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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. and you see more guys who start out throwing well, but don't maintain it as deep into their career the way a Kaline did. I will say that I think there is a just a little bit of trend back. Training science is good enough today that it doesn't have to be as much a binary choice as it was and we I think we are seeing more guys that throw well than maybe 10 yrs ago. Tigers haven't had one recently though. 😢
  2. The first key is to get back to where debates are about how to cope with reality, rather than what reality is. You can argue about the former with good faith, arguments about the later too soon take on religious character.
  3. And to think that for a couple of years, Kaline was playing next to Colavito, who also had a cannon. I think the way hitters strength train today just makes it impossible for as many guys to maintain the elasticity you need to throw like the old timers did, and hitting the ball hard is the name of the game so that's the way it is.
  4. Shoigu's the cat with nine lives. No matter what he f's up, Vladdy still loves him.
  5. agree there. Maybe in all the general controversy about it, POC's box office numbers got lost in the noise because I don't have any recollection of it having been a big box office hit either. I wonder if that includes overseas?
  6. Surprised if Kelly didn't make the final cut, but Walz and Shapiro have been at the top of my list. if your are already blue, Shapiro is fun to listen to when does stuff like take apart Vance, but in a general election for Pres Walz's less confrontational/down home style may play better to a wider audience. If they think they have PA without Shapiro, I would pick Walz.
  7. speculation, or more like wishful thinking, is now that the Fed might make an unscheduled rate cut in response to the sell off. I have my doubts of that on two grounds - the first is that so far the dip has been self-limited, of course we'll if that holds till the end of the day or not...... and 2nd, the Fed can effectively "loosen" by cutting back on its asset sales schedule ("quantitative tightening") without nearly as much public attention as an out of schedule rate change would generate. (they've been selling off about $100B/month)
  8. Or Trump would have just welshed on the deal when a big donor that didn't like it made him an offer on a hotel deal. The thing that separates Presidents on both side of the aisle who get things done from those who don't is whether they can be trusted in a negotiation, and if you look up 'untrustworthy' in the dictionary Trump's mug will be staring back at you.
  9. Nowadays the bottom feeders are all out there with cash waiting for the dips. Crypto is somethings else. Smoke and mirrors remains smoke and mirrors at any level.
  10. I'm not a marvel fan but I assume this flick is also benefiting from lack of competition?
  11. so in the pic: Reagan, Bush I, Ed Meese, tall guy might be David Gergen, the guy next to Reagan looks for the world like Walter Cronkite. The guy bent over in profile has been identified in some places as Buffet but I've seen denials - it's supposed to actually be a CBS exec (Cronkite's producer), which would work if the other guy is Cronkite.
  12. I just logged into my Fidelity account - no problem. Of course didn't try to trade anything.
  13. Yup. Warren getting out is probably one of things that started the move to the exits.
  14. If they ever play together, Clark, Meadows and Greene would be an outfield for the ages, though no arms like Kaline's.
  15. could well be, but OTOH those other things are just talking points, they don't cut close to home. They aren't sitting in your driveway being the object of your affection everyday. Maybe it's just that in MI people are more vehicle crazy in all directions, but I tend to see that IC pick-up as a pivot point for the whole "I'm not some kind of wimpy urban librul" consciousness. Or maybe even Bubba is already resigned on the issue since he probably had to settle for a sissy turbo 4 instead of a manly V-8 in his last buy. 🤣
  16. I don't want to sound cruel, but if you bought NVDA etc., at the top of run you set yourself up to be the kind of sap that the pros make their money from. If you bought it when it was reasonable, you are still well into the black. One thing you have to learn as a single investor is that if you are late to the party, just accept that you need to go somewhere else. Hopping on trains that have already pulled out far from the station is seldom a winner.
  17. Somebody needed to buy you kids some chemistry sets!
  18. I think this one is going to hurt him. If Trump can't protect their F150 Supercrews, then the whole thing has been a sham all along. There are going to be a lot very demoralized Bubbas out there over this one. Seriously, this a huge walk back on holding back the tide of culture they don't want to see. I know Trump lusts after Elon's money and he wants the support on Twitter, but I think this is going to be a huge unforced error with the base.
  19. yeah - there are a lot of hateful people running the MAGA express but I agree that the followers are mostly just normal folk. They do seem to have a very high tolerance for cruelty to immigrants though. They may be decent folk but there is a definite level of conditioning to at leat that one rather incompassionate stance.
  20. Miller is proving that at leverage he is worse than his overall stats
  21. Tell your gut to get with the program!
  22. the Hen's D this season has been a work in progress to say the least.
  23. this is just more proof, as if any is needed, that opinions within groups are fixed, the variability in turnout for each group is going to swamp any error in assessing each candidates standing within a group or any movement of people from one cohort to another. And each pollster is can do nothing more than guess how turnout is going to break - it's very hard to survey what people are actually going to do vs what they say they intend to do.
  24. Hurters seems to be a split personality guy, great outing, then he gets bombed - then a great outing...
  25. what did we get for Chafin again?
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