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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. so the context to this tweet is that when Truss first started getting into hot water, a Brit tabloid started a live stream of a head of lettuce, asking whether it or the Gov would last longer. Today someone tweeted this:
  2. LOL - I saw one conspiratorial take to the effect that Johnson pushed hard for Truss, expecting her to fail, so that he would have a better chance of regaining party leadership. Even if true I doubt having it blow up this quickly would have been the plan!
  3. Krugman wrote a column the other day where he raised the interesting question about why what he calls 'zombie economics' - meaning economic policy that has been shown to be a thoroughgoing failure but which refuses to die, was so thoroughly rejected by the British body politic, yet is still the holy grail of the US right. I would offer the suggestion that the difference is publicly funded elections, but what do I know? The other aspect of Truss' crash is that it's seems to have given some oxygen to British EU advocates. You're starting to see calls for Britain to try to rejoin. I don't know how far that would actually go to solve any of their problems but something to watch if the sentiment grows.
  4. this is why they will risk running morons like H. Walker, Dr. Oz and Tubberville even if it increases the chance of losses - it's because they need people who don't have the brains or will to do anything but just get with the program when they are told at times like that. Loeffler wasn't a completely empty (pant)suit.
  5. Verlander with a shaky start, settles down, gives up 1 in 6, leaves the game and his mates hit him a couple of dingers to put him up 3-1
  6. There running around Ivey like he's a pylon. Where's his quicks?
  7. that trade turning out not to be quite as one sided as it appeared at the time.
  8. I would guess it has more to do with the fact that he has a lot more to do than run the Tigers. Between Oympia/Caesars/Wings/Tigers he may simply be spread too thin to be a very activist owner - ergo he's going to give his GM a lot of rope right up to where he has no choice but to make a change. All you can hope is that a guy with that profile makes a good GM hire.
  9. I believer that WCF Jr at some point which would have been after the Millen hire, decided he had to spend his full attention with FoMoCo and pulled away from involvement with the Lions.
  10. That play has me wondering about a rule I've never seen applied - if he had tripped on Dylan's stick, which was about the equally likely outcome of the play, and been awarded a penalty shot, would they have let him take it on an empty net? .......(checks rules...) No. In fact no penalty shot, the goal is just awarded. Guess it has to be that way otherwise there would be every motivation to just hook anyone on an empty net breakaway...
  11. Maybe because he's still getting to know the players, but so far Lalonde seems to be mixing up some of his lines more. It goes without saying that mates who play together alot have advantages, but still there have to be nights and matchups when there are other combinations that match up against a certain team better so I'll be interested to see how he manages that as the season goes on.
  12. still, if you could even get them all to go back to hiding in dark places that would be something...
  13. One problem I think the world has now is that Putin has taken Russia so far outside the bounds of civilized statecraft that Russia has to take a strategic loss as matter of 'policing' policy/game theory/overal justice, whatever box you want to put it in. IMV, Russia in Crimea but otherwise out of eastern Ukraine would not have been the worst outcome - it's sort of a toss based on purely historical grounds; but Putin has put the world into a situation where we don't really want to leave a rogue Russian state in such control of the Black sea, so the strategic need to contain Putin's Russia now plays strongly against leaving Crimea in Russian hands (assuming the Ukrainians could ulitmately wrest it back) in a way that would not have be a factor given a Russian state less inclined to imperialist warfare.
  14. No argument that loss of FB velo is always a big red flag. Whether we want to take any solace in the fact that his best fastball velo - which was even poorer on his return, was trending slightly upward through the end of the season remains another one of those open questions.
  15. esp considering no that without Bert or Vrana they really didn't have a #1 line with any cohesion. Perron scored a couple but unless I missed reading my numbers, he also failed to cover his man very well on one they gave up. I thought early in the game LA really had them chasing, with the Wings wasting a lot of energy on defense, rushing to where LA had already left. Their anticipation seemed to improve some as the game went on.
  16. well, I would say Biden wanted out too.... In any case, the difference is that there is a huge difference between joining an established international defense alliance a la NATO, to aid an ally nation defend itself using their own armies to defend their own land, and intervening out of the blue by yourself in someone else's country. The 1st has a chance, the 2nd generally fails. So that is why it makes a lot more sense to give material support to Ukrainians fighting in Ukraine than to send American fighters into say, Iran. I know we all know this, but just for the sake of trivial rigor.
  17. LA comes out hard after giving up goals and the Wings keep failing to meet it.
  18. the thing with Bogearts is that he's not that good a fielder. I know his DRS was positive this year but it's the first time in his career and call me skeptical he's become a better glove in anticipation of his 30th birthday. The other odd thing is he developed a nasty platoon split last season - 250 OPS pts, after being pretty good against RHP in the previous years. Would want to know what someone who was scouting him thought about that. Just bad luck or losing some ability to get around on RHP?
  19. I freely admit I'm old and not the market, but I'm struggling to understand Zuckerberg's vision of VR. Why do I want to have my real time reality linked animated avatar interacting with another person's similarly powered animated avatar in a meeting when we can just look at each other's real faces and expressions given garden variety video and IP tech? Sure I get it for gaming, but Zuck's ambition for the abstraction of direct human interaction is way beyond gaming. Seems like a screaming case of a tech solution searching for a problem. Also oddly discordant as facebook was all about achieving greater direct person to person contact.
  20. Drones seem to be Putin's last play. Someone in the West needs to be rush ordering some old-style 20mm AA guns with modern electronic sighting.
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