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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. never, ever, underestimate the Dems ability to muck things up. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/25/democrats-ukraine-letter/
  2. here's hoping for 50 minutes from the 1st two D pairs.......🙄
  3. Yeah - for the Yankees you'd think that that given their income, market, and that they are already a playoff level team, they can carry whatever dead money a big contract for Judge ends up being in a few years with relative ease. Still, if Judge tries to push them to some crazy limit based the fact the he knows all those things as well as management does, there is a point where any management will, has to, walk away. So my other prediction would be that *if* he ends up leaving the Yankees (and I'm not predicting that), it will end up being something like Correa last year - he'll end up taking something less than the Yankees best offer because while he tried to hold out for more from them, after that negotiation breaks off, no other team will even match it.
  4. too bad there's no pipeline from West Tx to Germany..... https://finance.yahoo.com/news/texas-natural-gas-drops-toward-162250182.html
  5. IDK - it will be interesting to see how it plays out. The Rangers' experience certainly is going to be on the minds of owners that are interested. The way I look at it, you have to already be a very good team for high WAR player to be worth what they cost on the open market because if you are mediocre enough to have a few near replacement level players on your team, you can generate the same WAR increase for less money by upgrading a couple or 0 WAR guys to 3 WAR players than by upgrading a 2 WAR position to 7 or 8 with a Judge, plus you distribute the injury risk across two players and also get a shorter term contracts. I beleive the most cost efficient way to get better is to upgrade your weakest links first. Now all that said, I agree there will be teams that will make him huge offers that I would judge as hopelessly misdirected decisions for those teams, but what else is new?
  6. I think this is right. With the shift ending that's double the reason not to hang on these typical Avila collection guys. I've said before I think the Tigers' FO talk over the years about up the alley doubles hitters has been misguided at its origin and they need to look for 2nd tier guys that at least have occasional power. It's not a homer unfriendly park if they'd stop accumulating guys that can't pull or hit the ball hard. Basically fewer Castros and more Haases! I would think ending the shift should help put a nail in the coffin of that thinking even if Harris had had any inclinations that way.
  7. Invective is about the only thing the Lions don't lack. If they had a yard for every minute spent on Sports Radio ripping them today, they would have won the game going away! 🤬
  8. NYT with a column about the ever growing problems with political polling in the US. Same issue we've covered here - you can get a pretty relatively solid idea about how opinions distrubute, but they have little clue how to get a handle on turn-out. And even the opinion part gets harder every year as phone polling get progressively more difficult to do. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/10/24/opinion/frustrated-with-polling-pollsters-are-too.html
  9. I was taking that more as a couch GM in general, not necessarily here. Someone will probably give him 10 yrs, just saying I wouldn't give *anyone* 10 yrs at 30+
  10. I have a suspicion is that this has more to do with our dem progressives trying to re-establish their political relevance when Newsom, Federman and Tim Ryan (and Biden) types are sucking up most of the Democratic buzz, than it actually has to do with Ukraine.
  11. the way it goes it that SCOTUS has exempted itself from all the rules it has made for the lower levels of the Federal Judiciary - so probability of recourse = 0.
  12. I love him as a player. I'd offer him $40M/yr but for 5 yrs tops. If he wanted longer, just not interested.
  13. He'd fit right in on RT. Of course RT is probably where he gets his material...
  14. exactly. One question might be: which is more along the lines of Harris' idea of 'calculated risk'; risking a chunk of money on a guy you have doubts about, or being OK with churning through 3 or 4 guys at some position in one season looking for one that can stick and accepting the risk of some bad play? Two very different approaches that you could hang the same label on depending on your perspective.
  15. you take the film from his 60 AB from July 7 to July 27 over which he OPS'd 1.100 and if you can't figure why those 60 AB stood in complete contradiction the rest of his season.....
  16. Judge will be 31 next season - massive potential for some team to be having serious regrets in 2027, '28, '29... 🤔
  17. IDK, this issue has disappeared from public view recently so maybe it did go away. I didn't really mean to focus so much on any particular ailment he may be suffering so much as the possibility that for whatever reason he's been less than 100% and while the team knows it and the prognosis of whatever it is, we don't. Thus they may evaluate this performance this season in a different light than maybe I do.
  18. I have wanted to see them try to play faster and so far they are having success pressuring the puck that way. Of course we'll see how or it they are able to do it against the faster teams in the league like maybe Denver or whether they just get run to exhaustion with no good results. But in the NHL you don't have to be able to beat the best teams to at least get to the playoffs.
  19. Nice game all around, other than that Zadina still can't finish....
  20. so here is my problem with Candelario: If you look at his results, he's had three 'seasons' with good batting results - but two of those were under 200 AB. The exception was 2021, but drill into his monthly results in '21 and there is the same pattern again, good month, bad month. In his entire career to date, Jiemer has never sustained an solild OPS for any 300 AB stretch, 'it' has always come and gone for him, and of course last season 'it' never showed up at all. Now for sure, the team may know some things we don't. For instance, a few years ago they said the situation with his wrist was probably going to be chronic - was he never 100% last season? If not is there reason to believe he might be next season? I'm will to accept that something like that may well be true, and could be the source for assigning him more value, but otherwise, a guy who goes through what should be some of the best years of career and still can't find consistency isn't someone I want to spend increasing $ on. Of course, it's not my money, so if the team's willing to spend it, the news might prompt a quizzical look across my visage, but I'm not going to complain particularly.....
  21. but that's sort of the system. There are always guys out there available to sign as FA's because their own team's only option to lock then down was to bring them back at an arb number they didn't think was worth it.
  22. LOL - I see there is an 'n' missing in the post. Was supposed to read 'never', not 'ever'!
  23. LOL - maybe Harbaugh can finally re-establish a good run against them but it's been too many years since it was safe to make any assumptions about MSU day.
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