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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. And he's not trustworthy and they all know it, which means no-one in the mainstream of the conference likes him enough for his support from the middle to be strong enough to force the margins along. i.e the support his does have is shallow.
  2. there was a long piece in the Times critizing the way Cameron shifted back and forth between frame rates. I thought 'frame rate' was an odd critique. It seemed to me the real critique was really less about frame rate then resolution, maybe the reviewer didn't understand the technical difference or maybe the high frame video just happened to also be higher res. But in short, he basically complained that too often the video was too good, revealing flaws in makeup, scene and prosthetics that weren't high quality enough to withstand the level of video scrutiny they were getting - thus often destroying the ability to suspend disbelief. How much of this you notice may apparently depend on what format you see the film in. Almost reminded me in one way of people who criticize digital music because they miss the background hiss and noise. But the critique actually make more sense with film than for music. Just like a professional photographer may usea soft focus lens for portrature, there is such a thing as too much reality when it come to images - esp if those images aren't 'real' to begin with - you don't want to make that too obvious.
  3. yeah - it's been something I've found interesting for a few years now. I remember posting about how I thought part of the bankruptcy (only part!) in US conservatism is that "good" conservatism normally frames itself as the moderating influence opposing activist over reach/extremism/over-idealized propositions like communism, but the Western left and especially the US left, with maybe the exception of Elizabeth Warren, has basically been bereft of any paradigm shifting economic concepts since 1930. That hasn't left an honest conservativism much useful to do....
  4. Manuel sent out an e-mail a few weeks ago that I think hit the whole university staff and faculty with all kinds of NIL revisions, approved orgs etc, Not sure why he thought we all cared about that kind of detail but whatever. So yeah - they are moving. Whether in a good direction? Who knows?
  5. The was some controversy more than 25yrs ago in youth baseball that the solid core "soft" safety baseballs might have more potential to induce commotio cordis than a standard baseball because the softer sphere could transfer more total energy to the chest instead of it being reflected off. After my kids stopped playing I lost track of where the debate went. We never moved off the 'safety' balls in our league, but I'm not sure if they didn't modify them from the original design in response to the concern.
  6. a number of years ago I sat on a jury trial in Washtenaw county where the defense tried to claim that the shell casings found in the front yard at the scene were actually from New Year's Eve 'Celebratory' fire. Interestingly enough, though neither noted by the defense nor the prosecution, upon inspection of the casings in the exhibit bag, the jury observed that one was very clearly older, corroded and had soil in it, while 4 others were clean and bright. All were the same markings and caliber. The jury concluded that the defendent probably had fired the weapon out on the lawn at an earlier date, very possibly NYE, but unforturately for him, also concluded he had fired it there the night of the crime as well.
  7. Vrana to spend another week at GR and also (From DetNews):
  8. another coach with another method to get quicker to the ball. https://www.freep.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2023/01/01/detroit-tigers-kerry-carpenter-career-changing-launch-quickness-aaron-judge/69758936007/
  9. Film directors successful enough to be in the running for the biggest films are the last auteurs. Sign one on and you've decided to accept his vision or you signed the wrong guy. I'd agree the process was faulty in a way though. The last three all felt very different from each other to me - even though Abrams did two of them. But that's partly because I thought 8 was a pretty terribly composed film plot wise (any sane military commanders would have court martialed and executed Poe instead of waxing about how cute he was after he'd gotten a zillion folks killed) but the last reel bought back Johnson some forgiveness.
  10. Haven't seen "Onion". Saw KO and it was fun - silly, plot sort of winds up in a hurry at the end but that was OK. Craig's 'accent' is completely unidentifiable, or maybe say it travels to a lot of different places during the course of the film(!), but he has fun with it.
  11. I think it just goes back to the deeper human literary tradition. To give a character narrative immediate weight you make it about an 'important' person - ie. a king or queen or emperor. Heck, it goes back to Sophecles. Don't just write about a dyfunctional family - write about the King's dysfunctional family! Lucas intially imagined Star Wars as a sci-fi recapitulation of ancient mythic forms, so the concentration on nobility/emperors etc all was natural. If you take just the nine films in the primary arc, the 2nd set went completely back to an aristocratic environ, but it was notable that at the end of #6, Palpatine was supposedly destoyed and the rebel had won the battle but neigher Luke or Leia stepped into their places as heirs to any throne, which left open the possibility that the last series might deliberately take a more proletarian turn. And it does initially with Finn and Rey and Poe all being basically rapscallions. But in the end Abrams couldn't resist the pull of bringing Ren and Rey's nobility back to the fore and the old aristocracy to its own redemption to close the story.
