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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Navalny writes in WaPo today that only if the system is changed in Russia can the outcomes change. One wonders if that is not still too optimistic. Then again, he is a Russian, he needs to be able to believe there is some way out of his country's condition. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/09/30/alexei-navalny-parliamentary-republic-russia-ukraine/
  2. It's also quite possible that like this year, when he come to camp the knee feels pretty good and he hits well enough to keep in the line-up. Then like this year, the most likey scenario is that after hundred or a couple hundred AB the knee can't take it and he becomes useless again. Rinse, repeat.
  3. I don't see it. Guys at the end who are not productive get released. It happens. Maybe the difference with Cabrera is that since the situation with the knee is so ill-defined, he will come to camp and it will be a month or two before he proves he can't play (barring some miracle where he can). Then he'll either agree to go to the 60 or he'll be released. Teams are not in business to massage the egos of over the hill stars - and his teammates may love him but they will want to win more.
  4. If he can walk on the knee without making it worse. Not that we have any right to the information - but the diagnosis on Miggy's knee has remained sort of mysterious at the public level - all we know is it hurts and it can't be fixed. But since we have no idea what is good/bad for it, who knows what we should be expecting Cabrera to be doing or not doing to help give himself a better chance to play productively again?
  5. Baddoo with a 383 OBP/845 OPS in September has been a big shot of adrenaline to the run scoring.
  6. It's beginning to look like Putin is going all Hernan-Cortez-point-of-no-return and burning his ships. The difference is that Cortez' men knew there was a lot of gold to be easily had in Mexico. Russian men know all too well what is really waiting for them in Ukraine.
  7. NASA trying to arrange with SpaceX to boost Hubble's orbit to keep it in service another 20-30 yrs. Hubble with an amazing life considering it was almost DOA when launched. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2022/nasa-spacex-to-study-hubble-telescope-reboost-possibility
  8. there aren't a lot of good ways to train and lose weight with a bad knee. Hope he likes to swim.....
  9. Yesterday's gains wiped out this morning. S&P briefly touched Tuesday's low and found some buyers. It would be nice to know if the Fed is really crazy, or just wants everyone to think they are crazy as strategy. Unfortunately we aren't going to know until after the fact.
  10. I just saw a quote that he's determined to come back next year in better condition to stand up to a full season. I don't how he plans to accomplish that with his mobility so limited, but I wish him all the luck in the world.
  11. meh - events like this always generate a ton of commentary from a ton of people whose opinions I don't care about - which is all I was getting at. I guess I'd go a little further on the basic logic. It's an event, it happened, it's in the books. I guess I don't really care about anyone's opinion about the event. Makes no difference to me or to what is now historical fact that stands on its own.
  12. this is certainly true, but the thing about a market is that it reflects aggregate behavior. As long as some people are willing and able to move, that can balance a market without every one having to. So wish you neighbor who decides to move well, because he is helping to lower housing costs in your high cost area by going. Of course if you own your home already then persuade him to stay put and keep accruing your profits!
  13. This. And how much Miguel's remaining skills fell off this season. At 80 games he wasn't hitting for power but he had a 308 BA and 718 OPS, and was occasionally getting some weight shift in his swing. That was not hard to live with in a league where hitting was down generally and esp in the context of rest of the Tiger team not being good hitters either. But he basically completely fell apart the 2nd half - 146 BA, 432 OPS and a flat foot hitting approach. That you just can't carry. So that is why I think it 100% goes to the knee. If some level of recovery of his condition from where is it is now isn't possible, he needs to hang 'em up.
  14. I'll file that with all the other takes by people whose opinions I don't care about anyway....
  15. It's was amazing he hit the ball 400 feet on that flat footed swing. Well of course he mostly can't which is why he's not much threat as a hitter anymore.
  16. FWIW - the last thing I read said that apparently one line is still intact. Destroing the pipelines is hard to figure even by the standards of Russian logic but the number of actors with the capability to have done it does't leave many likely candidates. What strikes me is the pessimism it betrays. Whoever did this doesn't foresee any normalization between Russia and Europe happening for a long time.
  17. The part that sucks is that the money the BoE is printing to bail out the bond holders is more banker's welfare. Privatized profits with socialized losses - the modern way to bank!
  18. I don't know what he's trying to do be being coached to try to do, but my uninformed take is that he is taking too many hittable pitches. Is he too fixed on only swinging at a perfect pitch? Is he working on a 'cover 1/2 the plate on any particular pitch" theory? I have no idea, but he did seem out of sync tonight. Of course Dreckman was also beyond inconsistent tonight behind the plate, anything 3" to the inside or outside of either edge might be a strike or a ball on any given pitch. I almost fell off the couch when Shep actually complimented the umpiring given the quality of the game that was being called.
  19. I believe that is correct, subject to the consideration that medical technology is always a moving target.
  20. Torkelson as ususal looked great at 1b but a pretty bad night at the plate -- looked a lot like July again..
  21. ya think? there is definitely an "I would rather complain than have to lead" scenario.
  22. it depends on who he is blocking. Given a scenario where Baddoo, Greene and one or more of the Meadows ends up as the outfield, and Kerry Carpenter could put up an 800 OPS at DH, are you really going to let Miguel have any number of AB at <500 OPS? The offense has been so bad we didn't have anyone to bump Miguel. To assume there is room for him to DH next season is to admit in advance that Harris is going to fail to make any significant improvement in the offense. There is only one scenario I can see under which Miguel comes back, and that is that he undergoes some off season medical treatment that could potentially help the knee. IMO, for him to try to come back without some change in his physical condition is pointless for him and impossible for the team.
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