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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. You can never know for sure whether you are suffering a statistical anomaly (i.e. bad luck) or creating the problem yourself. You may decide to change something in the system and then things get better, but if your luck was bad they probably would have gotten better anyway. That said, at some point the odds of luck being as bad as it has been start to get pretty long and you better be examining your program. Are they teaching grips that create too much stress? Wrong throwing schedule, wrong conditioning program. They better have it all on the table.
  2. If Riley can hit 250 his 1st half season in the majors that would still be pretty promising. The big test for him is yet to come: Will he start falling off as the grind and the scouting book on him both get longer?
  3. well, that is the thing. On the very few occasions where he could push off the back leg, he was still able to drive the ball and be productive but it only lasts a day or two. But apparently there is nothing that can be done for the knee. Well, losing 40 lbs would probably help it immeasurably, but the last time Miguel lost serious weight it didn't go well with the bat and he claimed he had lost his hitting leverage so I don't think he sees losing significant weight as an option - assuming he still even could. He needs to hang 'em up.
  4. LOL, the treatment for ringworm, which is not a worm but a fungus, is Miconazole (Tinactin etc), and that's usually not hard to find in a locker room!
  5. there is one other possibility that would be very sad if true but the Tatis suspension can't help but surface it: If there is a newfangled 'designer' drug PED cocktail making the rounds in the league that has been so far undetected/undetectable, and Tiger pitchers have used it, tendon/ligament issues are always a possible side effect with that class of drug- especially if there might be 'designer' compounds in use that haven't been through rigorous clinical trials. No-one would want this to be true, but it would be naive to think it's not possible.
  6. Remember when Miguel coming to the plate as the tying run in the bottom of the 9th was something to look foward to? Good times.....
  7. There should be a new scoring rule, named in honor of the Tigers, that when a team gets shut out, no pitcher is assigned the loss.
  8. also be nice if big brother did something. Austin with another O'fer with the Hens, but it's basically Spring training for him.
  9. It's amazing how many runs in the modern game are the result of defensive lapses. Maybe that needs to be added to the list of the modern games 'true outcomes'
  10. LOL - just wrote the same post. I hope Norris finds some success but it's funny to see him now a pretty much a pure finesse pitcher with he had one the best live fastballs of any left hander coming out of Toronto.
  11. Nice play by Harold there. He may not have enough glove to play SS well, but seems to have plenty to play 1st. Too bad he doesn't have the power to go with 1b or he could be a plus player. Of course, if a pig had wings...... Norris does look calmer that he used to. Not get too excited though - he's only managed 1K thru 3.
  12. McCosky says the issue is 'definitely his elbow.' That may be 'definitely' but doesn't say much! Does that at least not mean another UCL or not? Bone chip? I guess we wait and see.
  13. two BB this inning but he gets out of it. Norris's body control does seem better on the mound, but maybe that's because his best FB so far has been about 91.
  14. Shep says Kopech is sharper than his last outing as he leaves a fastball middle/middle and Candelario fouls it off......
  15. easy inning for Norris. He has adopted a little rock step on his delivery. He managed to throw some pitches without falling off the mound but still did his little out of control spin on a couple.
  16. yeah that was too easy. O-line was moving folks. The bad drop by Williams wasn't enough to stop the drive either.
  17. Hillary wanted to be able to conduct her off the books activities without being subject to records retention. Why she didn't just keep a personal e-mail account I don't know - maybe it's not allowed? (I doubt that). In any case, in the end I blame the trouble Hillary's email issue caused for the Dems on Obama. It's simply not a credible argument that the administration didn't know Hillary's business mail was coming from a non-DoS account. So they had to have known but decided to give her a pass. And that decision had to come from the White House - not credible it could have been any other way. Obama or his CoS either being lax or not wanting to push the issue or even because maybe he figured she might eventually be hoist on her own petard and didn't mind if it happened. Whatever the reason, it turned to be a bad decision for the Admin and the repercussions ended up giving us Trump.
  18. LOL - that's a really expensive piece of hardware to beat up like that!
  19. Maybe nobody told Donnie that what's in a 'Presidential Library' isn't the stuff a President took home with him.
  20. LOL - Yeah - this one was pretty funny. I *almost* feel sorry for Brooks. He's a guy who has lost his long time faith as a righty and without it he doesn't see how any institutions can stand because after all, weren't they all supported by an ideology that failed? So now he can only see what the DOJ is doing in a purely politcal/transactional light, ignoring that you do some things because they are right. His problem is that he doesn't realize that his premise is wrong. It was never right wing ideology or values that held up the democratic West. They have been a perversion since at least Nixon. The values that hold up the democratic West are truth and justice. The ideology of the American right not only never had any monopoly on those it never even cared much about either.
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