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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. signs of life from USC.....1 possession game
  2. yeah - this was a long time coming - the Dems had\ve been fools for letting states they weren't going to carry nominate their candidate. This is also Biden's work. The man knows a thing or two about how to do politics correctly. This is the kind of change Obama could have gotten if he had had a better sense of party building.
  3. I still tend to believe that while the Fed interest rate moves have certainly been enough to affect housing and also take the froth off the stock markets, people are still confusing rapid increases in rates with high rates. Even though there have been rapid increaeses, actual interest rates are still not high by any historical standard, so they are not producing the kind of drag that created the recessions in 1960's/60's/80's when Fed increases were pushing rates to >10%
  4. because voters vote for Republicans.
  5. I don't think it's always black and white. Every kind of pain has its price doesn't it? If management thinks a guy is just 'sort of' of problem, they may have a number where they will live with it.
  6. The interestst of workers and Investors only line up together when you take the extreme macro view. At the micro level workers and investors are direct competitors for the same income and as such, its reasonable and inevitable that a measure of investor health would move conversely to one of worker health.
  7. Karma. Didn't get on the ice when he could last year - can't get on the ice when he would this year.....
  8. The history is that different managements - different owners, have wildly varying opionions on what a clubhouse needs to look like. I would go so far to say that there are sports managements for whom being too *nice* a guy in the clubhouse could create a negative bias (I only want guys with fire in their belly!--etc) . So in general, it's a good point that other factors beside the two objective ones of money and performance can go into roster decisions and that in the main, we will never see the effect of that other than in a few extreme cases where a player ends up in public trouble.
  9. right - the value goes up at the margin for a winning team - but the Tigers aren't at that margin yet - unless we believe Harris really is going to work some miracles in the next 12 weeks! 🤣
  10. Yup, assuming we could have engineered that kind of evolution in Iraqi society, or whether the effort itself would simply have empowered the radicals at the grass roots - an open question to me. Islam creates a strong built in bias against pacification by 'the Infidel'. But regardless of that, of course the political imperative was *elections* because that is what we think we have a mandate to do. Even the good guys can have ideological blind spots. Once there was a free election, the die was cast for chaos. And to be fair, the Iraqi's are slowly and haltingly trying to build some kind of civil consensus now. Hopefully they get there before some other form of autocracy emerges and strangles it.
  11. In hiring Patricia, Belichick without Brady is proving himself to be the weak link - or at minimum over the hill.
  12. except you can't really use the numbers that way for most teams. A team of repleacement level players is good for 40-50 wins? That is 40-50 wins over replacement to get to 90, but only *maybe* LA has been close to a 40-50x$7M payroll (280-350 million). The Tigers are not going to be any time soon.
  13. TBF, we don't know what the internal reports were about Candelario. Their decision will either be justified or not depending on what he does next season
  14. The other part worth noting is that Iraq was full of both guns and martyrdom ideology on all sides in a way that probably nowhere in Europe is.
  15. at 50,00O ft, but OTOH the Russians failed long before they even got to the civilian management point where the US failed in Iraq. The US in Iraq failed primarily on not appreciating that we couldn't simply install the 'out-party' into power just because they were the majority and expect them, despite decades of suppression, to have the civil institutions already present to create a functional civil infrastructure. It's years later and they are still stuggling to do that. I'm not sure how it could have been done, but in hindsight it's now not hard to see that abruptly removing the Sunni from power simply collapsed the whole society because they were managing the only existing civil structure. Ironically, if the Russians had gotten to the civilian issues, it would have been much simpler for them, they would have had no scruples about just killing or imprisoning anyone in the way.
  16. At least it seems flexor tendon injury isn't regarded as potentially career threatening for pitchers - at least as far as they ever admitted with Boyd or Skubal. Boyd did make 88 starts in the 3 seasons prior to COVID. There are no risk free pitchers but up until the flexor I wouldn't have considered Boyd as particularly injury prone. I think there is at least as much question of whether his stuff will be good enough to win a starting spot. Of course maybe he had been pitching hurt for much of it, but I wasn't much impressed with his pitching in '20 or '21. The guy from 2018 or19 would be worth the money though....
  17. He managed a 91 ERA+ for a career in front a team that generally couldn't field or ever get him a lead or hold one. Looking for undervalued pitchers from bad teams is a pretty typical attempt at an unexploited efficiency.
  18. additional reporting in A^news is that he was stopped for speeding. The permit had been applied for but was still pending. https://www.mlive.com/
  19. Just posted at WaPo .....begin paste.... President Biden said Thursday that he is prepared to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin if he indicates he is interested in ending his country’s war with Ukraine. But Biden said Putin hasn’t done that yet. Biden’s comments came during a joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron during which both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Ukraine. “I’m prepared to speak with Mr. Putin if in fact … he’s looking for a way to end the war,” Biden told reporters in the East Room of the White House. “He hasn’t done that yet.” Biden also emphasized his view that Russia will not prevail in the war. “The idea that Putin is ever going to defeat Ukraine is beyond comprehension,” Biden said, saying it is impractical for Russian forces to occupy the country on a sustained basis. “He’s miscalculated every single thing,” Biden said of Putin. ....end paste.....
  20. depends on the surgery. Something teams now consider 'routine' like and ACL and his stock maybe doesn't drop much - as per Jameson Williams.
  21. I'd also like the story on why they pulled him over. "Broken" tail light?
  22. I don't put too much emphasis in a rookie pitcher's K rate. As often as not young pitchers increase their K rates as they learn how to use their stuff better. Even JV didn't know how to K guys his 1st year. Brieske had good K rates coming up through the system. He's either already hit his limit at MLB or not, and that capability may or may not begin to express itself again with experience. For me, if rookie that comes up and manages to fight his way through MLB batting orders in his 1st season without getting hammered as soon as there is some tape out about him has shown something just to do that. I think there is enough potential with Beau where the best strategy is let it play out and see where he gets.
  23. FWIW, you and the UM athletic dept seem to be on the same page here.
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