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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. and the 2nd round pick is rehabbing instead of playing CB. Decisions have consequences. We all loved the Williams pick but there is no free lunch. This is part of the price
  2. right, but if they had scored on only one of them it would have been the difference. I'm not arguing your point that the D is beyond hopeless, only that as soon as you fix the D the inconsistency of the 'O' is still going to leave it questionable if they can be a winning team.
  3. Yes, the defense is horrible while the offense is at least good enough to be terribly inconsistent. 😭
  4. it's true, there always are a lot ways to criticize a losing team. 🤷‍♂️
  5. it probably would. Good coaches and coordinators can use half time to address their own recognized vulnerabilities and plan to expliot vulnerabilities recognized in the opposition. Teams that under perform in the 2nd half are likely either failing to meet that coaching standard, or are underconditioned, which is just as bad an indictment of a coaching staff. So just as a general principle, I do think I'd rather see a team that wasn't consistently worse in the 2nd half.
  6. So far I'd rate Soderblom, Chairot, Kubelik, Copp and Maata as all better than the guys whose ice time they have replaced. Vrana has hardly played for the Wings so in term of the comparison to last season they are basically down Bert - but on balance I think still better a better team than last season even with him out. Of course that was not a very good team so the bar is low on that question! I'm a little curious about what LaLonde might get out of Givani Smith. Seems under Blashill he was pretty much under orders to just go hit people. The other night night he looked to be playing a little more of a skill game as a forechecker and didn't look bad.
  7. There is probably a lot of personal/family dynamics history/baggage that can come into play here. How determined is SHF to prove she isn't her father (or even mother)? Would she make a move just to prove the organization is serious about perform or go, or is she her father's daughter, at heart a 'softie' who is loath to fire someone she likes that she thinks is trying? My completely uninformed guess is that those peronsal dynamics for SHF will have more to do with whether Campbell keeps his job after a sub 6 win season than the object facts of the record itself.
  8. they missed their chance to get me on the way to the mailbox. (say yes to voting by mail!)
  9. I read a piece that made the excellent point that one should remember that from an economic standpoint, since twitter is an advertising supported service, the correct way to view it is that the advertisers are the customers, not the content generators and readers - they are actually the product. Thus the service either has to be run to the wishes of the advertisers, or it has to be turned into something else completely. It seems Musk would prefer to move it to a subscriber based system exactly to break that paradigm, but he will destroy twitter's mass market presence if he does that because consumers in general will not pay for much for internet content and the generators certainly will not pay for the right to put their content on a web platform when they can do it for free in too many other ways. If he can't make the economics work as a subscription service, then he can't really change the moderation system much, other than maybe make it MORE restrictive, because his advertisers demand a much higher lever of moderation that he apparently wants to have. He can't maintain his advertising revenue and go to a largely subscription service because the advertisers won't pay as much to reach the smaller audience. It's always dangerous to assume (as Musk has) that a management is failing (Twitter only made money in the occasional year) because they are incompetent, sometimes they've just been trying to sell a product that isn't very profitable.
  10. "This deal is in line with the long-term investment strategy for which the Kingdom Holding Company is known for." So that would be buying shares in enterprises likely as not to go belly up in 6mo?
  11. And these are college teams, not pro, they haven't practiced enough to have a whole pro-sized playbook ready for every game. Some coaches will call a play the team hasn't worked on much the preceeding week, but others rate the risk of mistakes as not worth the cost and won't.
  12. I think the league schedules them just to make sure that in any given year the winning percentage splits stays inside 80/20 instead of getting closer to 90/10, which is what would probably happen without them.
  13. Or "stars and fans", is also an operative concept, but either way, it's a numerically asymmetric relation between generators and consumers.
  14. I almost get the impression Musk does't really understand what Twitter is. He complains constantly that a low % of users generate content, but that is the point. You have news generators and news consumers. It's baked in that you are going to have two basic classes of users. It may have been a dream in the beginning that Twitter would be some kind of ultimate democratized news generation service, but the reality is that useful information is generated by people with expertise that are trained for and purposefully engaged in its collection. Sure the random man on the street may witness an event and tweet it a la a George Floyd situation, but that is by far the exception, not the rule.
  15. Putin continues to write checks he's going to have trouble cashing. Does he really want to go against a Turkish (as in NATO member Turkish) naval escort?
  16. LOL - one story today said the payroll was 7500. So that leaves 2900 on the outs even if 4600 isn't too many!
  17. But probably more likely Harbaugh will demand a pound a flesh. Not that he may not be justified, but just noting that in the past his first impulses toward other coaches he's had issues with have not been conciliatory.
  18. well, that's the beauty isn't it? You didn't speculate, you put forward someone else's. Which is exactly why I used exactly the language I did, which did not accuse *you* of speculating. LOL - "My hands are clean, I only handed Brutus the dagger"
  19. If you yet believe nothing, then maybe also wait to put forward any speculations and thus give them your imprimatur. And the Tucker Carlson "but I'm just asking the question" defense has been relegated to the trash bin of argumentation based on it's abuse.
  20. Tesla stockholders are already facing a long slow slide in their stock value. Getting into a legal war with their majority holder may not be much help.
  21. LOL - the tunnel has been there for almost 100 yrs. Somehow only today's players can't seem to share it. Heck - if football can't teach young men values like discipline (as is so widely touted), WTF is it even good for?
  22. this is why the 'public figure' libel doctrine in the US has to change. What ever happened to 'equal protection under the law.'? Why do I give up my rights to protect my rep just because I'm well known enough to have one? Totally nonsensical legal doctrine. Not to mention that the whole condept of 'public' figure has become essentially meaningless when a single instagram or twitter can in result in world fame in 24 hrs.
  23. Lebron James and Kevin Durant teams are a combined 1-10. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
  24. According to press reports, Musk has tasked Tesla SW engineers to go in and vet existing Twitter programming. That should be an interesting exercise. Do they even use the same languages, APIs or toolboxes? I don't program for a living by any means but I still can't imagine walking in the door and reading someone else's code related to programing tasks that are not even my area of expertise and rendering any kind of intelligent assessment in less than maybe .....weeks?... Not to mention, what does 'evalutate their code' even mean? Code either works or it doesn't, style points are nice but the HW doesn't really care about them. It's seems all he is getting is some folks to tell him 2nd hand what they learned about what Twitter does, when he could just ask the Twitter engineers himself and probably get the better answer.
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