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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. cute. A few large bulk carrying ships have been built with multiple vertical wind turbines lined up in rows, but they present a lot of logistical problems with loading, clearances etc. Of course this guy has a solar panel on top that may be generating a good part of the energy claimed!
  2. LOL - I've been holding at two, but I don't mountain bike. I am considering an E-Bike though....... But 35ft is the sweet spot for the boat on the Great Lakes. But that's easy before having pulled the trigger on the purchase.
  3. Ha - forgot about Arkansas. I wondered a little about LA because of the big urban pop an NOLA but I guess that doesn't swing it much. S Dak seems like an outlier also. Maybe anyone with liberal tendencies in S Dak has already migrated to MN. When we were living there the pull of the Twin Cities on S Dak youth was pretty clear, both for employment and cultural reasons.
  4. Wentz 5IP 2H 1ER 3BB 2K 1HR. 2K not much but 2H in 5 not bad.
  5. true, but you could say MI is the only state where the crazies tried to kidnap the Gov. The level of extremism is certainly a marker, but not the only one. Another example would be Oregon/WA. Those states in general go blue today, but there is a real lunatic fringe up in the mountains that is probably a lot worse than the MI militia was in it's heyday, but you couldn't judge the average level of radicalism of the rest of the state by it.
  6. I've read some observers of the War who feel that the profile of US arms transfers to Ukraine argues that the US is more interested in Ukraine bleeding the Russians out than actually helping them regain their lost territories (i.e. lack of APC's, main battle tanks, F-16s). OTOH, I suppose one line of thought might be that if Ukraine can bleed Russia enough, they might get a Russian withdrawal without having to retake it all block by block with the casualties that would entail. But that strikes me as banking on some internal Russian process that would remove Putin when the military pain got bad enough. That certainly appears impossible, but such such things always do right up until they aren't. It would also be nice if the Germans got on board and stopped playing into Putin's hands with their energy non-policies.
  7. IDK. Maybe MS, AL, WY, ID, SC? The Plains states like KS, MO, IA have been GOP for a while but I don't think they are as religiously monochrome as a few in the deep south or just as radical as some of the mountain west.
  8. NYT editorial board was very unhappy. Really- not the pitch bot
  9. I agree generally, though it might be useful to make the distinction between the hard slider (~90 pmh) - at about 5-6 mph less than the FB (i.e. Fulmer) which is probably thrown just as hard as the FB, and the 'slurvier' kind of 82-85 mph slider/'horizontal curve' that some other guys throw.
  10. Manning came into this season with questions about his ability to K guys, but while he's not JV, he does pitch in a similar style, using a lot of fastballs early, then like today, the K's tend to come later in the game throwing the breaking ball once the FB is established from earlier in the game. The last inning the case in point!
  11. This is a seriously spot on observation Romad. I've often thought that there no form of hobby or recreation that Americans can't ruin once they 'discover' it.
  12. It's probably a misplaced hope, but if we ever get an automated K zone, it might be to the relative advantage of guys that throw changes and curves because the pitch which is diving downward is the most difficult for an ump to call, so a pitcher in today's game is left with more doubt than with a FB or slider that even if he throws a good curve in a key situation, the ump is going to miss the call.
  13. there are about 50 'dead man walking' football programs out there just waiting to be told they are being left out.
  14. IDK about the politics, but he's right about the IPA. 😝
  15. I tend to agree. Whatever seems to in the water in the Tiger hitting room this year, Torkelson probably doesn't need anymore exposure to it.
  16. Over 800 for August. Assuming he keeps it up I wonder if they will bring him up again before the end of the season or just leave him there to build confidence the rest of the way.
  17. Cabrera - LOL. Tigers need a one legged man to win a game
  18. I don't get the point of playing him when the knee is not good. Completely pointless. I find it hard to believe he doesn't know once he warms up each day whether he is going to be able to drive off it or not.
  19. Big night for the Seawolves - 9 runs scored. Meadows: 3/4 2B BB Dingler: 1/4 HR Workman: 2/3 HR BB (2nd HR in two days after not homering all month) Navigato: 1/4, BB HR Gipson-Long: 7IP 4H 1ER 2BB 5K 1HR
  20. Willi needs to stop this. I'm getting flak from the SO about my long-standing disregard for his skills.
  21. this actually is the way a functioning government is supposed to work. We are so unused to that it seems outre'.
  22. nothing in the Constitution says you have to let him out if he won, and this is an original text SCOTUS.
  23. Maybe with Cossa the FO is thinking 'Ceilings, not floors.'
  24. should be interesting. I suppose every engineer whose management shoots down part of what he proposes can make a pretty similar set of complaints about the company putting profits first, but that's what companies do. Management in general has some rights around deciding how much risk they are willing to accept in their operations, at least when it's not a matter of people's personal safety. Whether Twitter's claims rose to the level of investment advice fraud is the kind of thing that can end up as a he said/she said. How much security constitutes 'good' security may not have obvious bright lines. Still in all, this news probably makes Elon a happy camper.
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