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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Yup. I left this one in the 7th as I had thing to do and could only laugh at Soto self-destructing - I guess it was his turn after Vest and Jimenez. *IF* Skubal doesn't have anything serious wrong, and Manning is stable and ERod is on his way back. That's three plus Turnbull and Brieske (if he doesn't turn into a pumpkin) as a presumptive starting rotation next season. That wouldn't be a half bad place to be if there were any hope by then that they could score runs.
  2. It looks confusing now because which solutions are best are not yet obvious. But if you look at the growth of renewables generating capacity on the grid, things are already moving faster than people appreciate. There are a lot ways things can shake out - more solar generation and local overnight battery storage - (BTW - an ideal use for that car battery that is no longer giving you 300 mile range but still has lots of cycles left) or maybe the storage stays on the grid, or maybe we get past the politics on nukes and it supplies the night time base load, and of course wind still blows some at night. In any case, all these things are already possible, the but economics of the choices can't shake out until people start trying them out at larger scale.
  3. apparently show up in the clubhouse in a red cap and and fill when the team X-ray machine is on the blink.
  4. Exactly what worries me. If an org can’t identify good talent, what confidence can we have that there aren’t players in the org with more potential than they recognize and so they don’t get the focus they should have?
  5. The mistake with Tork was not giving him the shot, it was not recognizing when it was time to let him back down to catch his stride again. His time at AAA now can/should be more productive for him having had his weaknesses highlighted for him.
  6. No, the point is there is no seeming rational process behind them dragging out the inevitable with guys like short while denying opportunities to other guys even if only the opportunity is to fail. Again, it looks like they are wed to managing AAA as though they were a playoff team, which is ridiculous.
  7. But Hinch needs Zach Short so he’s there to call up so Hinch can play 7 level chess during a game he is already hopelessly behind in and won’t makes any moves anyway. 🤬
  8. I get it - they think he is going to fail against better pitching, and maybe he will. But I think if my player evaluation system were generating the kind of monumental failure that the Tigers' is, I'd be a little more modest about the level of credence I continued to give it.
  9. If they wanted they could probably get the size and shape of your living room by audio analysis from an Alexa/Echo. Just sayin' 🙉 Of course it might be fun to watch a Roomba generate a floorplan for a room out of random walk segments.
  10. I think I'd tend to call it "development control"
  11. yeah - I'm not sure how a Roomba gives anyone any more information about what's going on in your house than a smart speaker already does. I don't see the increment. I mean if you put a portable mass spectrometer in it to analyze what it was finding on your floor maybe, but who would buy a Roomba for $20,000? 🤔
  12. Seriously, I don't know what they think their scouting intelligence is telling them, but when you call up a 25yr OF with a sub 650 MiLB OPS who's already posted a sub 600 OPS in 220 major league AB, while the guy playing next him has 27HR and a >1000 OPS and still hasn't been given a shot, I say you are thinking way too much for your own good.
  13. Kerry Carpenter with another HR, his 5768th. (actually his 7th at Toledo to add to 22 at Erie)
  14. I think is was more than his glove that Sparky didn't like about HoJo....
  15. Why Bernie is who he is - i.e. not someone who can effectively lead, only be a solo voice.
  16. We are the worst team in baseball without them. 🙃
  17. Well, good luck finding some salt of the Earth type that happens to be a billionaire to replace them.
  18. War seems to be a lull before whatever the next storm is going to be. Russian advances have pretty much come to a complete halt. The question is whether that means momentum is actually swinging to the Ukrainian side or the Russians are just reconstituting for the next go.
  19. Usually the idea to force domestic battery production so, these things are not aimed at the nationality of the corporate entity as much as whether they are producing here. If Samsung builds battery plants in the US I'd guess they would qualify, but yeah - that's a guess.
  20. hadn't seen this until this AM. Now the automakers are upset because the EV credit contains domestic sourcing requirements. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/us-auto-trade-group-warns-ev-tax-proposal-would-make-70-ineligible-2022-08-05/
  21. Pearson out as Hockey coach at M. Athletic dept maybe cleaning up their loose ends before Ono officially takes over. Not actually fired as his contract had run already run out and had not been renewed, but he was still acting coach until someone (Ono? Manuel certainly could already have let him go if he had wanted to) finally made a call on the whether to offer him a deal or show him the door.
  22. Kerry Carpenter still has an OPS above 1000 and his K rate since his promotion is still <20% Tork 9 hits (2 HR) and 3 walks in his last 7 games.
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