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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. have to think Carpenter is ready in 2/3 more games.
  2. Dem business donors have been lobbying the Biden admin to dump Lana Kahn. Irrefutable evidence she is doing the job.
  3. I think with muscle strains, a problem in baseball games is the inactivity. Guys go out and do their warm-ups but then sit and stand around for extended periods and then have to suddenly cut/accelerate/sprint and those warm-ups were way too long in the past to be protective. The one that I found most ridiculous was Mize's hamstring though. He basically walked off the mound and somehow strained it. Maybe guys need to be running back to the clubhouse during the inning breaks or infield sweeps and re-stretching or jumping on stationary bikes.
  4. jake still has little experience as a FG kicker so we can hope there is some upside on developing more accuracy.
  5. Hard to know how long it was in the planning or how fast it came together in a hurry, but Biden/Harris have pulled off one of the greatest maneuvers in US political history. I think we are just still to close to it to realize how difficult what they just did was. They are either the luckiest SOBs in history or way better at what they were doing than people ever give politicians the credit for being.
  6. If you were not a person that found Hillary grating, then that phenomenon won't make sense, but it is/was real. What I'm sure has changed however, is that with age and the end of political ambitions of her own, I think she is likely to express more of the humor and graciousness that is also in her personality.
  7. what more important than whether they should be there is whether they are on board with the right program! These are all people with strong agendas of their own and their own needs for self justification. You have to hope they will all row in the same direction rhetorically. Obama especially, his speech needs to end with the crowd charged up about Harris, not wishing Obama could have a 3rd term. If it's the latter, he failed his task. 🤷‍♀️
  8. It depends what she says. I can imagine her giving a great speech about Harris, sisterhood, etc. As long as she stays away from talking about 2016 she should be fine.
  9. Yup. Obviously there can be more than one successful strategy and there can be more than on in play simultaneously, but I agree the basic theme at the convention should be not to talk about Trump more than needed to set down the basic markers, things like his behavior on Jan6 and his spiking the immigration bill - things he did or claims to want to do as straight policy contrasts. But I agree, they don't want to talk about Trump as Trump per se.
  10. Obama has to give the speech that creates a continuity - a bridge - from him to Biden to Harris, which I think is still lacking for the reason you note. If he does that, then he needs to be there. What I'm afraid of is that Obama's own ego (which is plenty outsized) drives him to just make a "look at me, the great orator on a great stage again" speech without doing what he actually need to do, which is pull every one of his supporters to Harris. Otherwise it will be a missed opportunity. To me the need to create that bridge is why having the Clintons there becomes somewhat problematic because Hillary is the discontinuity in it - If you could have Bill without Hillary....but of course you can't! Hillary won the popular vote, but it was still 4M fewer votes than Obama got in 2008 and 17M less than Biden got in 20. Harris needs all of Biden's 80M
  11. good point. In the NFL that is already true. I think a big part of Holmes success as Lions' GM is exactly how well he understands this. The injury situation if FB is worse of course, but at least in football, there is actually more pressure for young guys to train to stay on the field because they know if they don't they just get cut. In baseball it's almost counterproductive because a young guy on a major league roster is out a year for TJ he not only gets paid but he accrues service time getting him closer to a bigger payday when he comes back. Not sure that drives the right incentives for players focus on staying healthy when they are young and developing their training approaches.
  12. It's going to be a problem with with an automated zone - scoring will absolutely go up and the question is whether it will be unacceptably too much. It's been my observation this season that when you get an umpire calling a tight zone 10-15 total runs is pretty common. You can't do much about the width of the zone the computer would call, but you could program for a little more vertical than the umpires call today to try to compensate for the fact that the computers will undoubtedly take away all the crazy wide off the plate calls that most umps regularly give away.
  13. It amazing how much difference a just a couple of reliable relievers makes, not only in the actual outcomes, but in the general feeling watching this team go into the last 3 innings with a one/two run lead. It's 180 deg reversal in the expectation for a win. Probably one point you have to give Avila, he assembled some decent bullpens.
  14. I wonder if B Clinton still has it in him to do the kind of policy primer speech he once could. Otherwise I would have buried the Clintons, but that's just me.
  15. to some degree, Putin's original hand with Trump has played out. A lot of the Russian influencers/influenced people that were circling Trump's orbit in 2016 are either discredited, went to jail, or hightailed it back to mother Russia. Putin is still all in on the disinformation game, and Putin's draw remains as beacon in Trump's projection of himself into a more powerful status, but I wonder if Vladdy has nearly as many voices whispering directly in Trump's ears as he had been able to place there before '16
  16. FLA is at the 'medical marijuana' stage - your get the card based on a diagnosis that you have something MJ is approved for. Maybe a place advertising 'no card required' has a real-time MD connection for approvals?
  17. I see two possibilities - either the $$ commitments tied to not walking away from Harbaugh are large enough that it's more important to them - (and if the NCAA did try to get arbitrarily punitive enough Ono would gladly support taking them into court) or the other even more intriguing though far out possibility is that M has reason to think that the NCAA and it's football authority as currently constituted are living on borrowed time and so are not a long term concern.
  18. It helps, but they've won 2 football championships in 34 yrs, they make money every year.
  19. Bizarre that with only pitcher left from the starting rotation the pitching is still keeping them in games and it's the same old lack of hitting story in the lede.
  20. Do people know why Warde still has his job? Because the $$ keep rolling in, and what move like this does is keep the $$ rolling in. And that is one thing they care a lot more about then what the NCAA thinks about anything.
  21. I'm waiting for Trump to lose it front of live cameras and go foul mouthed about something/someone. It's seems it bound to happen the way he's losing his speaking discipline.
  22. yeah it seemed pretty clear during the game but the confirmation it was that bad is still startling.
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