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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. To be clear, I think wage inflation for the bottom half of American workers is long past overdue and the rest of us can damn well put up with a sligthly crimped entertainment budget (etc) for the sake of a little better wage equality in this country. Of course it won't be that neat, the well educated who are in demand will still pull up even faster than laborers and service workers, but even given that, most of 4yr degreed world, techs, et al are still not 1%ers so it's still a shift of income in the right direction.
  2. to double down implies he has more chips to put out on the table. Putin will be testing his assumption there.
  3. hope some of the JDAM capacity will be in place by then...
  4. that's an interesting thought - I've had the impression that the brother are fairly competitive, one working for the other would be a different narrative.
  5. Just read a report today about the Fed deciding to give up on the idea of any of the early retired baby booomers coming back to the labor force post pandemic and so anticipating the need to continue fighting wage pull inflation with higher interest rates. But heaven forbid we let any more people into the country who are pretty desperate for gainful employment to support their families.
  6. that sounds like a quote that is actually a closed captioning or audio or text capture. That's exactly the kind of error CC usually makes.
  7. at minimum you'll have Pompeo and Pence along with DeSantis - though I can see Pence's campaign folding within about 10 minutes of him announcing it. What a zero.
  8. he was purchased. Three guesses as to who would put money like that into a US election race....
  9. they should pitch well enough to avoid losing 100. The rest is up in the air but there hasn't been much of anything new to be encouraged about.
  10. this is right. The only way 2023 is in any way successful is if the 2022 team was a bunch of guys who were a lot better than they showed because they all had a bunch of bad luck that isn't going to be repeated in addition to a sprinkling of prospects not quite ready for the majors then who will be this season.. These things are either true or they are not If not, we're are looking at another long multi-year road back. We can make any kind of story or speculation around it we like, but that is the bottom line for the organization.
  11. The black and white letters say that, but it seems in the NBA today, top tier players have a lot of success at getting what they want. 🤷‍♀️
  12. which goes back to something I thought back in 2016, which was that whichever candidate won the presidency that year, their party was going to suffer long term. It didn't actually seem to happen with Trump, but maybe (hopefully) it's just been a delayed reaction because his cult of personality has the glue holding that voting coalition together. If the GOP turns against him now en masse - which seems to be the plan - at least in terms of presidential politics, the GOP's underlying weakness may be become more exposed. That said, I wouldn't underestimate the Dem's ability to screw up the chance they may get.
  13. I tend to believe there are still millions of low political information voters out there who still believe DJT to be the highly airbrushed character they think they knew from the 'Apprentice' and that no amount of political news reporting will ever persuade them otherwise. With no other GOP candidate having anything at like that kind of Hollywood head start on creating such a perfected public persona, the rest of them have to depend on who they actually are, which in most cases probably won't get them anywhere near as far as NBC's massaging of Trump for years got him. So I'd like believe virtually none of them just fall in line behind a nominee like DeDantis, but of course, I could be wrong - it's still the $64,000 question.
  14. There is a universe in which Luka demands a trade, but is there a universe in which Luka demands a trade to Detroit?
  15. There are times it would be nice to believe in hell.
  16. at the current price it's almost possible for them to increase sales over time enough for their P/E to start looking normal without more drop in the share price. Telsa has always been priced as a magic beans company, but the truth is they are a car company - and the slide in price is mostly the adjustment in the view of investors from the one to the other. The fact that Elon is acting like a 2 yr old at Twitter doesn't help of course, but I think at most it's just hastened an inevitable reckoning.
  17. fair point, but over the a season a good pitcher has to have more good days than bad so I would think some signal would still emerge throught the noise. Another issue is handedness - you'd have to factor that in some way. And of course of you slice and dice too finely you end up with insignficant sample sizes for your data pots!
  18. The stats I would like to have access to - which I imagine I could probably pull from BR if I spent enough time, would be the difference between a hitter's success agains negative ERAPlus pitching vs positive ERAPlus pitching. Over the years I've thought that there some hitters that really feast on bad pitching but can be had by better pitchers but I've never seen a breakdown. As an example, by observation, I would say that when ARod 1st went to the Yankees, he was putting up more impressive numbers than Jeter, but he didn't seem nearly as tough an out against top pitchers as Jeter was. My *impressions* of watching those two in the same lineup is sort of the poster case for the idea, but like I said, I've never run it down to check whether the impression was correct. Now I suppose if you have a bad team, you don't care, any production is going to increase wins, but if you are thinking about winning in the playoffs against a generally higher quality of pitching, I want guys who do better facing the best - if there is such a thing.
  19. low delivery? Hinch is a proponent of the theory that you want your relivers to all look different so each one is a change of pace. Might be part of the motivation to give a guy with a low arm angle a look.
  20. I noticed that my thinking about baseball has shifted over the years. I no longer think of the sport in terms of the regular season being a single competition to be won or lost in the playoffs, but more like a many episode TV season. The corolllary is that the playoffs are just an annual tournament that for all intents and purposes can be totally divorced from the regular season entertainment value, and where I'm indifferent to who or how many get in other than the Tigers and about which my main concern is that the quality of the play not be ruined by games that end up being played in blizzards.
  21. Watching the team that played this game you wouldn't think they could go winless in 7. Great game for Rasmussen, but it's pretty much a trend with this team that if you play with Larkin and/or Perron you are going to have a chance to put up numbers. Morritz playing like he was fed up as well, getting himself thoroughly under the Lightning's skin by crushing several of them in the course of the game.
  22. I don't know if we give them enough credit for how well they sang - I ceertainly never really thought much about it at the time, but but listening with a better ear today, I think John especially had this ability to sound like he wasn't doing much while actually nailing some pretty difficult tricks. And the three part harmonies on the early stuff was as good as anyone ever.
  23. I always thought it was an interesting symmetry that at Redford's age, Robertson had played JFK, a notable cold warrior, in a time when things looked different.
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