be able to evaluate without one.
  17. and all we have is agent speak to this point - so tons of rock salt in order. I have a really hard time seeing them let Larkin walk - esp after SY had him apprentice to and then appointed him captain. OTOH, I can see Larkin feeling the Wings 'owe' him for being underpaid for previous services rendered. If there was ever a player in Det who I would not begrudge a 10-20% overpay it would be Larkin - esp since it has gotten so hard to sign or trade for top tier players in the NHL.
  18. Could be, but I tend to suspect the opposite. I think if you put Larkin between two other players of anywhere near the same talent level he'd be a perenial league point leader. He is a phenomenal set-up man who has waited his whole career in futility for players good enough to do something with his passes. He elevates every player they put on his line, who when they are rotated off it return to being marginally productive players.
  19. this is something that I've thought should be the next unexploited advantage - teaching guys how to add and subtract more. The young JV would +/- almost 8 mph on his FB. If you can upset a hitter's timing without the strain of throwing a breaking ball everytime you want to do it, that's a pure plus. In fact, on the other side, I thought it was something that held back a Fulmer - he could throw hard but every FB was exactly the same speed. And he threw his slider so hard that if the change wasn't working, he had very little timing challenge for a hitter. Of course the hard part is you have to have enough spin/life on your fastball to toss it up there at 91-92 part of the time without it getting hammered.
  20. And everything under the sun is in tune But the sun is eclipsed by the moon
  21. I didn't say there wasn't a reason - just that the reason had consequences. I do have some sympathy, these things don't always come out like they were planned. They spent a couple billion replacing Yankee stadium with a field that was engineered to play exactly equivalently to the old one and missed it by a mile. I think at COPA they made LF too big in part because they were afraid the west wind would make it a band box otherwise - didn't turn out that way at all and so the first move was that LF had to come in. I also like the DT vista quite a bit - but they could have provided some shade for the poor souls on the 3rd base side at a day game.
  22. There is no mechanism to recall a member of Congress at the state level. The House could have refused to seat him - if there had been anything like leadership present there interested in preserving the integrity of the institution. ...OK - I did laugh as I typed those last 4 words.
  23. Krugman's list of some possible end arounds for the debt ceiling if the dems want to get creative:
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