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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. LOL - make it 4 even strength goal in ...5 minutes?!?!
  2. too complex for me to keep track... but : https://www.freep.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2022/11/10/detroit-tiger-mlb-roster-40-man/69636654007/ They don't seem to be sure about Reyes one way or the other but this is the copy....
  3. yeah - he and Garcia can refuse assignment, but have they? Would either?
  4. He's another one you really only want as insurance. If you can't get him through waivers back to Toledo you'd let him go.
  5. Gald to see B Garcia cleared waivers. I like having him in the system as insurance and he's still a lottery ticket to turn into something as a starter.
  6. What it comes down to is that they scheduled to the system in place. When/if the system changes to reward a different kind of schedule they will probably do that. You can hardly fault people for acting in what is their rational self-interest, especially when the incentive dollars to win inside the existing system are as huge as they are.
  7. Didn't he take a blocked shot late in the game?
  8. I suppose that could be anything from 21 days on up.
  9. The solidification of Dems at the state level in MI, PA, MN is a signficant trend. Rightward dirft in national politics doesn't reverse at least until the dems show they can re-establish their primacy in states that should be moderate/democratic by history and temperment. Just need to figure out WTF is wrong with WI.
  10. Didn't think any FO would ever match the 60's Mets for losing a potential dynasty in pitching (Seaver, Ryan), but the Tigers did it.
  11. JV should look for a team with a great BP, because he can't pitch that deep into games, and a great OF, because he is a flyball pitcher. So he'll be lucky to do any better than Houston.
  12. I don't know if I necessarily agree with the characterization of Tiger drafts in general, but I absolutely agree that atheticism is close to zero indication of whether a player is going to be able to hit. The minors are littered with great athletes that can't hit and the majors are full of great hitters who can barely hold down their defensive responsibilities or are DH's before they are 28. And Micheal Jordan says 'Hi' BTW.
  13. Pitcher health will always be a very noisy variable to try to get a handle on, but the smell test certainly argues the Tigers have actually have been doing something wrong in the last few years. I hope that is the exact thinking behind bringing a PH.D kinesiologist on board. I've long wondered about the risk that the current ability to completely characterize pitch physics could easily lead to pitchers being taught how to spin the ball more than their physiology can actually support. Or the short version - maybe Fetter has been too good at his job.
  14. Early on I had checked in a couple of times on what F. Perez was doing in rookie league and it didn't look like much but I lost track. I assume in the end he showed nothing otherwise we probably would have heard about it. It was nice he could finally throw again but he needed to show something more than just health at this point.
  15. the biggest risk for the Russians is that 'withdrawal' turns into 'rout' so while political considerations always play, they did/do have a need to try to proceed in an orderly manner. Then the question becomes how much advantage will the Ukrainians take of their opporunities to cut the Russians to pieces at the inevitable choke points? They certainly have every right to go full bore. but political considerations play there as well. The comfortable West who are happy to support Ukraine on defensive actions many not like the Ukrainians being beastly to those 'poor Russian boys' trying to flee, even if the reality we all know is that Putin is only letting them flee to try and use them again later.
  16. LOL - odds just jumped that the Fed is going to overshoot on interest rates. But before people get their panties in too much of a twist, I'd remember that while the Fed raising rates in previous cases has triggered recession, since they started this time at such a low level, rates are still not high in absolute terms compared to those that triggered previous recessions, and that does make a difference. It's not really the change in rates that makes a new investment worth it to borrow or not, it's the absolute rate compared to the investment's ROI. These rates are clobbering housing because you are disqualifiying buyers in direct proportion to rates, but there are still a lot of profitable investments to be made when corporate bond are yielding in the 5-6% range.
  17. check this out SB, looks like has a description in detail: http://www.madehow.com/Volume-1/Baseball.html#:~:text=An official Major League baseball,the course of a season. I don't know who runs this site or if they know what they are talking about but they seem to think they do...
  18. Any set of technologies matures eventually. When things in a new market segment start out, there are no reference points for potential growth, profits are open to going to the moon, and operating ratios and price ratios go out the window because price appreciation is everything. Add the kind of monetary policy pumping up equities and you get to where we've been where 'unsustainable' things just keep sustaining. But everything that changes one way eventually changes the other. Tesla got 'new tech' valuations in the beginning, but EV's are rapidly becoming 'ordinary industrial operations' so we'll see how long Elon can keep investors from starting to believe Tesla is no different than Ford or GM, and/or whether the FED can help themselves from turning the taps back on!
  19. that's a double edged fact looking at the stock analysis. Down 50% in a year, Telsa's PE is still sitting at 60, and at those profit margins they have little prospect of being able to increase the profit per vehicle from where it is to somehow grow enough additional revenue to justify that valuation as their PE evolves to that of a mature operation company. It's conceivable they can maintain a huge percentage of the EV market in the face of all the entries currently flooding the market make up the revenue on volume, but I'm not betting on it.
  20. Justin Verlander has 21.6 WAR at Houston. We are still hoping we might get a platoon catcher out of the deal.
  21. I wouldn't say I was disappointed when I heard Harris talking about Cabrera's commitment to his off-season program, but it didn't inspire confidence that he understood the problem. Miguel's commitment to work is not the question, it's that as soon as he starts playing, the knee starts to deteriorate again - so it doesn't seem to matter how dedicated he is or how well conditioned he is when he arrives, history argues that playing the game is likely going to put him back into deficit territory once the season starts.
  22. I wish there was a better way to know. Both opportunity cost and actual $ cost if you bring him back and then have to scramble to back fill after a couple of hundred '22 level AB, but you look stupid if you let him walk and he excels somewhere else. Tigers just don't seem to catch any breaks in term of at least having players you can make clear cut decisions about - as that is half the battle.
  23. Most years he's a better RHB though. '21 his platoon split was plus as a LHH (812/752) but that was the exception. His career platoon against RHP is 707 which isn't much to write home about. Last year was down to 616 as compared to 680 as a RHB
  24. Lets hear it for non-partisan redistricting.
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