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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Kerch bridge hit. Section of auto span in the water, fuel train on the rail span on fire. If that burns long/hot enough it will cause structural damage.
  2. There is a certain consistency in the mindset though. "I say I love my son, therefore I do. I say I am a Christain, therefore I am a good person". There is a certain mind set for which to profess something is to call it into being, regardless of the emptiness of the profession. You can guess where in American society you are most likely to find it....preached.
  3. I thought Hronek looked like he was moving better than at the end of last year. Hopefully his fall-off last season was just that he had gotten beaten up a bit by the end of the season.
  4. I think when the puck came off the boards to Elmer the three Leafs all looked at each other and they were all like "*you* check him" so no-one did.
  5. he doesn't need to hit for as much OPS to be valuable at 3b compared to 1b, but obviously we still hope he turns into the hitter we thought we drafted.
  6. Chatter on the radio was that there is only one contract available between the two of them.....
  7. Tork has been impressive enough on GBs that it makes me wonder if they pulled the plug on him at 3b too soon - or maybe the arm just isn't there.
  8. you can't unteach 5'10" though. Even Tork is a bit on the short side for what you want in a 1b ideally. Still, if Torkeson does not straighten out, he may be the best choice on the existing roster. Harold certainly doesn't have the bat to be there.
  9. I think Haase is a servicable enough OF, but is his bat good enough to displace a healthy Meadows or effective Baddoo? He certainly can't play in place of Greene. Haase has been the best bat amidst a terrible offense, but he still only managed a 750 OPS and it's easy to imagine Meadow and Baddoo doing better than that. But if you add him to the DH mix, play him against LHP you are protecting Baddoo from, and catch him occasionally you can get him another 300AB. But since Baddoo and Meadows are still pretty much lottery tickets, he could easily be in the mix for a lot of OF ABs. I think you need to hold on to him though because Rogers is also nothing more than a lotto ticket at this point.
  10. So Harris interviews both these guys in depth, and maybe he sees Hinch's overall approach to team building and Lombard's approach to individual player management both match his philosphy closer. Probably not likely but certainly easy to imagine. The Coolbaugh situation would play into this. We don't know which side Hinch was/is on here. If he proactively went to Harris and said "we need to upgrade our approach at hitting coach" vs, Harris having to tell Hinch that Coolbaugh "had to go" could play large in Harris' evaluation of Hinch's best role.
  11. the thing with Lebron is that everyone had known about him from the time he was about 12. Media is a lot faster now but it's still hard to compare how 'inevitable' Lebron seemed after already being on the radar for so long.
  12. we'll see if they are committed enough to this to say goodbye to both Cisnero and Soto.
  13. you NEED crypto because it SECURE! https://www.wsj.com/articles/binance-estimates-100-million-was-stolen-in-blockchain-hack-11665113138
  14. The French 'reprocess' fuel, which recovers most of the mass back into new fuel and reduces the volume of high level waste. (The reactor only 'burns' a fraction of the U235 present in the original fuel before the fuel is effectively 'spent', but if you re-enrich the U235 i.e. remove more of the U238, you're back in business) The US won't go for reprocessing because of the increase in proliferation risk - don't quote me because it's been years since I learned any NukeChem, but IIRC reprocessing concentrates the plutonium which is generated in the reaction cycle. So reprocessing fuel becomes a target for diversion to weapons manufacture. At one time the working theory was that you could then burn up the plutonium in 'breader' type reactors, but breeders turned out to be a bit too hairy (and costly) to operate safely (a la DTE's Fermi I). Bottom line is that Uraniam is not expensive enough for secondary fuel cycles to be needed, and the problem with high level waste disposal is not the total volume, it's just agreeing on a place to do it. But absolutely human kind is being stupid about the use of nuclear power. The risk of nuclear technology is idiots like Putin that already have enough bombs to make a mess of things. Nuclear generation for 24 hr constant baseload with solar/wind to take the larger daytime peak demands is a natural engineering fit.
  15. Screw a Sheik, buy an EV. bottom line though, since China does not produce oil, they have even less interest in higher prices than the US, and with oil, in the end the only important thing geopolitically is the price.
  16. Verlander's K rate after 180 IP was 6.0. Not to compare the two in any sense but just to point out that pitchers can learn how to get more K's with experience. I'm not predicting that for B. Garcia, but he is a guy I'd like to see him get more run somewhere because there are hints of potential upside - and as a starter he really doesn't even have anything like 90 IP yet.
  17. This is true. If you had told me the day they fired Quinn & Patricia that the new regime would have even one side of ball in pretty good shape going into their second year, I might have said that sounded pretty good.
  18. IDK, what do you get back? Does Yzerman think there is more rebuilding to do and he wants more picks? Not sure you want to make an offense for defense trade when the team is already offensively challenged and there are promising Dmen already in the pipeline. Forward for forward - what's the point? I suppose you can get younger and cheaper, but I don't think the Wings feel particular pressure to save $$$ instead of signing Larkin to his next deal.
  19. I know there isn't much love for B. Garcia, but his pitches have big time movement. I think he has more MLB potential that he gets credit for.
  20. Daz has been dead man walking in terms of MLB. Though like C. Stewart, Daz is not a bad fit for a career AAA profile.
  21. I'll grant I tend to be in this camp. As I think about it, part it may be that AJ talks ups his bad players a lot, and maybe that is pure psychological tactic and doesn't reflect his true evaluation of those players. If that is true, and I can only hope it is - it certainly may be, then I think it validates this view.
  22. Didn't hurt Adley that he is two years older than Torkelson.
  23. last thing to say about the ball park it that it has hosted a HR champ, three batting titles and 2 Cy Youngs. That's pretty good evidence it's a fair balance between pitchers and hitters.
  24. I do think that if the Tigers preach 'gap hitting' to the team because of the park - the error is theirs and not the ball park. You want to hit the gaps at a park like Kaufmann where the mid-line distances are long. But there are NOT at CoPa. The HR distances mid-field to the lines at CoPa are completely average, you don't want to give up pulling the ball at CoPa for the benefit of a few XBH into the CF gaps because hitting to CF *is* death for flyballs. Now I would think with all the supposed stat nerds on the staff they would understand that, but I still hear them talking about the need for 'gap' hitters and I really don't think it makes any sense when 360 in the air is HR anywhere near either line. It's a pull hitter's ballpark all the way.
  25. If you're going to designate him as your long reliever/emergency starter, maybe, but Hinch's love affair with him as starter does have to end.
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