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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. No, I can’t imagine him being in any official hot water. I don’t think UM has reached a point of censorship academia is sometimes accused of, it just helps make him a marginalized force and bigger headache for Warde Manuel.
  2. His money and fame don’t interest me, his beliefs don’t interest me. The program he is responsible for does. I grant him no right to torpedo the latter with the former.
  3. In his case what he needs to do. His responsibilities in his role go beyond himself. You have no idea the kind of hornets nest he has just bought himself with 90% of the the institution he has to function politically within. He had every right to speak, but he can’t expect to also remain effective in his chosen role if he decides to tilt at the very windmill that grinds his grain. if he wants to be a conservative crusader against US academic liberal values, more power to him, but you can’t undertake that role from the one he is in without hurting the players you are there to serve. Freedom doesn’t mean free lunches.
  4. The other thing for Harbaugh here is that he thinks in his own ego he is being courageous saying this in public given the context of his employer, but in reality he is just being a fool, giving ammunition to all the forces at the U that would deny him resources and prerogatives he is going to need to fight for in order to position his program to have a seat at the table shaping the future of his sport. short version, if he cared about his program he’d keep his mouth shut about his personal beliefs.
  5. Mother wouldn’t approve taking the low road.
  6. But that’s the rub isn’t? The top schools can’t cash in if they can’t dump the school’s that don’t pull ratings. The whole point is to cut the pie into fewer, bigger pieces. I’m still waiting to see what mechanism the top 40 are going to come up with to jettison the bottom 90. To me that’s the big dog that hasn’t barked yet.
  7. Ditto. The stuff he showed that first Sept he came over from Toronto was electric. Fabulous spin on his 4 seam. Hard to know if he is one of those guys who accumulated a bunch of micro injuries that just ground the edges off all his stuff, or he just never could develop a sound pitcher’s mind, or both.
  8. At 1b Schoop’s value will be utterly negative. Of course that’s what they’ll do.
  9. Miguel has a fair shot at finishing this season (or early next) in the top 20 all time for hits. It's unlikely he could improve that to top 10 even if plays another full season similar to '22 in '23 so that's about the maximum expectation he can have for his legacy. While he continues to collect hits, he cannot maintain enough power to be even an average net value hitter any more. I hope he decides to call it quits at the end of this season, but I'm afraid there are 40 million reasons he will force the Tigers to cut him next year after he arrives at ST, which will be sort of sad but a necessary move. Who knows, maybe he will accept less in an arranged buy out, though honestly I don't know why he should.
  10. maybe the biggest problem in this particular conflict for either side trying to surprise the other is the number of sympathizers on the ground able to provide intelligence to the other side via common cellular and the ease of doing that because of common language competence. Certainly a bigger problem for the Russians but still not a non-trivial one for the Ukrainians either.
  11. As just a bit of a strategic thought experiment - what if HIMARS has given the Ukrainians the capability to cut though and cut off the Russian forces in the west? If they then also dropped the Crimea bridge... That would certainly be an opening negotiating position to get the russians out of some/all of eastern Ukraine. In a sane world that might be the basis for a settlement, but I don't think sane world assumptions can be applied as long as Putin is alive/in power. But if that were to change, other things might also of course.
  12. Russian in the video could be Spencer Turnbull's brother by another mother.
  13. Rick Riley wrote a column about the USC-UCLA move to the B10 that quoted USA today as claiming the UCLA Athletic Dept was $100M/yr in the red and will immediately improve that by $60M per year by moving to the B10. He also predicts a 20 team B10/20 team SEC super league with everyone else left out. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/07/18/ucla-usc-college-football-lunacy/
  14. This is a clip of a captured Russian special forces solder. He is 14yr seniority specialist whose unit was assigned to do basically grunt infantry work where it got shot up and he was taken wounded. The Russian army is consuming itself and it's future ability to retrain and regenerate.
  15. In the satellite age, neither side can hide troop movements of any significant scale from the other.
  16. Seems like the obvious course. Al seems to have the right instincts, his execution has less than stellar. Let him task someone more able to do the things he has tried to do but not done well enough.
  17. To be fair, I suppose it can be a tricky business for an owner to research a new GM when most of his baseball info comes to him filtered through his current FO. Interestingly, Avila is about the same distance into his tenure with Chris (5yrs) as the 6 yrs it took Mike to fire Randy Smith.
  18. Yeah, I doubt dementia would even be much more of a disqualifier to those that haven’t figured out that narcissistic sociopathy is already enough. 🙄
  19. I still think he is just thinking too much, which is inhibiting his reaction time and making him late on the FB most of the time. He needs to relax and just rip. This is why I wonder if the org’s whole data driven approach may be exactly wrong for him.
  20. Manning is only a couple more rehab starts away if he doesn’t self destruct again.
  21. If you didn’t hire a coach that is able to cut through the noise and connect with the player with the *right* answers, you hired the wrong coach-at least for that guy. We could be reaching a Chuck Hernandez situation where Coolbaugh’s disconnect from one of the most important players he is responsible for means he has to go regardless of whatever else he brought in the past. (Assuming that the tribal history is correct that Hernandez was fired over conflicts with the young JV)
  22. According to the DetNews, Hinch says Tork has too many voices in his ears - He needs to just go to AAA see the ball and hit it. So isn't the manager supposed to be controlling the coaching his players are getting? Hinch apparently thinks the hitting coaching in Toledo is better than Detroit? https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2022/07/17/detroit-tigers-option-spencer-torkelson-toledo-mud-hens/10081792002/
  23. Andre Lipcius is the only guy that comes to mind with more BB than K this season but he has hit for all that much power.
  24. Increasing static in the twitterverse about long range HIMARS loads being made available to UKraine and wrangling around US demands the Ukrainians not hit the Russian mainland with them.
  25. Sure you go with a guy with a long resume because you want a calm caretaker. But the reality is that there is really nothing to 'clean up' about 'the scandals.' Every one from the Anderson scandal is dead and buried, there is nothing left for the university to actually do except write checks and do PR. There will no prosecutions, no tenure hearings, nada. There will be (has been really) zero current institutional operational impact on from Anderson. All those policies had already been revised and re-revised multiple times before anyone even knew about Anderson. Much like the policy that had already been revised that got Schlissel! And Schlissel's tiff with the Regents over the Detroit project is also tiny potatoes to the life of the University. Sure it got him in hot water with the wrong people, but again, that is a project that will have close to zero impact on the life of the University - it's just a another rich man's vanity project that Schlissel did a lousy job of shepherding/humoring. As for Philpot and Schlissel themselves, they were individuals that broke the rules, got caught and got fired. Again there will be lots of PR about institutional reflection and reams of policy written, but it's all gloss - the existing systems tossed them both. So again, it's not like Ono has some kind of lift to do on any of the supposedly 'big issues facing the University.' The work has already been done for him. He only needs to appear to be working them hard! So the policy revisions will be revised again you probably won't be able to decipher the difference- well maybe Buddha will.... Ono will still have a lot of time and energy to spend on whatever he decides his priorities are. Will sports be one? Who knows. I can only say like I did earlier that it would be hard to have hired another President less interested in sports than Schlissel was.
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