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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. If Schlissel had gotten himself canned a year earlier and Harbaugh had jumped back to the NFL, Fickell could have followed Ono to Michigan. alt.history.edu 🤔
  2. why is that a downer, wouldn't you have liked to see the all the best players on the field? That is getting to be the problem with football everywhere - they are pushing schedules out beyond human endurance in pursuit of $$ and by the end of season you don't see coaches and players competing as much as medical staffs. Morris did show up in the box, but wasn't out there much. Same for Schoonmaker I think.
  3. If those guys all crash into sub replacement players like the others he has let go, I would hope he would non-tender them instead of hanging on to failed picks or trades hoping for miracles.
  4. IDK - -joking aside it looks like he's gone corporate like the rest.
  5. Neon Deon at the home of the Hoover Institute? Crazy Man!
  6. Stroud's worst play was probably the late INT on the attempted shovel pass. That was a just a bad play - you have to know when to take the sack/throw it away. BTW - That impresses about JJ, you don't see him force a play very often other than on long shots down the field where a possible INT amounts to a punt by other means. Maybe that's Harbaugh's tutelage, maybe it's also from playing along side McNamara, whose biggest asset was his lack of panic.
  7. Good for M that OSU didn't have JSN. Would have been even more fun to see this game with both JSN and Corum healthy.
  8. In college it's hard to seperate failures in scheme vs recruiting. People have been talking about OSU's secondary being down almost since Odukah went to the NFL. It's maybe a little odd - you might expect a team to be able to defend what they do well on offense because they have to go against those guys in practice, but the OSU secondary made a lot of mistakes and their technique was poor when they were where they were supposed to be. But there isn't much in the way of great passing teams in the B1G to exploit that weakness.
  9. It will be more like $150-175M when they are done, but yeah I hope we do too.....
  10. Like I said, I think the reality is that Harris is going to spend the budget he has been given. He cut the guys he cut because he thinks he can make more effcient use of the saved resource somewhere else. The thesis you are positing is that Harris is going to throw back unused dollars to Ilitch for a pat on the back. Even Al Avila didn't do that, he always spent his full allotment by the time the season started and I'm guessing Harris will try as hard as he can to do likewise.
  11. You can talk about business priorities but I'm not sure how you apply that concept to the way the Tigers actually operate. Chris is not vetting each move by his GM based on some set of his own priorities. The Tigers have been pretty transparent that the way they actually operate is that Ilitch and his GM come up with a budget for the season and from that point on, it's the GM's show. Now I think we both doubt Aaron Judge is in that budget this year, but beyond that, I don't think it's particularly meaningful to think in micro terms of how Ilitch business priorities drive specific Tiger management moves. Whatever priorities there are all get subsumed into a budget number. Once that is established, they no longer have any specific applicability to team management. If you believe that the mere fact of having a budget immediately precludes being a competitive organization, that's fine, but I don't find it determinative.
  12. well, one was a bad tip by his receiver. There's no doubt he throws really well, gets the right amount of touch and air on his throws, but physical skill isn't what makes great QBs great - it's how they process the game. I'm not a big enough OSU fan () to have watched enough of Stroud to venture any guesses about that.
  13. I think the non-tenders did send a signal that he wants to raise the bar that is a lot louder than just the expected rhetoric when he took the job. Of course, now he has to orchestrate some acquisitions to back that up. And a lot that is directly on his plate as opposed his staff. He's the guy other GMs will be calling and vice versa) to explore possible deals and it will be his creativity and command of every other team's situation that will serve to generate any deals that move the Tigers forward.
  14. Of course to me it's stil an open question whether M is that much better or if OSU is just coming back to the pack. We'll see how they do in the playoff assuming no disaster next Saturday. One big difference is that the last two years he has finally had a QB. For all his limitations, McNamara was still head and shoulders above what Harbaugh had been sending out there in the way of transfer pick-ups, and JJ is now a step up from McNamara. A competent QB makes everything work better.
  15. Yup. The only comp I ever thought was close for Henson's pure throwing ability was John Elway. Unfortunately for Drew, it takes more than the arm to make a successful QB.
  16. OSU has been coasting defensively pretty much since Day took over and it's beginning to show. Maybe Knowles can turn it around, or maybe not, but they don't play D the way OSU teams used to.
  17. Lloyd Carr's handling of Henson was not his finest hour.
  18. Indiana with the lead on Purdue in the 1st and then their QB goes down.
  19. It was an ironic win though. OSU was able to sell out and stop the run when they choose to so it was JJ's passing that broke the game into M's favor. It was pretty much after M got the lead and forced OSU to overplay that it opened up the big runs for Edwards. I'll give Harbaugh credit for not being stubborn - when he had to go pass he went pass and stuck with it even after JJ missed a few early. Also have to credit the officiating crew. The OSU corners were not playing the ball and those were good PI calls but it's all too easy to imagine a universe where they were not called.
  20. Baddoo is still around because he had a 340 OBP the last two months of the season is one of the few baserunners that pressures the other team. Baddoo's good luck is that you might be able to teach him to be a more adequate fielder, which is currently is not, but you can't teach slow guys to run fast.
  21. or go for it. If you are going to risk giving them the ball in that field position you might as well try for the 1st. Then again, he had the leg.....
  22. Remember how Avila loved to make deals the very first day he could? Remember how most of them turned out?
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