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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Right - he's 25, the switch either went on for real or it didn't. Might as well find out. What is a 25 yr old getting out of more time in the minors? It's not like you have a fragile young ego to protect from failure.
  2. let them vaporize their petro-dollars on crazy projects, that many fewer guns they can buy.
  3. if mom took a powder, and there isn't any other family in the US that could take a lot of managing, but you might think the team and Ilitch enterprises could have been a lot of help if he had bothered to ask for it. I suppose sometimes people don't have the imagination to realize what they can ask for.
  4. Lol, I thought maybe you were saying he was too short (stature) to have made it in the NFL
  5. Lordy, what can a 25 yr old pitcher have done to his hip that req’s surgery?
  6. almost hard to believe he never took a snap from center in the NFL.
  7. Is that a faint chanting I hear in the background? "We want Kerry! We want Kerry! We want Kerry!....
  8. i've said it before - just let all the official scorers go - they no longer serve any useful purpose. They can use all the 'E' fields on scoreboards for the impending pitch clock counter.
  9. Why are we playing a bunch of OF's that can't OPS 600 instead of at least giving this kid a look/see? This org.....
  10. Tragically, it was the top of the 9th and Erie gave up 2 in the bottom so Wenceel's drive did not end up extending the game.
  11. from the dept of the now obscure: on July 15th, Franklin Perez, pitching at 24 yrs of age in the FCL, did not give up a run in 4 innings pitched. The first time in his 5 appearances since he returned to pitching this season that he did not give up any runs.
  12. I'm curious about how you are going to drag an infield with chalk lines every three innings.....or you just take more time to re-mark the lines every time the field is dragged.
  13. peripherals not terrible - 1 walk, 4 Ks. Since nobody gives errors in baseball runs vs earned runs is meaningless. Looking at the play log, he gave up hits to the 1st three hitters, two were line drives. After that all the remaining hits were on ground balls. FWIW, his infield was Lopez, Westbrook and Davis.
  14. Apparently not helping Cheney in WY though. By double digit margins, Start-Trib poll says WY Repubs think Cheney's work is a 'distraction from serving WY'. Well, OK then. Bret Stephens, ex WSJ and current NYT token op-ed conservative, wrote a column this week saying he realizes he made a mistake in calling Trump voters horrible people because you'll never change the mind of someone you treat that way. He's probably correct on strategy, but man, that's a high bar to meet.
  15. interesting to speculate. When Lou first came up, putting the ball right down the *opposite* foul line was his calling card. As he got older/stronger he got pretty good at putting it right down the pull side foul line. So the skill to either way in his repertoire, but I'm not sure how much he ever did both at the same time - which of course is harder and what you would have to be able to do against a variable shift.
  16. maybe I'm not understanding what I'm seeing, but I think I see that no IF can stand in the right angle pie wedge behind 2B? If that's the case you are forcing team's not to cover the center of the IF, which means more batters will see a better chance to go right up the middle - at the pitcher.
  17. right - and this is exactly the part that I believe most university admins will ultimately find unacceptable. I think it's a pretty sure bet they are going to try to do something to get around it - it's just totally unknown what strategies may emerge.
  18. Hmm - could make life even more dangerous for pitchers!
  19. Who knows where this will shake out. Harbaugh is certainly not the only person in sports in the B10 who probably doesn't like the direction things are going, but I can't see there are anywhere near enough of those people to force the conference (or even some splinter of it) to move in a different direction - esp after the UCLA/USC announcement demonstrating that conference management is in full speed ahead into the brave new world mode. And I don't think I'm going to hold my breath waiting for MI to apply for membership to play in the Ivy league! I think the one big factor which has yet to play out, and which I would think is still vitally important to the schools, is that the one thing they fear most - esp MI, is loss of control - specifically that athletic depts, while great for PR, can also potentially produce huge headaches and liabilities when things go wrong. I tend to think that at some point the schools will get together and attempt to re-establish control over NIL in some fashion that walks back some of what the courts have done, but what form that takes remains unknown. Something like a collective bargaining bargaining agreement would be a method where the player's individual NIL rights would again be made subject to a rules based order that would still pass legal scrutiny.
  20. this is why the long presidential search, which wasn't that big an issue for the 'U' as a whole since Coleman was willing to be a willing and able caretaker, has still really hammered the school on the fast moving conference and NIL stuff. Mary Sue was not going to make those kinds of decisions as an interim, and Ono isn't even officially on-boarded till October. Assuming sports may be something less than the very 1st thing he needs to address, seems MI is inevitably going to fall even further behind before they can start catching up.
  21. so many ways this can turn depending on what each of the actors believes. You have Harbaugh, Manuel, Ono, and possibly individual regents who may be interested in meddling. Does Harbaugh want to be the martyr for the old traditions and not change until his program fails and he is fired? Will Ono bring some leadership from the president's office so the program gets some clarity on what the institution will and won't support? Will the athletic dept end up caught between and Admin and a block of regents that are either more or less conservative than one another? Stayed tuned for the latest installment of academic sports politics Michigan style.
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