  12. It looks to me like they are looking at Hellberg instead of trying to play Ned out of his funk exactly because they are tying to decide if Hellberg can hold down the spot well enough to risk letting Ned go. There can't be that much risk with Hellberg. He has a long track record at this point - he is what he is - the baseball equiv of a 4A guy. If you think that is enough with Husso playing most of the games and that the team can get to the playoffs, I think you let someone else take on Ned's high risk profile. If you don't think you can climb over the teams in front of you in half a season, take the gamble you can turn Ned around. He's shown the talent is in there, somewhere.
  13. that is the consensus at here as well. A lot of students unprepared to even show up when they have to be somewhere in person.
  14. bingo. Well, we know what Kenny would have done (not the above!), but Yzerzman is not Holland, let's hope he surprises us. Not a hot time of year for it but maybe he can move someone like Suter for a pick or something. There is no long term upside for the Wings in Berggren or Soderblom spending more time in GR.
  15. I imagine any curriculum around money in public schools is probably like a third rail for the average school administrator. Probably no matter what you do you are going to get hammered from some consitiuency that thinks you are being too socialist, or too capitalist or to moneyist, or anti-banker, or pro-business, or your're discriminating against the poor kids or 'triggering' the rich kids, and maybe all of them at once. I mean I can just imagine a bottomless pit of complaint -- way easier to do nothing. So yeah - FAIL.
  16. OOHH! I was not seeing the full post (the image!) you made at all before!! It just now came through with the complete post. If you are trying to add a new account to Paypal, you usually can't use it immediately. The procedure in the past was once you gave them a routing number they would make two tiny deposits (some number of cents) to the linked account that you would have to verify to prove you had access to the account - this would at least take overnight. So I understand why you can't make the deposit today, Can't understand why it isn't telling you something like that. Maybe because it's a bank holiday - SW down or something?
  17. you are stuck there for sure on the immediate need - peeve is legit. I think all you can do is set yourself up to go through a bank account in the future.
  18. Not completely the case. Our credit union offeres all kinds of seminars on saving, investing, retirement that are free, aimed at people without a lot of assets and as far as I have seem, offer pretty sound advice. It's true a small investor is not going to get any reputable professional advisor to spend one-on-one time with them for what they can afford to pay for it, but there are resources out there. Maybe the bigger problem is that too many people don't have enough initial knowledge to bootstrap themselves into being able to recognize good advice from bad on their first attempt to learn something when they are most likely to be preyed upon.
  19. yeah - In a way I was dissappointed in the lack of originality that making Rey a Palpatine was. Especially after the tease with the kid and the broom in the last shot of the earlier film, and of course Finn's character as well. But much like Tolkein before him, Lucas started out in the beginning telling a hereditary nobility/Monarchist story, so fitting enough in that way that the skywalker arc ended back with same ethos where it began.
  20. No - but you can put funds into a bank account linked to your paypal account and then use them to make a paypal payment. It's the same action to the same effect. I guess that is as close you can get. Conversely when I've sold things via PP on EBay recently, the funds don't stay there - they push them back to your linked account - at least that has been my experience recently. Maybe I made that choice somewhere along the way or possibly it was an automatic one I didn't over-ride....
  21. the other thing is you have to know what kind of lines of credit they have available. If you have been a good CC risk and they have given you a $20K line of credit, or if you have a mortgage backed line of credit, having an actual 'emergency' cash fund is a lot less important than when that advice was first promugated as conventional wisdom in the days before credit cards even existed. So I'd want to know the specifics of how the question was asked. If you had specifically asked me that Q almost any time in my working career, the exact answer about cash emergency funds would have been 'no', but I always had sufficent credit available if I had to make an emergency purchase/expense. I've never left any quantity of cash just sitting around. That said, there is no question too many people have neither sufficent savings nor assets nor good credit, but I would take that mostly as due to decline in middle class income availability across the economy.
  22. If you hand around long enough, familty joint accounts and deaths may leave you with a checking account you might otherwise just close - we saved one just for Paypal. The thought of exposing our regular account to Paypal seemed frightening at the time so we turned an idle account we had 'inherited' into a dedicated PP account. It's been a good solution. There is never enough money in the PP acount to be a serious loss risk, and it's eay to EFT funds from our regular account into that account as needed. OT but related, a friend just had someone try to pass a faked $10K check against their account - someone had photocopied a real check at some point in its handling and photoshopted the routing numbers and signature onto a fake. Unclear how it was passed - (photo deposit maybe?) but it only goes to show that in the digital age tyring to maintain use of hard copy as a security backstop is no help.
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