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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I don't really care that much if they were to bring in the CF corners, but to me it's wasted energy worrying about someting that doesn't matter. It's a pet peeve of Lynn Hennings and won't change their path to the playoffs, so any mental, physical or financial resource the team puts in that direction is resource not spent in a direction that matters.
  2. Guys smash the ball hard and get robbed all-the-time, everytime an IF snags a liner at 110 mph. Getting 'robbed', by a fielder, the wind, a seagull that flies by, an architectural detail - all sort of intrinsic to the game to me. If baseball didn't have such a huge input of randomizing variables that suppressed how good the good teams are and how bad the bad teams are, it would look too much like the NBA with the good teams winning at an 800 clip and the bad ones at 200. 162 game losing season is bad enough when your bad team is at 400.
  3. I've seen him listed anywhere between 7'2" and 7'4". That would be my biggest worry - guys above 7' 1, 7'2" haven't had great history of holding together physically in the NBA.
  4. right. If Harris actually gets into numbers they will tell him the park is not the problem. Tiger team was was above average in HR as recently as 2017. I could only see them doing something if they propose it as part of a general rehab of the facility because otherwise it would be a lot of money spend on something that is very unlikely to add a single win to any season total.
  5. Yeah - it is totally against the norm for a guy to have his bat - esp his power, just dissolve in his 28th yr when he should be still be in his peak strength years.
  6. My 'sad and dissappointed' will be to see Willi Castro back.
  7. too bad the FBI's scruples don't run to 'dead or alive' on the bounty. I guess we only do that for black flaggers. 🤷‍♀️
  8. Attitude and perspective aside, I just don't think Shep is that good from a technical standpoint. Collisions of parts of speech, tenses, mangled words, sentences that just get lost in verbal bogs. I thought after all the years on the radio he'd be better at the nuts and bolts of speaking on air.
  9. of course the Russians also seem to have a way with the bad guys rising to power behind guys that look much more promising who are then shunted aside once the stake is well driven through the old regime's heart. Kerensky - Yelstin paved the way for Lenin and Putin......
  10. Sure, although the counter to the 'you'll have clubhouse strife if a guy is demoted' arg is that these guys also all want to win, and most of them are not really going to cry too much when someone who may be standing in the way of them winning more gets moved. Plus I suppose I'd argue that you are paying a manager 7 plus figures to make sure you manage the clubhouse so that winning stays everyone's #1 priority. And of course Soto hadn't blown that many opportunities. It's been pretty clear the ice under his cleats kept getting thinner, but he he hadn't crashed through completely either. The stronger part of the arg for me is about it not mattering because they weren't going anywhere and maybe you straighten Soto out and then his value goes up so you are willing to ride it out. That's fair. Then it comes down to more nebulous questions about when and what kind of culture and how much 'edge' you need to encourage......
  11. Maybe if people start lining up on at least two sides that's progress. There has to be some orgainzing principle for the pushers before anybody can get pushed over. I suppose we might say - well, what if someone even more right wing gets control? - but I would bet even if they do come at Putin from the right, if one or group does win through, their first priority will still have to be to pivot to restablize the Russian state and it will be obvious to anyone who wasn't Putin that they can't do that while bleeding out in Ukraine.
  12. Shep's the only one who ever worked in sports talk radio - he knows where the audience is by now.
  13. It's sort of another example of what I haven't liked about Tigers' management this season. Soto should have lost the his closer's gig when he lost his slider. There were other guys in this BP who could have been doing a better job - but the Tigers just stayed stuck in their rut with a Soto who has pretty much been a recipe for trouble for at least half the season. I guess it's like Jack apparently said last night (when there was no-one to hear him...!), the Tigers over value their own guys. Despite what Hinch says, throwing 100 mph is not 'electric' stuff if you can't control it and have no secondary pitches. Guy who can hit triple digits and not get guys out are garden variety in today's game.
  14. I don't know whose idea it is to play OF that deep. They did it last night and it burned them. Davis is so close to the wall he could crawl back to the it before the ball could get there.
  15. Speaking of Musk, WaPo reporting today that the US actually paid for some/all of the Starlinks he had been given credit for donating to Ukraine. Figures. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/08/us-quietly-paying-millions-send-starlink-terminals-ukraine-contrary-spacexs-claims/
  16. They say they will. It's always interesting to see how close reality comes to the meeting commitments.
  17. We are at the point with Soto where it's like we were tith KRod. You know every time he goes out there that he's on borrowed time because his arsenal is basically the FB, period, and no matter how often he escapes, he remains fixed at the edge of disaster just waiting to fall the rest of the way off. He may be Fetter's big failure of this season. He's had all year to rediscover the lost off speed pitch and it hasn't happened.
  18. So, much earlier in the conflict there was fair amount of commentary about what kinds of circumstances could lead to the collapse of an army, but when it didn't happen to either side immediately it sort of faded from media consciousness, but a lot of what was described then looks like it may be happening now. I would imagine like everything else in the Russian media fantasy land, it didn't dawn on them that once the relatively small number of professionals in the Russian army got their units cut up and the preponderance of the remaining troops were conscripts and home guard, that the confluence of incompetence and complete lack of fighting motivation could only lead to cascading failure.
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