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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Might work for us, but not so much for Pakistan. The first thing a Taliban Pashtunistan would want is their 'half' of Pakistan! 🤷‍♂️
  2. yup, I have an account that follows baseball and Ukraine. Have never made a twit. We are Elon's nemesis users.
  3. One or two Congresses ago I'd have bet on this outcome, but I'm not sure there are enough GOP members sympathtic to this view left, or whose seats would be safe enough if they adopted it.
  4. The calculus is that the hard core right is betting the rest of the causus would rather cave and support them than agree to any coalition with the dems. And I would say that in the end that is probably good bet. The GOP middle has already shown itself to be spineless in their handling of Trump, and the threat of being primaried if they voted for a coalition Speaker will eventually carry the day.
  5. I'm not proposing a rear guard action, I think everyone knows huge change is inevitable. But if the Wisconsins and UMs and UCals sit on the side lines then it will be the Texas and Alabamas and LSUs that decide what the future looks like and those visions don't have to be the way it ends. The only reason I raise the question is just because Ono was so supportive of the build-up in Cinci athletics. If Schlissel were still here I don't think it's even a question.
  6. anyone can move to adjourn - the question is does enough of the GOP want to keep duking it out today or sleep on it? Can't think of a reason for the Dems not to agree to adjourn - two days of bad press for the GOP will be better than one....
  7. Another question might be what the new administration sees as its role in trying to lead college athletics. Ono does have a history of being interesting college athletics - certainly to a greater degree than Schlissel ever did. If Ono is interested in the fighting the good fight and wants UM to be a force in shaping the future, he goes to Harbaugh and tells him that if he stays the weight of the institution will be fully behind him, stay and we will try to make the future we/you want. But Harbaugh looks north up State Street and sees an institution that has already judged the cause of preserving some semblance of what colleges athletics was as lost, I would think that would make a big difference.
  8. Well, I agree that you don't need to posit any kind of collusion to believe no-one is going to claim him.
  9. The obvious route is the majority of the GOP offer something to the Dems to get enough of them on board to disenfranchise the right side radicals, but I don't think the center of the House GOP conference is still moderate enough to even envision that.
  10. I'd take Erne over Suter and probably Sundvuist as well, though the latter's not going anywhere.
  11. plus the personal risk? Not a bad plan really if Vrana gets through waivers you let him work his way back at GR and it leaves you more time to put off a decision you don't want to make on the current roster.
  12. OK, McCarthy is toast - (my earlier post didn't age too well!) no movement toward him at all. I have to think Jim Jordan would self-immolate as Speaker, but It could be entertaining...
  13. I've been as down on US foreign adventures since and because of 'Nam as anyone, but to be fair, they thought they were doing a Korea, when they were really doing an Afghanistan. But how could they know? You can't look at Japan or S. Korea and not take some pride in what the US made possible there. You can't look at 'Nam or Afghanistan and not despair, and you can't look at Iraq and Ukraine and not realize the last acts are still yet to written. What I can look back and criticize is that LBJ realized the war was lost and the coward walked away from the presidency instead of ending it, leaving it to Nixon to make it worse. Just as we failed to course correct for way too long in Iraq (Mission Accomplished!) or Afghanistan. I guess I can forgive an American administration trying to do something they think is right, but not one that won't see when a mistake has been made and get out.
  14. I don't think Jordan's speech is particularly persuasive. Almost "I came not to praise Caesar but the bury him" LOL- the Dem made the same point!
  15. The biggest one would be the instability. Don't see how it could be workable. TBH, the odds are still that McCarthy is going to win through after giving away every shred of the leverages he will need to stay in the job more than temporarily. And then there will be more disarray. I have a hard time seeing any stable Speakership emerging from the present mess unless it's someone like Amash, where no-one likes his politics but everyone trusts his integrity. But I think the only way a left field candidacy happens is a LOT of fast leg work by the Dems to drive it and at this point I don't even see why the Dems would be willing - why not just let the GOP continue to self-immolate? I could see Biden wanting things settled down into some workable order, but the House Dems themselves? Not sure if they would see it as in their interest or not. But we're all just spitballing
  16. ya think?(!?) Indy I could see. I think there are two big pulls in tension for Harbaugh. The obvious one is the professional competitive pull to go back to the NFL and win a Super Bowl, but all the personal reasons pull him back to UM/Ann Arbor and the college game. As we all agree, he is an enigmatic character, I don't think anyone knows what balance he is seeking in his life, and I'd put it that he appears not know himself from year to year.
  17. I would think the conference would trust her even less than McCarthy. Of course that's the rub with this GOP. They've driven every honorable person away and all the choices are bad.
  18. Opening day is bring your kids to the floor. There are some little children running around the chamber.
  19. I think Kornacki's scenario where a lot of the GOP defectors abstain on the 2nd ballot but lack of coordination ends up giving Jeffries a majority of those voting is as likely as anything. Of course that wouldn't go anywhere in the end because the GOP would just turn around and remove him, but it would be one more example of chaos brought to you courtesy of the US GOP.
  20. Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier! Down goes McCarthy!
  21. Gen X has a legit beef. Few generations have had their prospects for advancement more blocked than they. OTOH, history also dealt them a relatively smooth gig.
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