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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Russians using AA weapons for ground assault.
  2. Odd stat(s) of the day. Fangraphs has Schoop 'leading' position players on the Tigers with 1.3 WAR. BR puts him 10th at 0.0 WAR. I assume based primarily on a difference in the valuation of his defense. TBF, 1.3 is not that large an absolute number for the systems to vary by, it's the difference in his relative rank vs his teammates which is more striking. 1st to 10th is a big swing.
  3. how bad are the Tigers when Javy's approach results in him leading the Tigers in doubles, triples, home runs and RBI?
  4. but he's already bailed. I wonder if after way these hearings have gone he regrets that.
  5. A10s *shouldn't* have any survivability against an enemy like the Russians. But with their lack of infantry protecting their armor, that cuts down on the manpad risk, and given that they haven't really been able to establish all that much air superiority, they might have a role.
  6. The part that seems strange to me or that I just don't follow correctly is that apparently in China you take out the construction mortgage for the developer. From what I gather the people protesting are people paying on loans for housing that has not been delivered because the developers are in trouble - so people are stopping payments on the mortgages for housing they've never gotten, which then cascades into problems for the banks. You can certainly take a construction mortgage when you build a house in the US if you are doing or supervising the building yourself, but of course it's more common for builders to take out loans and sell houses on spec so that in the US, usually an individual is not holding a note at least until they have the property to live in. Like you I don't know what the direct COVID connection is either other than maybe developers can't do the work on the housing because of gov ordered lockdowns. From what you read there are enough problems with real estate development/over-development in China that they could be in a mess even without COVID.
  7. No personal aspersions intended (!), but nobody should be given a gun permit for life, ever. They didn't know 20 yrs ago you might not be schizophrenic suffering paranoid delusions in 20 yrs, or that you wouldn't go soft in the head and fall for some Jim Jones type charlatan. Terrible policy. Completely 2A, but still terrible.
  8. you wonder at what point the army cares? I suppose they could just mutiny - there has been a lot of talk about that but not much has been reported as factual. Or how long do the central asian cannon fodder take to realize there are no ethnic Russians in the foxholes with them?
  9. But that's the thing, you don't have to think it's not bad to still believe the Chinese (or at least Xi and his team) at some level believe they are doing the 'right' thing in their approach to COVID. The Chinese are actually doing pretty much the strategy that everyone started out with - their problem is that Xi has been too rigid and his policy hasn't evolved as the understanding of the virus evolved. Originally it was hoped that CV-19 would be like SARS since they were so closely related. So if you clamped down hard you might be able to completely eradicate it. That would have been a great outcome. But reality has left that idea in the dust. CV19 isn't enough like SARS for that to have happened, instead it's going to become part of the background of ordinary circulating diseases for at least as long as anyone can predict. But Xi put all his prestige behind an eradication approach he can't back away from, (but which also almost certainly can't work) and in a close to one man rule system there is no check on him, so now what the Chinese are doing looks pretty bad - and is. But even with all that is wrong with where China is, it's still unfair to accuse Xi of not trying to save lives in China. He's a dangerous, dictatorial character, but not because he wants to stomp COVID. American's tend to only exist on two poles when it comes to international affairs. One the one side it's the God vs the Devil paradigm and every one else out there is pure evil all the time, or you get the Noam Chomsky "it doesn't matter what mayhem anyone else is responsible for, we are worse and it's all our fault" routine. Countries around the world can be evil and be right, they can be benevolent and still be wrong, and everything in between - and usually all at the same time.
  10. I don’t know what specific posts you are referencing, but there is certainly a difference between noting that it is a Chinese *claim* that their COVID responses prove they care more for their people than we do, which was certainly done here-at least in my own case, and is certainly true, and agreeing with that claim. In any case it still a a weak argument to say that the Chinese leadership’s intents toward their own people are as corrupt as say- Putin’s are toward his. It’s easy to argue China’s Covid policies have been wrong headed and mediated by typical totalitarian tendency, but it’s also pretty clear that it would have been a lot easier to do nothing if the point wasn’t that they are trying to save people’s lives. Xi wants to do better by his people to justify his tactics. He fails because his tactics are bad, not because the base objective is flawed. Xi of course also is a fascist wannabe, so like Trump, he can’t even try to do ‘right’ without injecting a lot of ‘wrong’ into any situation.
  11. the logical plan would be to divide the two Russian forces at Kherson - hit the Crimea rail bridge and leave the whole southern army cut off. But the Ukrainians still need a bigger preponderance of capability to do that than they have now. A Ukrainian force with more functional air power though..... Of course if the Ukrainians ever achieved enough control of the air to fly tank killers like the A10, things would be over quickly anyway,
  12. you definitely don't have to do it for pfife, but it might be a good idea to do it for the future of your country's status as a democratic republic..... .....just sayin'.
  13. Yeah - I don't think they will try to squeeze many more innings out of Brieske and who knows what is going on with Faedo's hip. Rodriguez, even if he shows up is a full spring training away from contributing, so we are past him being any help even if his 'situation' resolves. If they were really, really lucky, Skubal regains his touch, Manning is effective and they get some starts from Turnbull and he is effective. If all that happens they might not see a starting pitching regression, but that would require a level of best of all possible worlds good luck as least equal the the worst of all possible worlds bad luck they have had with the hitting!
  14. We have just been in Canada and the Vax requirement is very much still in place so I suppose he would have to agree to be vaxxed for any deal to a Canadian team to complete.
  15. At most academic institutions the football coach is likely as not going to be an intellectual embarrassment. You can only hope he doesn't do exactly what Harbaugh often does in making his lower candle power ruminations (Chicken for dinner anyone?) a focal point for the University's public image.
  16. Yeah - if the question is who is most likely to ever see COPA from inside the white lines, Perez has probably risen to at least top 10. If the question is purely max possible ceiling YMMV.
  17. it is/will be a measure of what kind of team they are. Of course if this year had gone to plan, then the plan would have been that next year they would not have wanted to carry an 80 OPS+ DH. Given the results this year have demonstrated that contending for anything next year is probably fanciful, then there is no dilemma to carry a sub-replacement DH.
  18. 55% more votes cast in the Dem Maryland gov prim than in the GOP, but all I’m seeing reported is that the Trump cand is the big story…..
  19. How often do you get half way into a season without a single positive surprise from any position player? When the rookie who was out half the season and is just holding his own is the high point of your offense, it’s a painful world. Even the Cabrera narrative is pure frustration. Miguel, you can still hit almost 300 but you can’t figure out even once in a while how to hit it hard anymore?
  20. Managing expectations? Part of the job nowadays.
  21. It will never happen, but I think in the end, sex is genetics and gender is ultimately genes intersecting with social construct. If we understood it that way, most of this kind of dilemma goes away. You compete in the physical class your musculoskeletal-skeletal genes put you in, you live however you want gender wise or your brain happens to be wired by the genes that drive that. this requires a recognition that sex and gender are not necessarily coincident. I don’t think this is a widely held view, but I think it is reality.
  22. No, I can’t imagine him being in any official hot water. I don’t think UM has reached a point of censorship academia is sometimes accused of, it just helps make him a marginalized force and bigger headache for Warde Manuel.
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