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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. clutch matters! But seriously, a couple of leverage walks in a couple of days is the kind of sign you want to see that the Tork we are looking for is still in there.
  2. At Toledo: Kreidler 2/4, 3B BB. Torkelson 0/4 but a bottom of the 9th walk to keep the line moving when Toledo was trying to mount a come back. (Game ended with Davis up again with the winning runs in scoring position but no walk off for Brendon tonight.)
  3. Jimenez. Never would have thought it. Never did think it. And they will probably trade him.
  4. Brayan getting a lot of help from the Ump, but lost that one anyway.
  5. I don't know how guys can play baseball all their lives and not know how to run to 1st.
  6. The silver lining for the Dems will be if voters assume that just because Gasoline is coming down, everything else will too. It might - but the truth is gasoline prices move almost independently of the larger economy. Gas can come down and 'core' inflation (whatever you take that to mean!) may still be going up, down or sideways.
  7. I've missed seeing anything about him recently- still recovering from the off-season surgery or something new?
  8. so what's Matt Boyd doing now-a-days. If they don't trade Fulmer they can still put the 2016 band back together!
  9. no arg on this. I was referring in particular to polling on motivational questions (are you going to vote in the fall) being more suspect in comparison to opinion polling.
  10. LOL. Fed is doing a great job of driving up interest rates. 10yr Treas at 2.67%, down from 3.00% a week ago.....
  11. really, that's plenty enough even for a 1/1. If Konerko doesn't hang on those last two seasons, he's a 30 WAR player, and that is a total dragged down by a good deal of negative DWAR. Torkelson is a good defensive 1B. Couple that to Konerko's bat and that would be a big plus to any line-up.
  12. Maybe Chris Fetter wanted to take his shot with Norris - everyone else has. He's still has good stuff if he could ever find the plate consistently.
  13. he needs to show up throwing hard - as in 95+. That's where the value in the athletic profile need to come.
  14. and your 10% was Hillary. She almost certainly wins if the election comes the day after the 1st debate. She lost a lot of ground late.
  15. mostly because it was throw back tech. Border control had been moving toward surveillance based detection in place of harder barriers because it's more cost effective. The barriers don't stop people for long, it's agents that stop people, and to stop them you have to find them so you need agents and vision, and such an expensive yet still permeable barrier just diverts dollars better spent on the vision and apprehension side. That's why people closer to the problem though it was a bad idea.
  16. unless you are the couple whose plane is an hour late on a connection that was scheduled for a 1:20 hr layover two terminals over....
  17. a couple of thing on this. 1st - a car battery is going to have a lot of useful cycles left in it once it's too run down to be a good car battery (i.e. capable of at least 75% of original capacity), so after markets are pretty sure to emerge for them - start up/shut down cycling for wind turbines would be an example. The other is that engineering depts at universities all over the country are falling over each other lining up research funds for development of car battery standardization and recycling tech. This will take some development time, but it's not the kind of thing where there are big inherent scientific hurdles to overcome - it's mostly nuts and bolts engineering process development - takes time and money.
  18. Being a HS draftee Konerko also got several hundred more AB at multiple levels so its a bit apples and oranges. They pushed Torkelson as hard as they could to try to make up for lost time so it's hard to say what he might have done in the minors on a more leisurely pace - it's just an unknown. You can just as easily turn it around and say Tork put up college numbers like few ever have. Whatever - he need's more nights like last night!
  19. If Tork ends up hitting like Konerko, he will be more valuable than Paulie because he is a better defender. I think that would make him a min 3 WAR/yr player and I'll take that for 10yrs anytime
  20. IIRC, the evaluators knock on Paredes was that even if he hit, it was going to be empty BA because there there was no power projection. Since we have lost the board's history I can't look back to check that recollection. But, if that was the case, they appear to have been wrong. Even in his slumping July Paredes has hit three more HRs. But that would go more to why they never gave him the opportunity they gave others, and again, if that was the case, they were wrong. Given that he had accomplished nothing at MLB and that Meadows' weird year was unforeseeable, the trade was fine. If the Tigers made a mistake with Paredes it was in their evaluations long before the trade.
  21. On on hand there is no excuse, on the other hand, it's also inevitable when guys haven't played with each other much.
  22. well, TBH, I don't think this kind of polling means squat. It's a lot easier to poll people on what they think than what they will actually do because 1) you are usually asking them before they have actually thought about what they are going to do. 2) there is always a lot of space between what people say they are going to do and what they end up doing. It's why polling for turnout has never been much use either.
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