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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I would think 51 would be unusually late for the onset of paranoid schizophrenia. Maybe some kind of dissociated state related to the manic phase of a bipolar issue. Or a brain tumor.... But given that tens of millions of American's are certifiably delusional at an every day polical level, who can say where to draw the boundary between normal crazy and clinical crazy anymore?
  2. I might put Musk into a slightly different box. I think he at least starts out thinking some of his projects are doable. He spread a lot of money around US Engineering schools trying to seed development of technology for hyperloop. I don't know if a true fraudster would have made that effort-maybe an elaborate one I guess. But the other problem I see with Musk with this kind of stuff is that no-one will tell him he's the emperor with no clothes. I'm sure most of the Engineering research depts that took his money on hyperloop projects could have told him up front it was never going to work, but why do that if he's got this nice little grant for you to build a bunch of stuff, take a lot of data, support a bunch of grad students, and *then* tell him we couldn't make it work......
  3. Facebook (meta) absolutely hammered after hours. Down another 20% after a 5.5% drop before the bell. Is Zuckerberg going to become just one more engineer that learned that just bacause you can do it and it's neat doesn't mean anybody wants to buy it, or the leader of a great social migration into the digiverse? Wall Street's verdict today is on the first
  4. Doesn't seem to matter how bad a basketball team is, they will still find the Magic looking up at them in the standings.....
  5. of course the current management has been no great shakes. I guess I don't follow the logic of overpaying for an asset and then immediately breaking it and very likely cratering your revenue. Effective corporate tranformation generally ends up costing money so you don't want to kill the goose at least until you've got some golden eggs banked. 🥚🥚
  6. If Cade will buy into that role after being annointed as primary ball handler last season. And even if he does, if you put him off the ball more his shooting (or lack of thereof) becomes even more critical. Right now the Piston's are pieces here and there, but not much in the way of a team. That's OK coming out of the gate with a lot of young players, but Casey (or his replacement?!?) has a lot of work to do.
  7. yeah - there might have been a better pun to make on 'kichen sink' than 'sink in' but still not bad. It will be too bad if he kills twitter, but I think it's probably equally likely that he just wants everyone there scared enough to soil their diapers as that he's going to do half of what he's talked about.
  8. and Cade doesn't finish the break to bring it within on possession. ☹️
  9. True enough if you mean MVP to be 'best' player. But there is an equally valid though different way to take it, which would be that if team accomplishes nothing, no-one on that team was of particular value because they accomplished nothing. As long as you have people who hold both views of what 'MVP' means, that debate will continue. And of course the debate generates engagement=interest, so I don't any reason for anyone in baseball to try to resolve that ambiguity!
  10. so why did some of these dummies sign it in the first place? Waiting to see which way the wind blew I guess. Now they know.
  11. your org doesn't even have controls in place to the level of a month timesheet/log people turn in or does your guy just fudge his?
  12. Ordonez also had major question marks around his knee. IIRC, he overruled the Sox medical staff opinions and went for microfracture on his knee on his own, before the technique had gained much acceptance. That put him on the outs with the Sox and also marked him as a health question mark for anyone else.
  13. K rates like Workman's normally don't bode well for the ability to level up to even tougher pitching, but there are always a few guys that play against the norms. I just wouldn't count on it. He's still more a 'project' than a 'prospect.'
  14. 6.8 assists per 36 min in his 1st three games is actually better than Cade's career average to date.
  15. every ship of state needs a Zampolit
  16. Market don't care - up across the board today.
  17. yeah - NY is funny, they have their courts named backwards. If you watched Law & Order way back in it's early days - maybe season 1 or 2, they would manage to work in mention about that once in a while. 🤷‍♀️
  18. never, ever, underestimate the Dems ability to muck things up. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/25/democrats-ukraine-letter/
  19. here's hoping for 50 minutes from the 1st two D pairs.......🙄
  20. Yeah - for the Yankees you'd think that that given their income, market, and that they are already a playoff level team, they can carry whatever dead money a big contract for Judge ends up being in a few years with relative ease. Still, if Judge tries to push them to some crazy limit based the fact the he knows all those things as well as management does, there is a point where any management will, has to, walk away. So my other prediction would be that *if* he ends up leaving the Yankees (and I'm not predicting that), it will end up being something like Correa last year - he'll end up taking something less than the Yankees best offer because while he tried to hold out for more from them, after that negotiation breaks off, no other team will even match it.
  21. too bad there's no pipeline from West Tx to Germany..... https://finance.yahoo.com/news/texas-natural-gas-drops-toward-162250182.html
  22. IDK - it will be interesting to see how it plays out. The Rangers' experience certainly is going to be on the minds of owners that are interested. The way I look at it, you have to already be a very good team for high WAR player to be worth what they cost on the open market because if you are mediocre enough to have a few near replacement level players on your team, you can generate the same WAR increase for less money by upgrading a couple or 0 WAR guys to 3 WAR players than by upgrading a 2 WAR position to 7 or 8 with a Judge, plus you distribute the injury risk across two players and also get a shorter term contracts. I beleive the most cost efficient way to get better is to upgrade your weakest links first. Now all that said, I agree there will be teams that will make him huge offers that I would judge as hopelessly misdirected decisions for those teams, but what else is new?
  23. I think this is right. With the shift ending that's double the reason not to hang on these typical Avila collection guys. I've said before I think the Tigers' FO talk over the years about up the alley doubles hitters has been misguided at its origin and they need to look for 2nd tier guys that at least have occasional power. It's not a homer unfriendly park if they'd stop accumulating guys that can't pull or hit the ball hard. Basically fewer Castros and more Haases! I would think ending the shift should help put a nail in the coffin of that thinking even if Harris had had any inclinations that way.
  24. Invective is about the only thing the Lions don't lack. If they had a yard for every minute spent on Sports Radio ripping them today, they would have won the game going away! 🤬
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