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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yeah - In a way I was dissappointed in the lack of originality that making Rey a Palpatine was. Especially after the tease with the kid and the broom in the last shot of the earlier film, and of course Finn's character as well. But much like Tolkein before him, Lucas started out in the beginning telling a hereditary nobility/Monarchist story, so fitting enough in that way that the skywalker arc ended back with same ethos where it began.
  2. No - but you can put funds into a bank account linked to your paypal account and then use them to make a paypal payment. It's the same action to the same effect. I guess that is as close you can get. Conversely when I've sold things via PP on EBay recently, the funds don't stay there - they push them back to your linked account - at least that has been my experience recently. Maybe I made that choice somewhere along the way or possibly it was an automatic one I didn't over-ride....
  3. the other thing is you have to know what kind of lines of credit they have available. If you have been a good CC risk and they have given you a $20K line of credit, or if you have a mortgage backed line of credit, having an actual 'emergency' cash fund is a lot less important than when that advice was first promugated as conventional wisdom in the days before credit cards even existed. So I'd want to know the specifics of how the question was asked. If you had specifically asked me that Q almost any time in my working career, the exact answer about cash emergency funds would have been 'no', but I always had sufficent credit available if I had to make an emergency purchase/expense. I've never left any quantity of cash just sitting around. That said, there is no question too many people have neither sufficent savings nor assets nor good credit, but I would take that mostly as due to decline in middle class income availability across the economy.
  4. If you hand around long enough, familty joint accounts and deaths may leave you with a checking account you might otherwise just close - we saved one just for Paypal. The thought of exposing our regular account to Paypal seemed frightening at the time so we turned an idle account we had 'inherited' into a dedicated PP account. It's been a good solution. There is never enough money in the PP acount to be a serious loss risk, and it's eay to EFT funds from our regular account into that account as needed. OT but related, a friend just had someone try to pass a faked $10K check against their account - someone had photocopied a real check at some point in its handling and photoshopted the routing numbers and signature onto a fake. Unclear how it was passed - (photo deposit maybe?) but it only goes to show that in the digital age tyring to maintain use of hard copy as a security backstop is no help.
  5. Not unexpected tough. Film is a big vector for the injection of cultural or political values into a society - and to be fair, many film makers are very conscious of their political or cultural intent in their filmaker. Always been that way, right back to 'Birth of Nation' in 1915. Since most filmakers tilt left (though not all - e.g D.W Griffiths) that makes all of Hollywood's output suspect for today's right side culture warriors.
  6. Seattle and the Lions both win. Lions can enjoy their first winning season since 2017 but they'll do it at home.
  7. One of the things you notice with Fields is that he doesn't seem to be the commander in chief of his offense when he's out there. I don't know if a QB necessarily *has* to be the take charge guy in every offense, but it seems most effective QBs are.
  8. Yeah - I think Ras' stock is really rising. He's not only playing better but becoming a leader on the ice defending his mates and I was impressed the other night when he tried to save an empty netter for Larkin. Larkin signalled him to just take it but it was nice team sentiment.
  9. If the Lions were more of a 3-4 team you wonder if they wouldn't have already thought about having him lose a few pounds and making him rush/WIL
  10. LOL, stupid fingers. K to Y isn't even that close. I guess that was the brain starting out to say 'Rookie of the Year" and the fingers saying - 'this here 'k' is enough mate'
  11. no - the segue to the political take was the Millenial economics aspect that was a common thread connecting both the survey in SB's post and survey work reported the FT article I linked. We are afterall, in a thead called 'Politics Schmaltics'!
  12. It does dovetail with the FT article though - measures the same sentiment. The FT piece interprets it as the Millennials having far less confidence in conventional ideas about market capitalism because they began their economic lives with the great crash in '09 and this long era of stagnant wage growth. That has affected both their actual economic security (as noted in the Pru survey) and their sense of their potential economic future outlook. But that sense also has political fallout because it will be a big factor in how they vote.
  13. It's just a pet peeve of mine that the flower children/protesters of the 60/70 are presented historically as the whole representation of their generation when the reality is while there was a big leftward movement driven largely by the War - there were a LOT of boomers and the conventional folks were still the majority of their generation. To understand this correctly takes some of the supposed mystery out of why the Fox News cohort (which is mostly boomers) are what they are. The boomers founded the SDS, but they also were the "Young Republicans for Nixon" and the heart of the 60s-70s Christian Pentacostal movement which laid the groundwork for today's version of Conservative American Evangelicalism. I suppose part of this disconnect is because in recent culture, the literary and historian classes tend to come primary from liberal arts culture, which sits leftward from the full truth of their own era as they chose to remember and record it.
  14. are you looking for him to lead the league in scoring? Seider played 49 games at GR, 22pts and a -5. Granted he was a year younger, but then again no-one expects to Edvinsson to equal Seider -- hoping for at least a 2nd line level, but asking for another ROK is little much.
  15. I'm thinking along the line of what the Tigers might be in the process of starting to do (if some of the recent hirings mean what they might) which would be a serious effort to develop a quantitative understanding of the drivers of pitching arm injuries. For a long time now there have been theories and speculations and various teams have had different approaches (more and less long toss etc, pitching per inning limits, per game limits, per yr limits) and of course Pedro famously pegged Mize for TJ for his inverted 'W', but no-one has ever had much science or data to back it up. To me 'next big thing' means teams going down the path of finally footing the bill for working up some pitching health science
  16. On the cohort topic, this is notable - maybe: Millennials are not aging into conservatism like older cohorts
  17. I'm not sure this is true. The thing to remember about the boomers is that their cultural signatures were provided by a minority of the cohort. Millions of boomers that were never flower children or counter culture kids went off to war, or went from State U to main stream corporate America, especially the older end the cohort. Those rather studious young people got married early, had their kids, and did exactly what the man told Benjamin Braddock to do - they went in to plastics - learned to play golf and made careers. That's why so many of them are deep red repubs today. They been disliking the libs since the long haired kid next to them in math class in '68 tried to crib a test answer (or worse, stole *his* girl!)
  18. Edvinsson's results are captive to the fact that GR is pretty terrible right now. His +/- is negative but only 5 below the team lead. And among D men his 10 pts is one behind McIssac - 4yrs his senior, and Kempfer - a 34 yr old journeyman. He's doing fine.
  19. Yzerman is starting to collect guys who have some puck handling skills in tight spaces (mostly just meaning some quicks) . It's only one skill among many for a team but it's one the Wings have mostly lacked - Larkin used to be it and is still head and shoulders above the rest, but now with Perron, Berggren, Soderblom they are starting to get a little more if it.
  20. Defensive breakdown was always lurking there as possibility with this team, but for me the killer was that after the first play, the O-line didn't move anyone all night - in the second half even though the O was scoring it was too fast, leaving the D still spending too much time on the field.
  21. Don't look now but Joe Veleno has a 6 game point streak going. Or maybe it's just playing with Soderblom, who had a hand in 4 of them.
  22. Sending Berggren or Soderblom down looking like a worse option by the day.
  23. The level of play throught the 1st 5 isn't too bad so we can aspire to one more D man (Edvinnson?) that would give us 3 pairs without a bad drop off. TBH though, when I've watched the Wings struggle this season, it's more often a group of forwards being useless in their own end than out right bad defenseman play.
  24. Maata/Osterle will not be good, but Osterle/Anyone would probably not be good. It will be interesting to see if the Hronek/Chairot pair can avoid both getting caught up ice at the same time.
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