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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. it really jumps out when you read his bio how active he was in the business - the number of different people he launched, encouraged, worked with, is huge. Of course part of that could be that for a number years he may have been in bad enough economic shape he'd take any kind of work that was offered....🤷‍♂️
  2. Raymond from Larkin after a Larkin steal. You can't draw it up any prettier.
  3. Have to admit I'm biased here as hearing the Doors is one sure way to get me to roll the dial on my radio. Morrison's voice had marvelous timbre, but that was just a genetic gift. and the thought of Jim Morrison singing Guinnevere just made me laugh.....
  4. Exactly 84. All they need to do is knock the policy legs out from under Scholz. If they burn too much fuel and the Ukranians can't fix them then they sit. They can sit parked in Ukraine as well as they can sit parked State-side and if they knock Olaf off his backside it's a win/win. I can hear DOD say "But Scholz will only come up with another condition." OK let him. He is already trailing his own public's opinion, they will force him along sooner or later.
  5. No, Aroldis was teetering right at the edge of the 'career over' cliff as it was last season. Odds that he goes right over this season are too good for my taste. If you wanted that kind of excitement you could have just kept Soto and Jimenez.....🤣
  6. Exactly. And you know and I know Hutch is in part responsible for Houston's sacks, but Houston's sacks don't go on Hutch's Football Reference page and someone else who may not be as good will end up celebrated as the year's NFL sack leader, etc. That's where Hutch's 'success' in the most commonly given/media terms, suffers. You are referencing what he really does, but I'm referencing more the amount of popular credit/acclaim he is going to get for doing it. And the other effect is that if you can put better players next to him that break up those doubles more often, it's only human nature the you help increase his motivation knowing he's got a better chance to make a play, and probably cut down on his wear and tear also, so in the long run you still don't want to leave that guy out there on a island indefinitely as the only good player on his line.
  7. The Man had a lot of demons, but he turned it into a lot of music that spoke to a time and place as well as any ever did. His personnel hex on me is that to this day I cannot even look at a pair of barber scissors but "Almost Cut My Hair" starts ringin' in my head!
  8. There have only ever been two scenarios that made sense: A) a left winger released it to help drum up fund-raising. The fly in the ointment here is that it only had any impact in the period up to the decision's actual release, which was still well before the election. So early release really wasn't strategically needful. And of course as noted, Roberts would have no qualms about finding and outing any lib responsible B) Alito leaked it to freeze the internal court debate on the decision because Roberts was lobbying for a more incremental approach. This has always been the most logically sound scenario and the fact that Roberts is not willing to expose any such finding if he had found it is also completely predictable.
  9. here you go https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2019/08/14/how-unlikely-alliance-helped-steer-detroit-tigers-toward-prospect-tarik-skubal/2007574001/
  10. LOL - TPM concludes that the report never states whether they investigated the justices themselves but implies they didn't. If that's the case, there just might have been a small flaw in the strategy.....🤔
  11. but we are talking about a particular DE's stats/standing/talking head love. If he is drawing the double, other guys get the numbers, good for team, not so much for the player's image if you are just a casual fan counting sacks. Of course if he draws a double the whole line should preform better in aggregate, but even that won't happen if the other guys can't even beat their man solo - so no matter how you count things, Hutch will look better if: the team gets more sacks because the other guys can take advantage of him being doubled and he gets proper credit for that (which he still might not for people who don't look deeper), or he will get more sacks because other guys also draw an occasional double. In all cases, the better players next to him will make him look better too.
  12. that the park would be a problem was baked in as soon as it was decided to have the OF facing South. All the other architectural and fence issues follow from that.
  13. If it was simply incompetence the 1st time around, maybe he's learned a few things. And you do have to wonder how close it came. If Trump were not such a physically lazy SOB and had been willing to just get out of the limo and walk to the Capitol that day, where might we be?
  14. It does appear Mike set it up for Chris not to have to worry about the sibs. I suppose there is still the question of whether any of the current arrangements are upset again when Marion passes.
  15. The extreme narrowness of Harbaugh's focus, which may serve him well as a coach, may end up his undoing if it means he is starting to take too blind an eye toward the off field conduct of his players and coaches. Manuel may need to work a Zampolit into Jim's circle to protect him from himself.
  16. I do like a well tailored suit, but have never sprung for Brooks Brothers....
  17. The truth is a sports org is a different animal than your normal business. You can sustain and prosper in the average business venture with a lot of average people doing average level work, you don't have to constantly churn your organization searching for only the highest performers (in fact that becomes counter productive in most orgs in most cases) as long as your business model is not too greedy (i.e. you don't wake up every morning with a new plan to conquer the world) your are fine. But of course that's not how it works with a pro sports team if you have any interest in winning championships. It is by nature the most greedy business model. You spend your adult life on one side of that equation, could be figuring out how to run on the other side might be a matter of some trial and error.
  18. Goalie probably would want that one back, but a start for Vrana, hopefully
  19. Somewhere recently (maybe here) I read a reminder that Erdogan is a Turk and so you don't get anything (like Sweden's admission to NATO) without a good haggle - it's cooked into the culture. Various reports in the twitterverse indicating that apparently the US has figured out that F-16s are the thing to tease to Erdogan with at the bazaar.
  20. Maybe. I tend to think we get no useful response from Putin until he makes his last throw later this year. I think he still thinks he can achieve his maximum goals, that he will have enough troops mobilized by some time after winter to break through Ukrainian defenses. He may be completely delusional in that belief, but short of defeat I'm not sure anyone will persuade him of that.
  21. Producer Price Index report out today - *down* 0.5% https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-producer-prices-fall-more-than-expected-december-2023-01-18/ I would note that I found this reported nowhere that I could find in the NYT, WAPO or DetNews. Inflation is apparently yesterday's news unless it's $7.00 eggs.
  22. And another step - a munition that would allow the Ukrainians to target almost all Russian assets in occupied Eastern Ukraine. The GLSDB is not quite ATACMS, but it's another next step in giving Ukraine's forces more reach and will again force the Russians to reconfigure rear area assets they thought they had moved out of range of Himars.
  23. They tried to grill him for a confession, but he kept rare form in the interview.
  24. yeah - even if the basic strategy can work, the Packers missed on the timing - they were at least two or three years too soon with Love.
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