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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Pistons have to hope not. That's not a day-to-day injury. They don't heal very fast and will only get worse if he plays over them.
  2. unimpressed with UM receiving core and secondary. The team is good at what they do but vulnerable because of those weaknesses. The possibility of a rout exists with a strongly biased running team because if they do get behind a couple of scores, it can easily cascade. I think that and home field make an OSU blowout a better bet than a UM blowout. Of course what could save it for UM would be bad weather.
  3. Not only the war, also the deliberate adminstrative incompetence of the Bush II admin was anothrer turning point. Bush II sort of normalized the practice of putting completely incompetent ideologues in high government positions - esp at DOJ, that left door so open for Trump to take it to the next level. Add economic malfeasance and by the end of Bush II the GOP had made itself the party of error on all practical matters. Which of course made it a necessity to double down on being the party of cultural grievance.
  4. Isn't the 3rd party guy that was on the GA ballot a libertarian? Hard to figure that between that and the fact the GOP can't win the Chamber in the special election should give Warnock the edgs, but then again, I though Abrams had a shot in GA this time that that didn't fly.
  5. Why is the Space force guy in camo? shouldn't it be more like this:
  6. M offense with the clown show play that goes for a TD
  7. They are going to have to just stay with the short stuff that works because this WR corp doesn't get open deep unless the scheme manages to break the D's coverage. Schonmaker is out today - do they get him back or is he done? Edward's not playing much either and he may actually be their best receiver. If they want to improve the deep passing game they should probably just play him at WR.
  8. Saudi and Emirati money has been buying US pols since the 60's if anyone had ever been interested in noticing. 🤷‍♂️
  9. poor clock management my M there. Probably score 7 if they use the TOs earlier. So everybody is on JJ's case because they don't connect long, and he did overthrow one, but I've yet to see an M wide receiver get any separation on the misses today.
  10. Press can't seem to decide if Victor has decided to stay or go...
  11. yeah - just like that. In a perfect world a middle majority of folks from both parties could coalesce and elect an outside non-partisan speaker - the Speaker need not be a member of the House, (maybe a retired Federal judge for instance..), but I'd rate the chances of that too close to zero to worry about.
  12. Strong statement by Jake Sullivan on US position on negotiations in this thead(sorry the formatting sucks):
  13. It been a few years since I've been to a Rose bowl, but unless they've made big changes, getting in an out and parking are all pretty horrible in Pasadena. Nice venue if you live walking distance away - otherwise pretty terrible. Without a few new roads and parking structures it's got problems as a regular season venue.
  14. I wouldn't doubt this is true but I think it has as much to do with the current Zeitgeist. The culture celebrates a sort of faux discontent attitude today - and there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that. It's no better or worse than the Gary Cooper never say anything bothers you attitude of the 1930's but it is different. So I think when you ask a superficial question like the President's approval, you are just more likey to get a snap 'it's horrible!' kind of response, because that's our social skew for everything today. But when someone goes into to cast a vote, that is not the controlling logic. So I would put as just another case like the change in phone tech and usage, where the cultural assumptions that have underlain the polling industry are shifting under their feet. Just because you are asking the same question that you did 40 yrs ago doesn't mean the question signifies the same meaning to the listener.
  15. unlikely. At least vs the poster. The argument would be that any reasonable person would know it was parody. Whether Chiquita would have a case againt Twitter might be more interesting but I would guess also difficult - besides they are going to be broke soon so blood from a turnip and all.....
  16. He's modest. "Stepping Out" did pretty well....
  17. While this seems like a reasonable approach, I'm going to guess (though it's only that) that ownership is pushing for results on the field because the "trust me, we are fixing the machine but it's not really going to be working until the day after tomorrow" was more or less what we got from Avila for the last 5 yrs, and it did finally get Al fired.
  18. meaning not enough or that Masto will inevitably overtake?
  19. You may say it's cowardice, I may say it's rational, but those are by no means mutually exclusive.
  20. You're preaching to the chior. Cardinal and I have already stipulated they schedule not to lose. The only question is why, and there are probably a lot of answers to that.
  21. The other thing with UCLA is that their attendance is cratering. I don't know what kind of gate deal teams make on these agreements but UCLA is averaging under 40k per game now. IDK - Maybe UCLA also made representation whens the deal was signed they couldn't keep?
  22. what else? mostly $$. They don't want to play non-conference games with teams that demand a H&H as long as they can find enough teams willings to come to A^2 without demanding a return date. You can blame the fans for showing up no matter who they play and reducing the pressure to schedule better.
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