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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. this is from Thomas Edsall's latest NYT column:
  2. No - she has no brains either, at least not any strategic brains. She doesn't think past tactics, and that's exactly what gets the Dems and GOP to the relative level of long term success on their goals that they are at now.
  3. little fool. How much harder is it to say "I urge you to write the white house and urge the president to work toward "x,y,z.." Just stupid and counterproductive to go after the only thing that stood between you and the abyss at the last election. Like I said - a slash and burn politician - for all intents and purposes just the liberal mirror image Jim Jordan.
  4. Seeing many reports that the Ukrainians are bleeding Russian forces at an unsustainable rate, but no evidence yet that is having any practical effect on the ground, and of course it's no picnic for Ukrainian forces either.
  5. Soto in control today. Nice. Candy and Schoop......./. sigh /
  6. I think at this point in history it's the rebuttable presumption that truth is of no particular value to anyone willing to spend any significant time in Trump's orbit.
  7. IDK, so far she's basically been a slash and burn politician. Does she get anything accomplished?
  8. Not gonna argue with the run, but Miggy could have taken one swing trying to extend the rally before settling for the sac fly. Guess he doesn't have that kind of confidence anymore.
  9. Tigers in their usual 7 men on the IF configuration I see.
  10. Stern goading Trump into talking about banging his daughter may be been the most cringeworthy piece of radio I ever had the misfortune to have overheard. It would be tough to decide which of their stenches is worse.
  11. it will probably end up in court if she tries. She will be 35 by election day (by 2 weeks) but not by when she would have to file her nominating petitions. If the Constitution is interpreted to read that the candidate must be 35- meaning at the time of filing, which is when other eligibility criteria are applied, she would not be eligible.
  12. team can't stay in the zone, can't hit the pitches that are in it. What is this week's excuse our hitting coach is still employed?
  13. Tigers fail to convert a run, turn around and give up a run up.
  14. the 10 million yr loses a little vigor when you extend it to a couple of billion yrs though. The human brain really can't adequately conceive of how steep the odds are against life spontaneously arising, nor how long 4 billion years is. Neither side of the argument is really accessible to a judgment of experience.
  15. There will be a lot of arguments after the fact about what 'fetal viability' means, but I'm going to guess this passes easily in MI
  16. I'm beginning to think they have him thinking too much. He's always late on FB and that was never a knock on him in the past. Do your thinking before you stand-in, once you're in the box to be thinking is be out.
  17. or maybe another way to put it is that any coach is going to like having a vet his rookie has to win his playing time from. It's another useful tool for him to use. The guys at the Cade Cunningham level that can walk in take over a team virtually from day one are still the exception.
  18. They do seem to have a fair number of bright spots in system. I can remember long years in the Tiger system when you would be lucky to find any players whose stat sheets were actually shouting 'promote me!.' That's still no guarantee any of these guys actually make it, but they are at least taking a necessary 1st step in a way that is refreshing to see in this org. And again, this goes back to the conundrum about Avila. There has been progress under his watch - but it's still too little, too slow, and most importantly, too little impact has reached COPA yet.
  19. I don't even want them to be driven by fidelity to theory. All theories are imperfect mappings onto real life. Every legal theory will end in injustice if pushed to it limit. We put living breathing people there at the top of chain exactly to do the sculpting when the necessary imprecision of rules and statutes runs into the messiness of real life. Their objective should be justice.
  20. However you can also say that given a universe that began in a singularity, every point in the Universe, including ours, is also its center. A more metaphysical view would that in the end both Space and Time are illusory, so the apparent relative 'sizes' of things in the cosmos are illusory at a 'deeper' reality as well.
  21. I liked this line from Mark Melman about SCOTUS in 'the Hill' https://thehill.com/opinion/3540502-mellman-the-decline-of-scotus/
  22. LOL - You know his platoon split for this season has pretty much disappeared, but unfortunately it's because he's now not hitting a lick left-handed either. He is 1 for his last 19.
  23. Dem and Dem leaning turnout should certainly go up - marginally - which can be enough to tip a lot of elections, but I'm not sure anything will ever get the millions of Americans that regularly don't vote to ever start voting regularly. That said, there is another possible outcome that may be just as likely, which is that the constant water torture that of all these drips of fact represent creates some reasonable about of 'deprogramming' inside the cult of Trump. With cult deprogramming, one outcome will be immediate zealotry in the opposite direction, which you already see in places like the Lincoln project, but more often you will just get turning away from that whole topic in the subject's like as the result of having been burned up/out by the experience. I think the likely outcome with these folks is not to embrace a character that is Trump 2.0, but rather to withdraw from politics, i.e. become non-voters. This will also serve of purpose of Dems winning elections, though again, the number that move will not likely be a big percentage of the MAGA, but given how close many elections are, their absence will swing enough to make a difference.
  24. Greene, 31AB into his career, already with the highest OPS among the starters at the end of this game.
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