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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I was never impressed by Beckman or his skills. I found the way he tried to ingratiate himself into UM football tradition that he had been no part of pretty cringy. You hang around it happens by itself, you can't appropriate for yourself. Marked him as grasping climber type - which dovetails with him gunning for Ernie.
  2. I don't think Sinema had much choice if she wants to be able to run for re-election. The AZ Dems have come to hate her - she probably couldn't get the nominination so she needs to try to build an independent brand. Probably too late for that now though. At least Bernie has an ostensible position that give him an excuse to separate.
  3. Keystone drops 14,000 barrels of oil in a Kansis creek. Nothing to see here. That line in the Great Lakes? Why worry? Here, have a stock option. You'll feel better. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/keystone-pipeline-shut-after-oil-spill-into-kansas-creek-2022-12-08/ 7 spills in 12 yrs of operation. Yeah - I know the US corporate and legal system isn't structured to do it, but people should be going to jail over shitty operations like this. That's the only way to stop it.
  4. But arms dealing is not exactly parallel to the Italian mafia. The mafia has roots, persistance ,family, geography that all stay behind when the don goes to the slammer. When he comes out, a lot of those same people are in a lot of those same places and families still have standing. The arms business is more transient and transactional plus the production and tech landscape is a constantly evolving target. Bout may eventually get back into the business because that is what he knows, I'm was just saying he's not going to be any kind of immediate asset
  5. CSX stock is held 75% by institutional investors. Seems unlikely much pressure came from those quarters. I suppose you never know. Does Vanguard has an ethical investing ombudsman?
  6. then again, people act like Bout is some kind of prize for Putin to get back - maybe, maybe not. He's been out of circulation for 10yrs so it's not like he can show up tomorrow and start making it rain for Putins army by Tuesday. Otherwise he's just another creep.
  7. This is a bigger thing than I think most people credit. When you have two people in the booth, they spend a fair amount of time talking to each other and when you can't tell them apart, 'conversations' don't make any sense. Add that to the fact that you often are listening to a game in a noisy environment like a moving car or while you are working around the house, it's just a bad recipe. Whatever thier individual qualities, whoever paired them was a sonic idiot - a person with no actual 'ear' for sound at all.
  8. you knew this was going to be plead down - and it probably would have been for any ordinary citizen whose hue was light enough.
  9. Let not forget that Bout has also actually served 10yrs already.
  10. I don't remember if it was Smith or Day who in an interview prior to last season estimated OSU's NIL spend at $13M
  11. The world is full of corporate types who meet the phrase "born on third base and thought they had hit a triple" who inherit a good situation and start to believe it was their own briliiance and decide to remake everything in their own image. Straight line from A->B where B=Fail. TBF, the industry probably saw the writing on the wall that AM radio was dying long term and were desperate to do something that might change that but picking the best thing in their portfolio to screw up wasn't the move.
  12. Hard to have lived through the Monaghan era in A^2 without concluding he was a total jerk. Was very sad when he bought the Tigers. He was sort of like the precursor to guys like Elon Musk. Worked really hard at one thing and did it well and immediately thought that made him competent in a bunch of things he knew nothing about, but he came from less educaitonal background than Musk so it was worse. Then he went a bit off the deep end with his Catholicism. Luckily that more or less led him to removing himself from the public scene - at least in MI.
  13. Bo may have been 'beloved', but I think there was already scepticism about Bo going to the Tigers because he already hadn't seemed much of a fit as a manager in his short term as UM AD. (lots of people were left scratching their heads over his treatment of Frieder- he reaction was frankly ridiculous- it's not like it's some big sin for a coach to take a new job - Bo seemed to have forgotten he did it himself a few times!). Fans can love a guy and still believe he is in the wrong place with the wrong ideas.
  14. How many will actually find landing spots?
  15. The interesting question to me is what happens with Murdoch/Fox dumping Trump. Is MAGA truly a bottom up movement or simply the result of years of top down engineering by monied interests like Murdoch and the Kochs? Or IOW, if the conservative leadership (and I don't mean the party here - I mean the money and media powers) swing to another candidate, can they elect him or do the MAGA's just stay home because it really is Trump himself, or does Trump just barrel through the 2024 primaries anyway despite them? Lots of talking head guessing going on about these questions but I don't believe any of it is yet at all clear.
  16. Could also be the perception of what it means to lead the league in passing has changed. Back in the day if you threw a lot it meant you were losing a lot. The shift in the idea that throwing a lot could mean winning maybe started to change with Fouts and Air Coryell, which runs into Elway's years.
  17. It didn't help Bo's case that Ernie was a lot better at his job with the Tigers than Bo was at his.
  18. Reporting making the rounds that Murdoch has told Trump that Fox will not support him in another run. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/15/murdoch-press-turns-on-donald-trump-in-favour-of-defuture-ron-desantis I found this response amusing
  19. No doubt comparing counting stats between eras is a dubious exercise. Elway was a unicorn in terms of his arm talent compared to his comtemporaries. He was to other throwers then what Justin Fields is to other running QBs right now. That separation from the pack on the skill that matters sure didn't hurt his cause.
  20. There are really three options on a rule 5: Stick, get offered back, work out a trade. If he's still blocked in Tx they can also work out a trade. I don't recall if the Tigers have worked deals on R5s in the past, but you can bring a rule 5 guy - get a look at him and then decide what you might offer his old team if you decide you actually like him - all with the cost of the preview capped at $50K.
  21. yeah - this is a pretty simple bottom line - one party would have forced the company to provide the days, the other stopped it. There is nothing more to it than that. Work stoppage is/was a non-issue once the administration decided to go to Congress. If Congress wants to short circuit collective bargaining they darn well can and that is that.* The only possible work stoppage issue was if the workers wild-cat, but again that would have been (will be if it happens) the result of GOP Senators not agreeing to the more worker friendly settlement. *And don't get me started again on how assinine a Supreme court is that knows full well that the Congress when it cares to use it, has complete authority over the operations of corporations (and unions FTM) in the US in such a fundamental process as collective bargaining but is then somehow thwarted by some kind of imputed personhood when it comes to corporate political spending.
  22. That doesn't bother me. I think 420 to dead center is fine. If they wanted to replace the CF 'corners' - which are probably about 430, with a curving wall at a constant 420 it wouldn't bother me, but I don't see anything intrinsically wrong with a park that says CF is the pitcher's place. To hit a HR you either have to get around on him enough to pull or else inside-out it at least somewhat --- or get lucky enough to get a ball on the live side of the distribution....
  23. gotta start somewhere. To be within one generation in 4 yrs would be a pretty deal I think. The majority of chips that make the world go round - that go into IOT and garden variety 'smart' hardware - stuff like what MicroChip Tech makes - aren't at the cutting edge anyway but there are still profitable and an economic security issue.
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