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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Kerry Carpenter still has an OPS above 1000 and his K rate since his promotion is still <20% Tork 9 hits (2 HR) and 3 walks in his last 7 games.
  2. Joe was so thrilled about not being traded he forgot where home plate was.
  3. Tork stenciled "for Buddha" on his bat tonight.
  4. Personally, this is another case of the 'rehab' mentality run amok in the Tiger org. The kid has limited innings to give - it hadn't been that long since he had pitched - he hadn't forgotten how. If he was going burn innings he should have burned them for the Tigers. The act like they are 1/2 away from missing the playoffs and any possibility of guy having a melt down is some kind of critical. It's just absurd.
  5. Taxing buy backs is fine with me. IDK if I'd rank it that far below carried interest on my list of abuses. Buy backs benefit primarily big holders, but the effect does also percolate out as gain to every holder of that stock which does include a lot of people. Carried interest benefits very few and probably harms more by making outfits like Bain Capital more profitable. So on the grounds that carried interest encourages outright destructive activity whereas buy backs are basically just one of many ways for the rich to get richer, I'd have preferred carried interest to have remained in the bill.
  6. Interesting https://www.yahoo.com/news/head-russian-hypersonics-lab-arrested-123032785.html
  7. Will Vest's 15min of reliever fame seems to be nearly up.
  8. slider is all over the place - but he got out of it.....this time.....🙄
  9. LOL - Garcia gets a caught stealing to get to 2 outs and then walks the bases loaded. This is going well.
  10. meanwhile - at the game. On gameday I saw a HR go up for TB leading off the 2nd but now it's a K. Good edit.
  11. yeah - for me this has been the mystery with Mize. He was billed as having good quadrant level command of his FB but has really never shown it since being drafted.
  12. Obviously he feels better today than a couple of days ago. I'll go back to what I said previously - his mood and intentions are going to be variable with his health so I would not be surprised by a lot of confusing signals from Cabrera's camp going forward. However, two things are true regardless: 1)It is not the Tigers' choice to pay the money, they are on the hook. The only way out for the Tigers would for be Cabrera to officially file his retirement early, and you know that isn't happening. 2) It is the Tigers' choice whether he plays for them. If he is too much of a liability for what they think they are doing next season, they can IL him (with his agreement) or DFA him (without his agreement).
  13. which was a weird thing to say wasn't it? Wasn't he #1 guy? If he liked the Red Sox org, why wasn't he building the Tiger org into it? Was M I pinching pennies everywhere else even though he didn't mind big player contracts? So now we get the inverse? They are trying to build the deeper org but they're doing it with a guy who has the right road map but isn't a very good driver.
  14. that is the question going forward. If there there is too much pain there will be a lot less joy! But OTOH, Miggy is no fool. He's going to force the Tigers to at least make a settlement on most of his remaining contract - like TM said - he's not just going to walk away from the $. If that means staying in the lineup until it hurts the team badly enough that they agree to put on the 60 day through 2023 (or DFA) that's probably what makes most sense for him to do.
  15. And they probably pulled the plug on his work at 3b too soon. And why? Because they thought Candelario was the answer at 3rd. Again, bad FO work. You leave him at his highest value position in the minors until the very last day when you call him up and *have* to move him, because you never know what is going to happen. Banking on Candelario at 3rd looks pretty stupid today.
  16. so fare I see three adds to the Hens - Garneau coming off rehab, and Bergner and Lipcious promoted from Erie.
  17. No shame in that. I think it all comes down to his knee. Earlier in the year he was driving off it at least occasionally and it looked like it might have reached some stable condition - under which circumstance I'm sure he would try to come back for next year. But if his physical condition is deteriorating that changes things. If he suddenly feels better tomorrow or someone comes up with a helpful therapy, his outlook will no doubt reverse again.
  18. The one caveat is - do you always get the other team's best offensive effort when you are always behind and hardly ever threaten to score? I imagine most hitters don't give away ABs regardless of the game situation because it's always a one on one with the pitcher, but if it happens even 5% of the time it's going to measurably depress your runs against.
  19. screwing around 1/2 the season with Mize maybe ends up biting them in the asz next season.
  20. They don't really have a whole lot more scope on rate increases, the yield curve is already flat from 6mo out to 30yr and that number is only 50 basis point about the Fed funds rate. If they go another fifty they get a completely flat yield curve, or worse long term rates may fall because of the anti-inflationary psychology that additional rate increases drive. The sliver lining for consumers is that investor psychology is holding long term rates down, which protects mortgage rates, which are the big impact on the middle class. Mortgage rates have actually come down a bit since the last FFR increase. If the yield curve continues to invert they may continue to be unaffected even if the Fed does go for another hike. If the Fed wants more money supply contraction in this environment they may look to working the bond market harder than the discount window and that could raise longer term rates.
  21. 528K new jobs, gas prices down, mortgage rates falling. It's a conspiracy! (to get Dems elected....)
  22. Very practically speaking, the only humanitarian aid that can help these civilians is to kill the Russian army keeping them hostage.
  23. Pretty clearly she was bought off on that on by donors. Odd too because Manchin said getting rid of the carried interested exemption was a big deal for him.
  24. LOL- right! I was going to add something about nobody knowing how to get to the root of homelessness until you get to the root of substance abuse, so there it is. >It's one of the few issues I see where I think the amount of money dealing with the issue isn't part of the issue. I think this is true with both homelessness and drug abuse. Obviously we spend tons of money in the criminal justice system around drug abuse to almost zero effect, but it's easy to find serious critiques that even when we do spend money on treatment the programs are often poorly designed and ignore what data there is about what does and doesn't work. And politicization is part of this problem as well. Both the left and right filter their approaches to program proposals through their their beliefs about who is right and wrong and moral and immoral in the situation instead of focusing on how to get results, which usually requires as a first admission that nothing is so black and white as political ideology paints it.
  25. The best we could have hoped was that Javy's terrible start was league/pitcher adjustment - and in June it looked like that might be the case as he came back with an 808 OPS. But he's fallen back to 672 for July, which could end up as acceptable variation *if* he get backs over 700 in Aug/Sept. If not it's the beginning of a bad finish.
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