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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I don't know how big a problem this is for RHH because a RHH hitter can reach the LF stands easily enough at Copa. Tork has already shown he can reach the RF stands as did JD before him and as Cabrera always had. If they ban the shift my thought would be that the increased incentive for LHH to pull the ball will be great enough to swamp concerns about particular ball park dimensions. But the deep CF gives a power pitcher some confidence challenging a hitter and that's a part of the game I like.
  2. all true by the book Romad, but you know as well as I that in much of Europe, religion of all stripes today is more notational than lived. I'll will grant I should have included Hungary and Croatia, and maybe esp given the situation with Orban the Pope weighing in could be helpful to the angels.
  3. maybe he's got a sick kid in the car, maybe he's going to be late for a flight, maybe he's a jerk. You might have willingly given him your spot if you knew the story - or maybe not. The point is you have no idea one way or the other before you drop the hammer of judgment from the lofty vantage point of the next lane.
  4. which is probably fine. At least from the capital expenditure side, I doubt interest rates have a lot of impact on decision making until they get to or above 4%. The difference between 1% and 2% money over the time horizon of (i.e short) of American business isn't going to change many decisions. IMV most of the move from 0-3% was just picking up the slack in the tow rope.
  5. sounds like you are talking about the southern leg?From 23 I alway took the east bound leg, which was completely rebuilt over the period I was communting it. A lot of trips either all the way down Monroe, or acrosss Sylvania. Enough to make a long but easy commute into a longer and more painful one.
  6. It might help buttress political support in maybe Italy and Poland, but they are already pretty well committed. Gov could be changing in Italy so it might be most useful there. Pronouncements by the Catholic Pope don't carry much weight in the Orthodox world of course.
  7. people don't give enough credit to how much weather can subtly shift from year to year. When Target opened in MN everyone was pulling their hair out at the end of the first season because there were no home runs, but it was just a really weird summer with a lot of cool dry evenings for the night games. People didn't notice because it was still nice weather to be at the ball park, just enough cooler than normal for enough weeks when a lot of home games were on the schedule. Park played fine every year since. Since my summer bike rides are mostly east-west, it did seem to me that the west wind was less prevalent this year than most esp earlier in the summer. If they filleted the corners of the CF wall that would take away the most egregious points and few enough balls actually end up there it would affect perception a lot more than game play, which IMV is all that is needed here. The 420 dead center is fine. COPA is one of several parks that reach 420 at their deepest point. The current hysteria because Riley didn't reach on one HR is being a bit overdone though.
  8. LOL. There is an interesting point hidden under the covers of the concentration issue. A set of unit operations - say like a waste water treatment plant - in general cannot perform to any certain total amout of bad stuff remaining in its outfall, only the concentration of stuff in the outfall. So the bigger the flow, the more total stuff still gets out. So if you send the treatment plant the same total amount of crap to remove, but with *less* dilution water, the total residuals in the outfall will be less because it will be lower flow at the same concentration. IOW, the value in low flow toilets is more than in the water they save the homeowner..... (also why it was a terrible mistake not to have separate sanitary and storm water sewers when so many cities were built, but what did they know ~150 yrs ago when those decisions were made?)
  9. Pretty much only the largest systems need enough to use rail - a little Chlorine goes a long way in water! But having handled it both ways, from a safety standpoint I would rather see Chlorine in a rail tankcar than an over the road truck any day and twice on Sunday! But there is another important factor that also drove system operators away from Chlorine which was if you have a little bit of low molecular wt organic material in your feed supply, Chlorination will help you generate halogenated organics - which is to say potential carcinogens. For instance Ann Arbor, which takes some water from the Huron river - which being a live ecosystem of course does carry some organic material, switched for that reason. Given the dilution volume of the Great Lakes, the Detroit system, which draws mostly from Lake Huron, has organic concentrations low enough that is apparently not an issue.
  10. exactly, and that's the clear press bias for sensationalism and doomsaying. For years, that same report would be have been given as: "prices in August increased 0.1 from those in July for a 1.2% annual rate." That was *always* the standard language used on those numbers - until the last two months that is.
  11. 12 months ago I don't think anyone would have even given odds against Xi's reappointment, but it hasn't been a good year for him. Not that you'd still get many takers on those odds, but whatever they are, they have to be worse than they were.
  12. Putie's body language in the video looks like a 5th grader trying to explain why he doesn't have his assignments done.
  13. this is going to split one of two ways and I don't think we have any way to know until the votes get counted - either the dem over estimates in 2016 and 2020 were purely the result of GOP turnout energy from Trump himself being on the ballot, in which case the Dems are golden, or the dem overestimate repeats and it's going to be a dark two years.
  14. it would be better if they spent the weapons and didn't kill the civilians!
  15. the Fed wants a slowdown, that is how they get it.
  16. I get the rationale that the US doesn't want to supply things like ATACMS to Ulraine, but they are going to need to supply better anti-missile defense and quickly because at this point the Russians appear to be committed to doing as much domestic mayhem in Ulraine as they can.
  17. Yup - PEDs have to be considered and with latin players of that era it's hard to be confident their ages are correct, but even that said, some guys do get older quicker. You see it start more at 33-34 but there is always a lot variation in the human population.
  18. True, but higher interests rates are going to lower the stock market and higher interest rates following a period of FED zero interest rates and QE were inevitable even without inflation compressing the timescale for the increases. The die was cast for equities to see a future period of pain a long time ago.
  19. that looks pretty close to my experience - maybe a little high, but things like down payments and credit ratings mean there is never just a single numbers for any date.
  20. But consumers don't really experience the year to date inflation number, they experience the month to month change, which was 0.1%. It basically takes a year for the year to year number to come back down even after inflation cools. I don't know if people don't understand the math or maybe they expect prices to go back down (which usually won't happen much except for raw commodities), but lets say in May of 2020 prices rise 10% then stop going up. You will still get a 10% year to year inflation rate report every month until May of 21 even with no prices increases over 11 of those months.
  21. my recollection is for a long stretch in the 50-60's early 70's, mortgages were sort of stable in the 4-6% range. In those days the Fed's mandate was constant interest rates so rates didn't change as much as they do now, and the prime rate target was something like 3-4% I think. My folks had a 5.5% mortgage in 1972, I took a 7.5% mortgage in 1979. Things got stupid high for a while after that and a lot of folks went to adjustables because it was clear things had to start back down. By '87 things were falling again I and got 8 1/4%. From about there on refi's moved pretty much consistently downward to as low ~3.5%. Then the crash and central banks going to ZIRP kept them low until this year.
  22. Handled Chlorine a lot early in my career. Weird stuff - it makes no sense for a gas to be green.
  23. Curious he didn't seem as clear on the value of spin on his FB but worked on it anyway. If he can hit 19" vertical he'll do fine with it.
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