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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. this is apparently Ono's personal twitter account, not the university account of the Presidents office.
  2. You are completely correct. It's sort of similar people not understanding 'sunk cost' fallacies. Once a price has increased once - it will continue to show up in every year to year comparison for the next 12 months even if it never went up again. The only way to recover the year-to-year numbers inside a year to actually experience *deflation* and economists generally agree you never want to go there.
  3. could be. I've been disappointed in the quality of the logic being applied in this cycle. People, including economists and analysts who should know better, keep fixating on the increase in interest rates and not their absolute value. It is true that when the fed has pushed rates up 5% or more in the past that has braked the economy into recession, but it was never from a starting point of zero. 5% is still not a very high interest rate, not a rate as high as that which would normal slam the economy enough to cause recession, or at least a severe one. When people make decisions about borrowing money - they don't care what the difference is between what rates are and what they were a year ago, all they care about is what they are now. 5% has been enough to put a brake on housing, and it has definitely takien the froth out of the stock market asset bubble, but it's not really a level that's going to choke off much otherwise worthwhile business expansion. Based on that, I've not been expecting there to be any kind of hard crash. It's always possble the FED does goes way overboard from here, but they have been talking like they aren't going much higher.
  4. I think it was on the 'War On The Rocks' podcast - not positive, but at any rate I think it was Michael Kofman who was asked the question about why more heads haven't rolled in the Russian high command as the price of its incompetence. His answer was that in Putin's world, that of a non-hereditary autocrat, loyalty is far more important than competence. Putin will bear failure as long as it's coupled to continued loyalty. Because to start defenestrating loyal commanders it to potentially undercut the loyalty of those remaining, which strikes at the stability of his power, which is ultimately far more important to him than any short term progress of the war.
  5. If that reads true, we'll see if Warde gets forced out. And it wouldn't be surprising to see Ono start to put his own people in place.
  6. if you compare what Cleveland, who were at the same level as the Pistons 3-4 yrs ago, is getting from Garland and Mobley, the Piston's results don't look very good. Now maybe Cunningham getting back on the court with an improved eFG next year puts it all right, but it hasn't happened yet.
  7. Sewn together as Siamese twins as each had one arm remaining.
  8. What if Ross loves UM sports but hates the NIL direction it's going in? We all can sit here and it's easy to make a lot of assumptions about other people's money that may or may not be true. The other aspect of this is that you have other constituencies vying for those dollars who want to see them stay where they are. When a donor writes a check to the University pieces of it may go to a lot of recipients inside the institution. If that donor writes a check for NIL none of the people currently on those receiving ends get squat. You don't think that creates an undercurrent of people talking in donor's ears to keep making contributions to the U instead of NIL? Where ever there is a lot of money moving around you can be sure there are more moving parts than meet the eye. I would guess the pressure is to raise NIL from new sources as much as possible. The other assumption that is false it that there is some big untapped reservoir of alumni funds just waiting to start writing checks. A university has a rather large 'deleopment' staff whose job it is to be shaking the bushes 24/7/365. If there were people with money just waiting to give it away, they'd have already been found and contributing to existing programs.
  9. well, maybe. I posed up thread that the amount of NIL money JU Bacon (I think) referenced in a report of his was far short of what OSU was raising (if reports can be believed, which they probably can't). But while it's easy to dump on Warde, you have to go out and raise that money, you can not just appropriate from within the university (which wouldn't go over well with other powerful constituencies within UM anyway.) The UM contribution base is large but does not have much history with systems for funneling booster money (legal booster money is all that NIL really is) so the AD has to build/coordinate pretty much from scratch. Easy for JH to just say 'do it'. Took JH 6 yrs to beat OSU? If Warde has come up with $7M in the first year of having an NIL program is he doing a bad job or not so much?
  10. That would definitely be funny, but Warde is probably too much a straight arrow to be that creative.
  11. You were lied to for longer than that at old Tiger stadium. The CF fence there was only 420, not 440 as it was marked. CF hadn't been 440 since they moved the fence in front of the flag pole, which was maybe 35 yrs before it closed in 1999.
  12. Well that would be poor. I assumed they would actually lower it structurally. Should have figured they'd do it on the cheap!
  13. Seems likeliest, especially if the report of him pursuing the Panthers is correct. I suppose it could be a full court press for more money from M, but if JU Bacon is to be believed money doesn't mean that much to JH. But of course like everything else about him, what may really have been true on Tuesday is not necessarily true on Thursday.
  14. Correct, there is a LOT of bad science being done here in service of political aims. And you certainly should not have a gas stove without an outside vent above it, which apparently you do see in a fair amount of 'newer' (i.3. <40yr) homes. When we were house shopping in 2009 in MN I was amazed at the number of houses built in the 70-80-90s that did not have externally vented kitchen fans. Sort of bizarre actually that code requires you to have an outside vent in a bathroom for what is basically a nuisance - odor, but not a kitchen where you have actual fire and food decomposition vapor even with an electric stove. Go figure.
  15. Oddly enough, Duren is the only pick they have made who has actually produced any winshares at all. So they aren't any better. We've got guys that *may* do something (Cade obviously and Ivey) but haven't actually done anything yet. We are still wishcasting based on potential.
  16. No surprise to anyone here I would not have done anything, but this is Not Terrible. I actually like lowering the high wall as it gives more opportunity for fielders to take away runs, which is always fun. And jumping in front of the existing 13 ft wall is also a good way to get hurt. Umping in infront of a lower wall where you can use your off hand is less risky.
  17. What Harbaugh 'wants' never seems to achieve more than transitional status.
  18. I wouldn't go too far to correct a value proposition if its relatively small potatoes in the overall scheme because things don't always end up working out they way you hope. Granted it was the old regime, but just as an example of where that kind of 'economy' can get you is that they let Riley Reiff walk in large part because they didn't want to pay him LT money to play RT, then ended up giving giving Wagner LT money to play RT anyway while Reiff continued to be the better player on another team. His medical would concern me more that the money, but you can only assume the Lions have a full picture on that.
  19. so mostly this season they've looked like they play a lot faster than last season, but the Jets still made them look like a very slooooow team by comparison.
  20. Got a little bit of a lift out of Veleno in the 3rd, but otherwise not too much.
  21. ENG Raymond from Larkin. 2 goal lead at 1:15 left
  22. all the weak-ass clearing attempts by the wings are enough to drive you crazy. All end up short of the line.
  23. down to a one goal lead. Seider gets beat on the PP
  24. Rasmussen having a tough night. would still rather see Solderblom instead of Suter.
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