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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. This is purely out-of-left-field speculation, but it also makes me wonder if working faster if going to sort of naturally push them away from max-effort-on-every-pitch. It would be ironic if after all the decades of calling for a pitch clock, another benefit of finally having one turns out to be that it's good for pitchers' health.
  2. the first thing you have to do *after* you make any contribution is unsubscribe from your candidate....
  3. and the thing is, with the shift banned, LHH will be free to put even more emphasis on pulling the ball, and the park is plenty HR friendly to LHH pull hitters.
  4. probably when someone other than Abrams runs. She's a great force, but I'm guessing Georgia is burned out a bit on her.
  5. yeah - NYT count had Walker still numerically ahead at 89% reporting but their lean needle was pegged for Warnock. When a vote drop pushed the total to 94% Warnock moved ahead in the absolute count and I guess that was about when everyone called it.
  6. Still have forwards going passive in the defensive zone, and I'm still waiting to see Walman actually show some the skating he is supposedly so noted for. But even given that, we now have maybe 6 forwards on a given night playing at an NHL level instead of 2 or 3, Maata has been great, Chariot OK, and Hronek playing like a new man the quality of the D core is up by at least 100%. Bummed Solderblom is not back yet though. Team could also crash over the goalie situation if Nedeljkovic can't get going a little before Husso inevitably cools off.
  7. funny we are talking about Berggren and then he goes out there and was probably the best Wings player on the ice tonight.
  8. I like that Lalonde mixes and matches a bit. I know the risk is sometimes you may give up a little potential with your 'best' line, but OTOH I don't think there is any double that on some nights you try something and some guys just click together ever if it's only short term. Maybe one of the things Blashell was too rigid about. Scotty was never shy about trying different guys together - can't have a higher recommendation than that.
  9. How hard could it be? Robert's Rules of Order isn't a very big book..... 😄
  10. some say since the Constitution doesn't explicitly say the SOTH must be a member that the House is free to elect anyone, including a non-member. The counter is that the model for what the writers would have been assuming as the default meaning would primariliy have been the English Parliament, and the speaker there is chosen from the membership.
  11. Hearing the same thing out of Israel that Netanyahu wants the judiciary defanged to where they would not have have review power over legislation - or cases against PMs.
  12. That is St Paul's in the left foreground which puts the pic just about at Warren so I would say that's a good call. There has always been good sized radio/TV mast on that building. Maybe someone had gone up the antenna to do maintenance and grabbed the shot. LOL - and the stonework on Book tower was already sooted black in '42.
  13. He gets a lot of praise from Mickey for making smart small detail plays that most young players don't - for instance just a little extra delay move to kill time on clearing pass while the rest of team was make a line change. My impression has been that he is pretty consistent is making his presence felt when he is out there.
  14. well enough done though. You sure can't see the edit at twitter resolution.
  15. sort of hard to figure how he'd get PO's with the coaching staff while he's hasn't been playing. Could be they either did or did not want him partipating in things that he either did or didn't want to. Or he was unsatisfied with the medical people, or a teammate - who knows?
  16. Clearly not an easy team to read. THey weren't nearly as bad as we feared they might be at 1-6 and they probably aren't as good as we hope they might be after last week. I think winning out is still a bridge too far, but at least it's now a lot more fun finding out.
  17. yeah. Sometimes I think people who decide to write recent history history don't have the sense to talk to the people who were there who could set them a little straighter than some of the flights of fancy you read. And you will notice as you get older it only gets worse in terms of younger academics trying to tell you what was going on that you lived through 1st hand. Which is not to say that just because you lived through an era you didn't miss anything that was happening, but on the broad brush suppositions, your experience is probably as valid as any second hand sourcing a historian can do after the fact - especially one pushing a pet thesis
  18. Probably a thousand reasons: Business consolidation, repeal of the fairness doctrine, high quality car and home audio systems that drove people to FM where no station had the reach of the clear channel AMs and probably a dozen others you can think of. The loss to politics has been serious. JP or Warren Pierce might have had a 20 minute non-confrontational but still probing interview with the governor or a senator on any given day. You can't BS or sound bite your way through an interview that long even if the interviewer isn't Mike Wallace in attack mode.
  19. It's probably imposssible to decribe the nature and reach of what AM radio used to be to anyone who wasn't there. Such a completely different world. And work was different as well. Untold numbers of stores and shops where having 'JR on all day long for both the workers and customers was just normal business. And it was the importance of the media (and the rules of the era) that forced all that top talent to the forefront.
  20. so they are playing Seider in front of the net on the penalty kill and yes he's a big guy, but I still wonder if that isn't a waste of his mobility.
  21. has a team ever played both a game where they forced no punts and a game where they did not punt in the same season?
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