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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Housecleaning can't come soon enough. Sadly there is no "Yzerman obvious" candidate to ride to the rescue.
  2. why do managers and coaches always have to get ahead of themselves? You have a reliever that hasn't come back out a 2nd time since June 5 (when he lost) and a game you might be able to win and you can't help changing it up.
  3. the hybrid power plants are supposed to generate around 1000hp. The cars have a minimum weight (by rule) of about 1700 lb so 1.7 lb/HP or 60 hp / 100 lb or less depending on how much the car is over the min weight. LOL - I remember when if you got under 10 lb per HP you thought you had a hot car 🚙.... 🚓
  4. If the super conferences are not more selective in who they admit, they defeat their own purpose. You end up exactly where we already are with divisions within the super conferences that will look suspiciously like the old conferences. Keep in mind the prime economic driver is the schools that generate the ratings not wanting to share with the neer-do-wells. More total money nationwide means nothing to the powerhouse schools if dilution to more schools means less money for them individually.
  5. I had actually wondered the opposite - whether the Chief leaked it as means to show the reaction to Kavanaugh/Barrett in a kind of jujitsu This reporting argues the opposite of course. Not sure how a leak would solidify Alito's position other than to show 5 Justices has voted that way so a different opinion in the end would prove some kind of 'manipulation', but would that have mattered to Roberts? IDK. Not to mention that Alito's mind is such a morass of ideo-religious illogic that trying to find rationality in his opinions or behavior is probably futile.
  6. PR move purely. This is one of those things which is taking advantage of the Public's innumeracy. 20M barrels is about 1 DAY of supply. That's not nothing, but's really not much either. It seems like a huge number, but only because people don't have any clue about the actual scale of many of the things they regularly talk about. If you can do something trivial and get credit for doing something "HUGE!" then why not?
  7. OTOH, he's probably bitten off more than he can chew this time which means this is possibly the optimum time to stop him decisively enough that he either a) burns up his military enough to neuter himself, b)burns enough support inside Russia to fall. If the West fails to take of advantage of this opportunity the next time the strategic situation may be far less favorable. There might not be a large strong population ready to undertake the fight, he might have learned enough not to make the same tactical mistakes again, the Chinese may strengthen his military tech to where the Western weapons differential won't be as decisive. It seems naive to think Putin's malignancy will in anyway abate if the outcome is a loss of 20% of Ukraine and a temporary military stalemate. The 'risk of everything' is inherent to Putin's existence as leader of Russia and he will continue to leverage those fears against us until he fails sufficiently, or he dies. And in the latter case there is no guarantee his replacement won't be as bad. Does this have to end with Ukraine whole as of status quo 2013? I don't know. But it should end with Putin's army clearly and unambiguously defeated at least to where it's the Russian side that is suing for peace. Plus, for once, this is not a war of our choice, it's Ukraine's war of necessity, and after all the times since 1953 that we engaged in conflicts of choice we started for the wrong reasons in the name of people/cultures who in the end weren't interested enough, there seems something unseemly about the idea of now failing to support Ukraine in a fight they do desperately want to win and when they are fighting much more for the ideals we usually only claim to fight for when our real reasons were oil, or political ideology or other economic expediency.
  8. Hard to believe he still isn't 30. Remember when he and Boyd were the core of our future rotation? Good Times.
  9. No, Al’s tastes in players returning in trade just hasn’t been good enough to trust him with moving valuable players anymore. 2nd tier player deals- fine. EDIT: seems to be the common sentiment!
  10. Prediction: Rutgers will never receive a full B10 share.
  11. I would guess they have an idea it will reduce the spread between the 10yr Tbill and mortgage rates on the theory that housing is being disproportionately hammered. But probably a windmill tilt.
  12. This is both alarming and at the same time silly on the part of the Chinese-a measure of how little they understand their target. What is done more out in the open in the US than formulate Econ policy? Just read the frickin’ WSJ , maybe bookmark the EDGAR site, and save your intelligence budget.
  13. Yup. When you’ve gotten to zero it’s a long way to where rates actually have any behavioral traction.
  14. excerpted from Peter Pomerantsev in today's NYT
  15. I wonder if the Fed is going to find the discount rate is going to be less effective than hoped anyway because of present psychology. Long term rates are staying stubbornly low, so longer term investment money is still available at a pretty reasonable 5% prime rate. The more the Fed pushes the discount rate, the greater the boost to the psychology that inflation won't last and the less pressure on long term rates. If businesses are looking at slowing down more because of inventory overrun than because of capital costs the discount rate 'hammer' isn't doing much outside, at least outside the banking biz. The other exception is in the housing market, which has slowed big time. But if prices start falling, 6% mortgages might not look so bad either. Given that, maybe the end doesn't come until the consumer runs out of gas after their post pandemic spree (which may be happening apart from anything the Fed is doing) and all the Sturm and Drang about the discount rate ends up an exercise in wagging the dog.... Or maybe not.
  16. correct. Not to mention I don't think even Putin goes for the deal. He doesn't want the nukes out, he wants NATO demilitarized so he can go back to his life's work of reclaiming greater Russia. We need to resign ourselves to defeating him on the ground because he's not going to negotiate any settlement less than a demilitarized Ukraine that he can walk over once the ink dries on the west fulfilling their side of the 'agreement.' People in the West need to learn to listen to what people like Putin actually say instead of their imaginations about what they would like him to be. He's put it out all there. It's foolish to take him at less than his word.
  17. well, he's not in jail yet. But here's hoping.
  18. maybe- that assumes Hinch wants to sit on the sidelines for the rest of his contract term. If he takes another baseball job the Tigers are probably off the hook for some chunk of the remainder of his contract.
  19. Used to be in the RCC world as well. While the US RCC has moved past that mostly in practice, they really have never have doctrinally.
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