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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. For me it doesn't have anything to do with it being the Lions. The fans may have long memories of bad experiences, the players don't. I don't care who you are in the NFL, winning 6 straight at any time isn't a cinch, less so with 2 of last 3 on the road and less than that with one in the cold in GB. Sure they may do it, but they may not. I'd put it at about 50/50 - like it would be for almost any mid-level or even upper tier NFL team asked to do the same. If they get to 9-8 and end up at home, I'll still call it great season coming after 3 wins, and be excited to see what Holmes can do with another set of picks. If they get further, I'll still be rooting.
  2. yeah - the over exubernce is to be expected, but the over/under on the next three is probably really more like about 1.5. Still, who's complaining that the the conversation is even possible?
  3. Was Solderbom a healthy scratch or is he not 100% again after Saturday's game?
  4. interesting speculation, but if you beat an IF shift it's going to be worth one base. If you beat an OF shift it's probably going to be two. That is a lot more incentive and on first take I would guess would probably change batters' approach in a way the IF shift didn't.
  5. IDK. There seems to be some opinion forming that he is already old news to a short attention span US public. But who knows?
  6. Don't they normally negotiate a 'surrender' at the courthouse for a hearing, at which point the high profile prep posts bond and goes back home? Might be hard to get Trump to do even that though. I suppose they could conveniently not watch the FLA airports and just let him flee the country. Once under indictment I'm pretty sure he would never come back.
  7. right - this is pretty much just for the record. The criminal referrals matter. DOJ will not change hands in January!
  8. Russia seems to be putting everything they can into Bakhmut and the recent rounds of missile strikes. Putin has been searching desperately for victory to hang on the wall - apparently to the point of dodging his normal public appearances waiting for one. The missile strategy has probably reached its point of decreasing returns because of depletion on the Russian side, increased AD resources going to theater and because Ukrainian coping strategies will evolve and improve. If Russia fails to produce a ground victory in Bakhmut, what will Putin's next spin on the narrative be?
  9. yeah - this too. But IMHO, Tesla stockholders were doomed before Elon ever got involved with Twitter even if his conduct there has become the current focus for them.
  10. Maybe, but I wouldn't dawel on the possibility.
  11. I think this is spot on. I don't think it's even a question that if they thought he would produce 3 WAR he'd have been back. But to the first part, I agree that from the fan's view, all that matters is whether he is replaced by a better player - or at least the move somewhat directly opens to door to some combination of better players even if not specifically at 3b, rather than what the team is paying whom. If the Tigers miraculously put a winning team on the field next season I can't see very many fans who will repudiate their fanship in outrage over the fact that we will have probably the least productive player per dollar in the majors on our roster.
  12. Well, Zero Covid is over in China. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/19/world/asia/china-zero-covid-xi-jinping.html One can hope that Xi, having actually backed off one irrational course, may be rethinking other approaches he has recently been wed to.
  13. Waiting to see what Elon does with his poll where the twits chose for him to step away from twitter. I think there are a couple of ways to read this. One is that he had become egomaniacal enough that he thought the twits would support him overwhelmingly and he could use the poll to club his opponents. But the other reading would be be that thrown in the real and terribly complex morass of content moderation, he has begun to figure out that he needs to put some people in charge in who know what they are doing and step away himself, and losing the poll gives him the perfect cover to do it in a style that works for him. We'll see which is the case.
  14. I know GB is not good, but a Jan game under who knows what conditions is never better than a coin flip.
  15. Of course it will look bad if they don't end up spending the money, but even that is not definitive. Lets say for the sake of argument that they have reserved 'x' dollars into a number of pots where one is the kitty to chase a top FA. If you give 3M more to JC, you've reduced what you can offer your FA. Then your FA signs somewhere else anyway despite your best offer. You come off looking bad with an underspent budget though you had an expansive plan. Of course, them is the breaks, you get paid the big bucks to take the heat when things don't come up roses. Harris (and Ilitch!) will rightfully get roasted here if the Tigers end up with a reduced payroll and a bad team.
  16. This reminds me of Douglas Hofstadter's speculations on whether the background or inverse of a message always has to imply the same information as the foreground. Can a vacuity of thought even imply an inverse rationality?
  17. "Stanford band nowhere in sight" perfect call.
  18. pretty much. It opens a window for which arbitration may be, but doesn't not have to be the last act. The tender means the team has exercised their right under the CBA to keep the player and that both the team and player accept an obligation to agree to an arbitrators decision on $ value if they cannot mutually agree to a contract value before then.
  19. this is non-sequitor. You can't ban an idea, it has no account. EIther people were banned for what they posted or they weren't. If they were they have identities.
  20. that's one way to look at it, but there is also opportunity cost to every decision made that doesn't move the org forward. That value prop is always unknown up front - it's only justified (if it ultimately is) in retrospect when what they do with the opportunity transpires. If this turns out like Polanco and they don't come close to replacing half of Candelario's production, it's going to be the 1st tick on the red side of the ledger for the Harris regime. But if he manages to put a better team out there the move will be justified. It's perfectly appropriate to speculate on whether we individually think it was a good move or not based on how we guess it's going to end up, but that's all it can be until it plays out. It's not possible to make the definitive judgment so far. When I watch the moves Yzerman has made with the Wings, a lot of them have seemed pretty underwhelming and questionable at the time, yet somehow is he is putting a much better team on the ice (which unfortunately has now been decimated with injuries....but that's another story). So we have to hope Harris has that same touch, but hope is all we have until he produces, or doesn't.
  21. Not sure the dates line up. Spider tack was banned for the 21 season. Soto's slider was a plus pitch until '22. https://www.fangraphs.com/players/gregory-soto/19677/stats?position=P
  22. I wonder how much of the "we will be all EV by date 'X'" coming from manufacturers is more than political PR for them. I will wager they will keep building what is selling even as they ramp up EV capacity. OTOH - I can't figure out WTF Toyota thinks they are talking about with hydrogen powered cars. Whenever someone mentions Hydrogen, run the other way because they almost certainly don't know what they are talking about. There is NO hydrogen available to use as motor fuel and almost no prospect there ever will be. The only two routes to it at scale are to use natural gas, which gets you nowhere in terms of CO2, (and you can use the natual gas in a car just as easily as H2 without going to hydrogen) or massive electical consumption for electrolysis, which is stupid since you can use the electicity in the car at multiples higher total energy cycle efficiency without ever going through all the intermediate steps (and losses) of converting watts to hydrogen and then back to mechanical energy, which the electricity basically is to begin with. The only practical route to any level of H2 use in the economy is nuclear power. If you don't see nuke plants going up, you can forget about hydrogen cars.
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