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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. He had a rough night last night 0/5 4K. One AB really encapsulated it. Spit on a 1st pitch middle-middle hanging slider for strike one, then K'd on two perfect pitches on the corners. I don't know what he may be working on mechanics wise, but approach wise the struggle to pull the trigger when the needs to continues.
  2. Yeah - you have to have trauma to have PTSD. A narcissist isn't traumatized because someone near him died - Trump has barely even acknowledged Comperatore's death. And his own injury was pretty trivial. A person who though deeply about his own life might take stock after a near death chance, but do we think Trump thinks deeply about anything (other than money)? I could see him dropping the experience into the same bucket as a car running a red light and near missing you. Logically you process that you might have been killed but it's still not (for most people) particularly traumatic. I could see him having a perfectly reasonable increased reluctance to put himself at risk again, but I wouldn't call that PTSD because it's a completely rational fear that every national campaigner has to evaluate and keep evaluating when they run. I think in this case the Ocam's razor answer is that he doesn't have the stamina to campaign full time -- and knows that if he tries there will be too much campaign video fodder generated for the other side.
  3. Immigration will still play in AZ and TX and with white nationalist trenders, but in most of the rest of the country, everyone is going to work at someplace that has a help wanted sign out. It's a lot easier to get Americans worked up about immigration when there is high unemployment or at least fear of it. When Trump ran his 1st campaign, unemployment had fallen, but the memory of high unemployment was fresh and wages were seriously depressed. It may still be the GOP's best issue, but it's not going the get the traction it did 8 years ago, esp with any voter aware enough to know that Trump personally killed a reform bill.
  4. Since his recall from Toledo Parker has played in 6 games and has 10 hits.
  5. about time they got someone in from 2nd.
  6. This ump is pretty terrible. Guys getting rung up on both sides unjustly.
  7. Beck report on Torkelson today. First I've in black and white that Tork is retooling: https://links.mlb.mlbemail.com/e/evib?_t=c632e003a756446c956a8e0347d00d08&_m=099969ed726d4b17849d932395292b70&_e=efARCvhx9gSLurF-J3zaXB2OcbwNK5oDKveqRw9gFHAFBj95sapqWgO5Y1hLLwxNFZKTs4AD6gS68LlMgEbx1Q%3D%3D
  8. LOL - Minneapolis is full of young adults from N.Dak, S.Dak, Neb. and for good reason.
  9. Urshella is quite the black hole tonight.
  10. when the wheel come off, they come off fast. The last three batters - one loud out and two runs.
  11. Trump has never been much in the way of a good candidate. All he has ever done is do friendly territory rallies and post on social media. There is no coherent world or economic view. So it worked against Hillary when he was a new thing, but didn't against Biden (even when he had an incumbent's natural advantage) so it really should not be enough against Harris either. Plus it's all old hat now. I mean how does he campaign on any issue like immigration when he had 4 yrs to fix it himself and never even tried? He doesn't really learn or adapt - if anything his public repertoire of behaviors is shrinking. So it's basically up to his political advisors run a campaign in which the candidate is only a sometime participant. And since the Trump machine has laid waste to so many local GOP operations and chased away so much local political experience, you can only wonder what kind of ground game they will be able to mount anymore.
  12. Harris/Walz with a lot of momentum showing in the polls. Unclear so far what is just a news 'bump' and what is broader momentum, but they won't need to keep up this rate of movement for long to reverse previous assumptions about this election. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/us/elections/polls-president.html
  13. I'd make it as more likely they don't have staff, or maybe DJT is hoarding campaign funds to take with him if he loses, than that they are really broke.
  14. do you think his rah-rah shtick will still play with pro players today? Or can he still recall the old NFL personna he once was?
  15. It would be nice to have a left handed 1B. Personally watching Riley swing frightens me. Everyone says they love the swing because of the bat path, but the contortion of his back to get that swing looks brutal. I will be not be surprised if in 5 yrs he has changed that swing or gotten hurt or both.
  16. Yup. And one the boxes that MAGA have put themselves in by having their own mediasphere is that Trump can sit and post on TruthSocial all day and it never moves the needle beyond the 40% of the electorate he already has (if it even reaches most of them). So Harris and Walz run hard for 90 days, all those rallies drive Trump out of the news cycle. He's has to get out there or cede the spotlight. And therein lies the rub. Does he have the physical and mental strength left to do it? It was easy to keep up with an obviously slowing Biden, but his opposition is now 20 yrs younger and Vance is already a failure as an effective surrogate.
  17. his team came back to get him off the hook for the loss but the pen lost it anyway.
  18. Oddly, if you put the three of them in an OF, the problem is Riley. You'd like Meadows and Clark in CF and LF but Riley can't throw nearly well enough to play RF. I don't know anything about Max's arm other than he was labeled as '5 tool'. Maybe he is your RF if his arm is stronger than Parker's. Or you swap corners home and away.
  19. IDK, If anything, Texas is always further away than it appears.
  20. I think the next AG may want to be someone who has no further political ambitions because between fighting with the SCOTUS and prosecuting Trump, you're going to leave a lot of people mad.
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