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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Is anyone else struck by the absurdity/unreality of Trevor's interview with Lester's father? Sure it's a 'feel good' story that the guy is getting his cup of coffee as reward for being a good MiLB solder, but does anyone seriously believe Lester has an MLB future, and that being the case isn't an interview like Trevor just did borderline emotion predation on the family?
  2. Obviously you can't trust the picture you get from tweets and wire services in near real time, but even given that, there seems to be scant evidence of any Russian C&C capability to respond.
  3. LOL - There's religion, there's tribalism, and there's money. 1 and 2 can always find a way to the back seat when it's time to take care of #3 and WTI under $85 this AM
  4. The problem for Russia is gas. China and Asia can absorb Russia's oil and the market just shifts so that sanctioning countries get their oil from suppliers displaced from Asian sales - because an oil tanker from anywhere can go anywhere. But Russia's gas infrastructure points into Europe and that can't change very fast. They will be faced with the prospect of reducing oil production in fields that co-produce gas, or flaring off billions of $ in gas they can't sell.
  5. I could only see it if I had still had the heart to be watching. 😢
  6. there was a typo in the post - it's 2/10 with 2BB which isn't terrible but my concern still stands. Actually he was at >900 OPS his last 50 AB at Toledo, it just hadn't pulled up his overall numbers much.
  7. He's 2/10 2BB on the return. I think I'd worry about his progress less if they'd left him in Toledo to rake until the current coaching staff in Detroit had been replaced....
  8. Gazprom (GAZP.MM) on Friday said the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, Europe's major supply route, would remain shut as a turbine at a compressor station had an engine oil leak, sending wholesale gas prices soaring. read more When asked when Nord Stream 1 would start pumping gas again, Markelov told Reuters on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in the Russian Pacific port of Vladivostok: "You should ask Siemens. They have to repair equipment first."...... Siemens Energy said it was not currently commissioned by Gazprom to do maintenance work on the turbine with the suspected engine oil leak, but was on standby. The company, headquartered in Munich, Germany, said on Tuesday that it did not comprehend Gazprom's presentation of the situation. It said an engine oil leak at the last remaining turbine in operation at the Portovaya compressor station did not constitute a reason to keep the pipeline closed. An engine oil leak Gazprom (GAZP.MM) said has been found at the last remaining turbine in operation at the Portovaya compressor station does not constitute a technical reason for stopping operation, Siemens Energy (ENR1n.DE) said on Friday. "Such leaks do not normally affect the operation of a turbine and can be sealed on site. It is a routine procedure within the scope of maintenance work," the company said... ..."Irrespective of this, we have already pointed out several times that there are sufficient other turbines available at the Portovaya compressor station for Nord Stream 1 to operate," Siemens Energy said..... https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/exclusive-gazprom-says-nord-stream-1-resumption-depends-siemens-energy-2022-09-06/
  9. Reports from US intelligence that the Russians are buying artillery shells from N. Korea. The good part is that the clear implication is that China has declined to offer similar support. Russia turns to N. Korea
  10. Definitely some good fun there. Always good when the perspective gets pulled back to the fact that they are, after all, playing-a-game.
  11. It's been decades since I was a child with grandparents from the Middle East, but my memories of what I heard there would say that the 'more than 1st' cousin - meaning *further* away than 1st cousin, was accepted traditional middle eastern practice at least at the turn of the 20th century. I.E. marriage to a 2nd cousin in that culture would not have raised anyone's eyebrows. We are talking 100 yrs ago in what my grandparents thought was normal, but I could see Oz's frame of reference originating from the same place. Are people reading "more than" to mean "closer than"? Is there reason to think that's what he meant? OTOH, the smell thing is just weirdly TMI.
  12. The SCOTUS did away with most 'incompetent counsel' appeal grounds so a MAGA judge has little choice if she wants to avoid a ruling against the Orange Menace that he can't appeal.
  13. yup. Between IT incompetence and costumer service incompetence you get the perfect storm when the customer service you need involves IT. When I worked for Baker Hughes they used to roll your password every 90 days, which everyone would forget about because you didn't get a warning e-mail - you just had to track it yourself. So they put 4 computers in the lobby of Corp HQ in Houston that allowed to you reset your PW. Brilliant - 3/4 the engineering staff was distributed around the world at account sites. So you call tech service because your PW expired and you tell them - I'm in Timbuktu and need my PW reset/unlocked. And no 'effin joke they read back to you from their script: "Have you accessed the PW reset terminals in the lobby?"
  14. I think the bigger issue with the Special master review is that it's fundamentally irrelevant to the likely charges to be filed; at it's base it's just another delaying tactic. Of course if DOJ would go ahead and file some charges that might all get a lot clearer.
  15. No doubt $90/BBL is a price point OPEC would like to support. Prices have been bouncing around that point too much for the Sheiks (or Putin) to be happy. It's ironic that while Iran is busy getting into bed with Putin as an arms supplier, if they do sign a new nuke deal that allows their exports to start heading up, prices probably will not be supportable at $90/bbl and that would be about the cruelest thing they could to Vladdie.
  16. I've just started Kristen Kobes Du Mez' book "Jesus and John Wayne." Not sure where her core thesis is yet, but a lot of it seems to be toxic masculinity plus the profit motive of creating a "Christian" cultural state apart from the mainstream culture (music, film, travel, educational immersion etc). A curious thing is that I bet if you ask a white evangelical what they view as their top overall world threats beyond their domestic librul opposition, you know fundamentalist Islam would be right up there. And yet they share so much world view with their supposed enemy, starting with a society ordered around the power of men to suppress women. But it really shouldn't be that surprising I guess. Any philosophy's most virulent enemy is usually the one only one door down the logical system aisle.
  17. /..sigh../ This is what happens when Law Schools become profit centers for schools with good reps.
  18. I wasn't very clear - I was arguing the opposite. What I was arguing was the analyst/media/talking head consideration of the question of what the cut might be and whether a cut was bigger or smaller than that are both fundamentally political questions and thus the market does not and should not respond to them, but rather only to whatever cut actually was or wasn't made. -and of course to whatever the market judges as the likelihood that any given OPEC pronouncement is actually held to by its members!
  19. I shouldn't laugh as I work in an institution every bit as triggered on all this as this example. The difference is I don't think what happens in academia has that much influence in the outside world and I tend to think reality is that the students are often quite reactionary to the prevailing academic orthodoxy anyway, so academia sows the seeds of an inverse intellectual pendulum swing in each generation.
  20. LOL - on reread - to be honest I did misread you post a little. Your qoute was: I glossed too quickly at "experience at *winning* organizations* and took it as "experience in the organization" as in guys who know what's going on the current system. mea culpa
  21. I will absolutely give Jim Harbaugh full credit as being 100% an advocate for players over programs. Always has been. That's no doubt part of why players come to play for him.
  22. The level of navel gazing in Hollywood can reach some epic proportions. For instance, if you can't laugh over all the fall-out from Tilda Swinton's role in Dr. Strange you need a new sense of humor.
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