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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Not sure what so many American's are so afriad of. In a nation of 350 million with a fertility rate of 1.70 and a million XS COVID deaths in the last 2 yrs, that might still be short of replacement. Heck immigrants from South and Central America don't even worship strange Gods or anything.....
  2. railroad tankcars are amazingly robust though. It always amazes me when you see derailments and the tankecars are all strewn around like a kid got mad at his Lionel, but most are perfectly intact.
  3. yeah, the 390 LF power alley was too much. But is that is what they fixed.
  4. I just don't get these corporate managements who think they need to create working conditions they wouldn't live with themselves for 10 minutes. If you can't create an environment your workers wouldn't rather quit than stay in (RR workers have been quitting in droves) you are, quite simply, incompetent managers. "But look at our profits!" It doesn't take any particular talent to squeeze more profit out a business by putting it on a path to an eventual reckoning or collapse.
  5. this is pretty huge if it holds
  6. California may also have the most vibrant economy in the nation, but no way that could be related......
  7. I might have been nice to see if Parker could have sustained his success at AAA at the end of this season - but OTOH maybe it's also good for him to experience some sustained success with the bat after what has to have been a frustrating MiLB career prior to this year.
  8. True. Of course the question is can the West do any better job than the 'help' offered after the Soviet Union fell apart?
  9. True enough - though differences also. The Sunni power structure in Iraq knew that once Saddam fell they were never going to get power back again - beyond Saddam they had no prospects - the future was civil-war and/or an inevitable Shia take-over since the Americans would eventually force an election the Sunni couldn't win if they removed Saddam. "Reformed" government by the Sunni wasn't possible in Iraq as the only 'reform' the Shia cared about was gaining control. What is so striking in Russia is the degree to which Putin is destroying all the vestiges of civil society that could reasonably function once his bullet finds him. It's going to be like Libya isn't it?
  10. people complain about CF but dead center is actually the same as Tiger Stadium was for the last 30-40 yrs at the old ball park- 420*. Now it's true that the 420 wall is a lot wider at COPA than it was at Tiger stadium so that just to left and right of dead center are longer at COPA. But there were still a good number of deep shots hit at Tiger stadium that guys didn't get rewarded for. They could round out the CF wall at COPA to get rid of the 430 areas and it wouldn't bother me but TBH I like the 420 to dead center. (For a long time I think Dan Dickerson was the only guy in the Det baseball media that understood that dead center was not the deepest point at COPA) *If you are old enough to remember the flagpole being in play at TS,, it was 440 into a fairly square corner where the left and right field walls met, which was where the flagpole was. But when they did some remodel work at one point (60's, 70's?) they put a fence across the sharp corner which put the flagpole out of play and took about 15-20ft off the distance from dead center to home plate. Strangely enough, they left "440" painted on the wall until the end even though it wasn't anymore.
  11. Yup. And wasn't it before they even had the high bridge completed that the shipping that used the drawbridge ceased to operate? From A^2 to Oregon you could either go through downtown and over the Wayne bridge, cross the River on I-75, or go to 280. 280 was longer but actually quicker once the new bridge was in and assuming 475 wasn't under construction.
  12. Not just stupid, but doesn't even make sense in it's own logic. And this guy waves "hi"
  13. welcome to the Tiger's world. Maybe there is kind of miasma that hangs over the players centered at Brush and E. Adams.
  14. yeah - non-shutouts are now our victories. Javy hasn't hit half badly this month. If he comes back next season where he is now that would be an improvement.
  15. The other thing you can get out on the open road is the truck that just sticks it in a walking gear and sets a slow roll. If everyone stays behind it, you don't get nearly as many cars through the congestion than if people go around him and fill-in the space he is leaving in front. He's driving in a manner that is comfortable for him, but may be inefficient for the rest of traffic.
  16. the fact that some people are so doctrinaire about how other people drive is why zipper merge is the right answer. It removes the choice from the situation.
  17. In the original design, the bullpens were not in LF, so the LF wall was what is now the far wall of the BP. A LOT of HRs now fall into the BP. Just remove the inside wall of the BP and that's the original field. They basically over compensated for the LF being the East (windward) wall. IIRC nothing much was done in right because RF played OK to begin with. There might have been some minor change to the height of the RF wall where they took out the old BP.
  18. Wentz with 34 pitchers in the 1st without a walk or a run?
  19. Weren't we supposed to be done with having to buy guys out after we cleared the decks in 2017? 🤬
  20. LOL - absolutely correct, but I'm too lazy to do that today!
  21. If I recall anything I learned in a couple of driving classes I had to take when I had a company car, the big risk factor on the freeway after tailgaiting is differential speed and when people merge early and leave the other lane open for people to blast down - you get a lot of differential speed between the lanes and that increases hazard. If both lanes slow down together that is largely eliminated and I believe that is part of the analysis for zipper merge. But for sure it only works if the state makes the effort to educate the driving public.
  22. No, it just tells you he's not a pull hitter so COPA is not his best park. No hitter will have the same profile in every park unless you mandate that they all be equal. If you bring in CF at COPA, you are going to have to move something else back out or you are going to end up that much more above average. Now I'm sure that is fine with a lot of folks, nothing wrong with that and YMMV, but if we are trying to move away from a '3 true outcomes' game you'd be taking COPA in the opposite direction.
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