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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Astudillo could at least replace Tucker in the bullpen.
  2. Hard to believe the team can't make some improvement their face-out performance, but it's been like this for a while now and doesn't seem to improve. Of course part of the problem is having only one true center.
  3. Wings tie it at two. Perron deflection from a Larkin shot with second assist to Kubalek.
  4. all thee Wings forwards up ice from the puck on the Shark's entry on the 1st goal and they never did catch up, eventually leaving leBanc wide open.
  5. I don't really remember if Halter was a competent middle infielder or not, but Willi does not turn the double play with anything like major league quickness and he clearly couldn't hold down SS after getting some early run there. Just because A-I-love-me-every-jack-of-all-trades-player-that-comes-along-J.Hinch can't help himself when it come to insuring he is playing a lineup every single day with more utilty knife functions that he will actually use in a given month doesn't make it winning baseball.
  6. Looks like a great opportunity may be coming open for anybody that's got some big servers laying around near some dense fiber optic lines.....
  7. Maybe the dems should have run Thomas Bishop against Walker. Of course that's the point, a black man that knows what he's doing is a threat in a way that Walker is not.
  8. Jeepers. IDK what the job market for IT skilled people in Silicon valley is right now, but I have to believe that it's still very strong. It would seem in that environment telling the 1/2 of your original employees that remain that they have the choice of staying and having their lives be hell, or finding a new gig maybe wasn't such a good idea? Who knows if this guy has any clue about the real number of employees left but if we take him at his word, that would mean another 2700 people took Elon up on the severance offer! Now granted we have all seen operations that have a lot of fat, but I haven't seen too many get down to 15% of their original staffing other than during the swirl down the drain. The thing about being a dictatorial employer is that you have to have the leverage to make it work. Maybe he had that over factory workers at Tesla or SpaceX, seems doubtful to me he would have it over software engineers in anything like the same way. This story just gets crazier.
  9. No, Rep Jim Clyburn sounds like countless blacks from the deep south while not obsuring his his intelligence at all. Heschel doesn't sounds dumb because of his elocution, but because the content is non-sense.
  10. That year the Vikes played the next game U Minn's stadium but that was still snowed under as well so they basically threw a big party and had the public come in and help shovel it out.
  11. He ran for Gov again in 2018, couldn't live with Trump, couldn't live without him. Lost his primary despite reversing himself and endorsing Trump. Claimed he was quitting politics.
  12. I think I've noted here before that I think Tesla is overvalued, but I have no stomach for high flyers anyway. I'm a plodder investment wise!
  13. Spelling has never been a forte, typing even less so! I can't buy or short twitter stock so it's not a question. Again, I have no personal interest in the man, but I find the situation bizarre and interesting. I think the service is useful so I'd as soon not see it fail completely. It will be a classic case study it Twitter goes under, a spectacular one if he somehow saves it given the current trajectory. Apparently folks that do hold Tesla stock are in court trying to claw back the compensation he's taking from Tesla while spending all his time at Twitter. The other reason it has to be of general interest as an investment topic is that a complete meltdown of twitter could draw a government response that might affect us all. Twitter is one piece of tech that Congress-criters do know oh so well.
  14. This is always a close if not quite 'what-a-bout' arg that I don't really like. Granted, you can't do everything everywhere, but how could you ask for a better opportunity than 40 million people on the East gate of the 1st world just begging for nothing more than the help to do the job themselves? It's every foreign policy objective of the US for the last 70 yrs served up a silver (well, blue and yellow) platter and carries the support of every major ally. It's exactly everything Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan were not. Do you just go bomb Moscow? No. But there is a way to put the Ukrainians in a winning position without starting WWIII. I think we have been close the correct track: keep upping the military capabilities of Ukraine so that options slowly close off to Russia one by one. This is 100% the frog in boiling water paradigm. You have to normalize each level of losing for the Russians before you go the next one. You want the situation for Russia to become hopeless, not dire. It's true that a Ukrainian might see this as a cynical way to fight the battle that asks greater sacrifices of them than if a NATO force just stormed right up to the Russian border, but you have to deal with peace after the war as well, and while I think we all want some kind of political upheaval in Russia, I don't think anyone wants to risk the possible consequences of its total collapse.
  15. They don't have a dominant line that can consistently force offense at even strenght right now. Maybe once Bert gets back into the swing, or if they are willing to put Kubalek back with Larkin. Heck, Rassmussen, Soderblom, Sundvquist were generating better even strength pressure than any of the lines last night.
  16. Interesting point in Musk's note to his employees this morning. He told them Twitter was a SW and server company, thus his coders will be king. Serious question, does anyone think that is true? That strikes me like FoMoCo saying they are a machine tool company and their CNC and robotics workers are the core of the company. Sure they are important, but they are certainly not the core objective. I would say similarly that the SW and servers are simply the tools that Twitter uses and the business they are in is real time information content aggregation and moderation. Nobody buys advertising from Twitter or pays a membership from them to get SW in return, any more than anyone pays Ford to put a robotics welder in their garage. Not for the 1st time it makes me question whether he actually understands what he bought. Didn't Demming say something along the lines that not understanding what your business actually is one of the big mistakes any management can make?
  17. IIRC correctly, the accepted popular wisdom is that Hazelwood was MIA as he was sleeping one off - though he had certainly disputed that with some level of support.
  18. are you saying there may be a little vodka consumption going on in Poland? Who knew?
  19. Odd or maybe worrisome that the Poles didn't know where came from immediately if they had their air defense radars running, which you would think they would given a war next door.
  20. I thought Walman added a little on the D, but too many Wings forwards were just lazy in their own end tonight. You don't deserve to score when you don't work to get the puck back.
  21. a lot of sloppy stick work, half-hearted poke checking, feeble defensive stick waving by a lot of guys tonight.
  22. well, that last grouping was a mistake. None of them could get out of their own way.
  23. they've really gotten away from being aggressive to the puck carrier tonight. Look too much like last year. Hronek is an enigma to me. He is playing better in some aspect and on the PP, but he is still a terrible passer. It's really the team's single remaining gross weakness. So many possessions given up because a Wing makes a rushed or blind pass instead of having the wit/speed/finesse to find the workable outlet.
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