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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. The Injuries have probably driven Madrigal's trade value into the crapper, of course that also means if you get him you may never get anything out of him! Docs would have to have a lot of imput on this one.
  2. This is truth. There was not a post WWII movie made that featured grey ships with white numbers that I didn't see as a squirt sitting next to ex POFC/Gunnery A.G. at NBC 'Saturday Night at the Movies." (or even a few at real movie house). 'Caine Mutiny' not the least.
  3. my only reservation about the perfectly fair moral admonitions in that last scene is that in the real world, often enough the Queegs don't have that epiphany where they are open to a reset a failed chain of command relationship. In this telling that stands as the ethical pivot point that allows this denouement the not so happy ending feel that 50's angst required. I'm fine with the allowance for artistic license, but one has to think that in a case that ever got that far, the Queeg would not have reached even Bogart's Queeg's level of awareness that he might need a change in the the situation. And on a semi-related note, other truth I have learned over the years is that sometimes the people who are most insufferable under 'ordinary' circumstance, turn out to princes when the chips are down. Of course those stories don't make for good novels
  4. It the same dichotomy as Nickelson in 'A Few Good Men' but Jack played it over the top enough so that listening to the argument wasn't the point. The difference between the ambiguity of the 70's and the self assuredness of the 90's But it's Von Sydow that makes TDOTC. He is beyond perfect. His is the only real truth in that universe.
  5. also pretty much zero platoon split over his career - much less than any of our recent SH have had. Madrigal at 2B and Schoop to 3B. And if at some point Keith or Kriedler or Perez can outplay one of them at either spot, that's fine. Schoop supposedly working on mobility all off-season, but it's not like that will hurt him at 3rd.....
  6. Madigal is interesting. He's a limited player but he does have good on-base skill. I think one or two guys like Madrigal who are tough outs, even if they don't do much OPS damage, can have more value to a team like Det that doesn't have enough tough outs, than they may have to their current team or the rest of the league.
  7. For over 150 years, no land battle has been fought on the American mainland. Oceans help, but the other primary reason is that for over 100 of those years we have an explicit policy of supporting allies closer to the things that threaten us, so that when those threats turn into hot conflicts, they happen 'over there' and not 'over here'. Does this policy have an element of cynicism and self-serving? Of course, yet it's still manifestly also in the interest of a party like the Ukrainians, who would just as soon win the battle for their land instead of becoming meat ground in the prelude to the US facing Russian at the Atlantic shoreline. Just because everyone's motives are not 'pure' does not mean a situation is still not a win-win.
  8. US pro sports are set up for roughly uniform geographic distribution. You identify the centers for marketing a sport and you put a team there. That is the fundamental imperative to the way that US sports are set up that means no team will ever be 'relegated' out of the 'majors' because it immediately removes the overall sport's access to that market. Everything regarding playoffs, parity, or an any other team competitive consideration sits on an importance tier that is a full step lower.
  9. Weekly unemployment claims refuse to go up (216K), GDP refuses to go down (Q3 revised up to +3.2%). Market sees more interest rate hikes in its future. S&P bumping against 3800.
  10. Between the Lux tax and the fact that there is some media money in a national pot now, the bottom teams do get more support than they used to, but I'm curious if the revenue side even explains some of what we are seeing this season. Do the Mets, as the weak sister in the NYC market, or the Rangers, really generate the income to cover what they are spending? Or is it just that the general concentration of wealth trend over the last 30 yrs is making some ownerships so loaded that it doesn't bother them to subsidize their teams with non-baseball revenue? I would think the league would frown on that but books are easy to cook. Any way, don't know if that's what's happening but some of the money being thrown around makes me wonder.
  11. I think at the core, that is why it could never be done in a US league. An owner doesn't just buy a team, he buys the membership in the league. Given the structure of us pro team ownershiop, would be an obvious tort to try to remove a team from the league the owner bought the rights to be in. Slam dunk court win. You'd have to start from scratch with a league that had a different, more limited set of ownership right plainly established. What you might be able to do in US leagues is force an owner that won't try to win to sell their team. There is precedence for MLB forcing 'bad' owners to sell, but not purely over their team's performace. And of course a sold team might be a moved team and that's a whole 'nother headache for the league. The problem there is that most teams aren't going to care that much if there is some team out there not trying very hard to win, because that just makes it easier for them!
  12. we'll volunteer SB to go live in Russia for few months and see how far his freedom to screed gets him there. Here is a guy who as much as anyone here is always standing on his American refusal to duck and be quiet, telling 40 million it makes no difference to have to live every second of their lives with their heads down. SB wouldn't last 10 minutes in Moscow before someone would be coming to get him. I don't even disagree with SB when it comes to most of the recent *US* military adventures, but the Ukrainians are fighting for themselves, and that is all the difference in the world. These are not American boots trying to proxy our objectives onto anyone else.
  13. Not completely by choice. The beatles got to where they despaired over not being able to acutally play as a live band because everyone screamed the whole time they played and the stadium shows were pretty useless for actual music anyway given the state of outdoor PA systems in the 60's.
  14. I suppose by virtue of separation of powers, the House majority can put her on the committee without a clearance, which then sets up refusal by the Executive to tell the committee anything and off we go to the Supreme Court....
  15. I have over 50 tax returns in my history. There isn't a thing in any of them from which I need protection from disclosure. How did my life go so wrong? The only reason I would have any concern is that the information in a tax return may be useful to people attemping cyber identity theft, not over any of the facts themselves.
  16. He accidentally said one of those quiet parts out loud. The kids weren't supposed to be listening. "Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil."
  17. 👍 LOL - Pretty much anything he did at any time last year didn't do anything to save his job!
  18. But that was not Avila so it doesn't bear on whether *his* impatience contributed to him being or was a reflection of him being a poor dealer.
  19. so they gave him the 'goodbye' game. Almost seems to be some kind of Wings' tradition to give a bencher the game before they send him out.
  20. Correct. And the history drives the point that moving fast hasn't necessarily yielded positive results.
  21. Yup. Low class move. If the Lions weren't a classy org themselves (which they pretty much are, despite the losing and Calvin Johnson's opinion), they would get down and dirty with NE and force them into court to defend themselves against the fraud charge. But I'm sure Goodell doesn't want to see that.
  22. there is plenty of time left to climb back into if they are going to start playing better with Elmer, Vrana and Fabbri all available. That's the tough call to guess at now though.
  23. His attachment to a yahoo like Patricia certainly should ding his credibility with anyone who's been following the Lions and seen Patricia up close.
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