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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. EVs and EV tech are fine. The only issue is EV production outrunning the supply of low CO2 electricity. There is no point putting EV's on the road and then burning coal to charge them up. my guess is that for a number of years EV and ICs will co-exist, with most people going to work and shop with an EV, and take long trips with a IC/hybrid car. If fast charging tech proves itself over the next decade, then those last IC will also exit the scene - but it's a still early on the development curve to be able to make that call.
  2. I get the impression this is a fan concept that doesn't have any foundation in anything the team is saying or doing. By the same token, that contention is not a hill I would die on either.
  3. I'm pretty skeptical about this one. It would require a level of attention to road surface maintenance that you just don't see in most places in the US, certainly not in the midwest with the constant freeze/thaw cycling. But in the end the drive toward this type of capability depends directly on how much battery tech development can improve charging times. If systems get down to 10-15 minute or so charge time, it won't be worth the capital to spend what would be needed to build and maintain 'charging roads.' If battery charging tech stagnates and can't make progress from the current situation, then maybe.
  4. Tork with a great game in the field again. If his bat can keep him in the majors he was a gold glove in his future.
  5. silly inning by KC. When you have a 3 run lead in the 8th you take the sure outs. These runs were pure gifts. But we'll take 'em!
  6. the logic is good enough, but it seems like a reach for Ukrainian capabilities - it would also mean the Ukrainians are basically writing off Germany as a useful ally - which I could believe..... They said 70 meters of water, which is about 230 feet. A diver can reach that on Trimix, but it would be a long decompression, more like the kind of thing you'd do from a submarine otherwise you'll be seen loitering there. It would be easy enough to drop a depth charge from the surface but water being as dense as it is you'd have to have it come pretty close to work. Some kind of autonomous ROV that placed a charge would be my guess as most likely. Swedes say the explosions were big, which might argue it wasn't anything a diver could manage. I imagine some one is going to get a submersible down there quickly and the litter is going to yield up the true story.
  7. Occam razor says it's the Russians and it's meant to be a threat to the new Norwegian pipeline. But if that's true is also means that Putin's regime is committed to a program from which there will be no way back into the civilized order of nations - pretty much ever ( that being the circumstance under which the pipelines have lost their value to Russia). As much as that was already practically true because of Ukraine, there was at least an internal Russian fiction that Ukraine was an internal issue. Start attacking 3rd party nation infrastructure and that's the end of that. Just another case where Putin's interpretation of Russia's future is increasingly at odds with his population's.
  8. given that in both cases there could be a lot of international wrangling before repairs are begun on either one, and that the interiors, which are not designed for it, will be sitting in salt water, it's conceivable that large sections of either or both pipelines could end up total losses. Not a prediction, but a possibility.
  9. Nordstream 2 apparently targeted by some kind of undewater bombing. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-germany-berlin-00232df3f4b4bc89afd47d4707724e33 Russians want an excuse not pay contract non-delivery penalties? Someone in the West wants to make sure Germany has no opporunity to backslide? One thing for certain- getting millions of gallons of salt water in a gas pipeline aint going to be good for it.
  10. What? Me worry? https://www.investing.com/news/economic-indicators/us-consumer-confidence-increased-in-september--conference-board-survey-2899935
  11. Harris wants players to believe they can get better if they come to Detroit. TBF, the Tigers are already decently positioned in their pitching development to be on their way there. The $64 question is whether he can build exactly what the Tigers seem to be missing, which is some kind of hitting instruction/support system that works.
  12. Nice to know that somewhere in the world investors will rebel when a leader comes to office pushing economic ideas that have been discredited for something on 30 yrs now.
  13. ISW with and extra report today on Russian mobilization. Interesting piece of background in the report is that the Russian efforts to convert to an all volunteer force which began in 2008 actually foundered on the inability of Russia to fund the salary costs of a fully professional force. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-september-25
  14. Reyes with 300AB. It took a lot of things conspiring together to get him that many. If Greene or Meadows is healthy all season, if Baddoo didn't crash and have to go back to AAA, if Grossman had hit any RHP, if Daz and/or Hill hadn't fallen on their faces, he'd likely have less, or even be gone already. Probalby don't need to worry that all that will repeat to his benefit again.
  15. nailed it. Of course you have to wonder if Maggie the profiteer fell into the gig because no-one else wanted it.
  16. Cameron can't hit RHP. Reyes is not good but he's not significantly weaker from either side.
  17. Maybe he'll throw in martial law to deal with unruly recruits as well. So much for "Special operation - nothing to see here...."
  18. LOL - if any one wonders why Javy keeps swinging at those sliders, it's beause sometimes he hits them. His 3rd hit comes a ball he laced to left that was a foot outside. go figure...
  19. I don't see any likely scenario where Baez is not the SS next season. Schoop 50/50 to be gone, Cadelario 70/30 to be gone. Cabrera bought out. Minimal starting point for any climb back.
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