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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It certainly is hard to understand why they fall in love with some guys while short shrifting others. We gave Goodrum something like 1200AB. He averaged less than 1 WAR/season. Why? Willi Castro over 800, many in the IF, he's yet to break 650 OPS. OK, great, he now has a shortstop's arm in the OF, that's nice but not a luxury a team that can't hit can afford. These are the flip sides of the decisions that will have been responsible if Paredes ends up a bad miss. How many games did they give a hopeless case like Stewart?
  2. Colorado's 1st pick from '17 has the most career assists of any player from that 1st round. Our 1st round pick from that draft ................has the most penalty minutes......🙄
  3. People do forget that all these things are a large part of what got us Roe in the 1st place and they will all still be there again just like they were 1973
  4. Despite admittedly being streaky, Schoop came into this season with his last 1200 PA at >750 OPS, there was no reason to think he was going to crash like this. Looking through all his peripherals and maybe in hindsight you can argue his pull rate and ISO were down some last season, but could have also argued that was adjustment to COPA. He had had 4 out of 5 RC+>100 seasons. I don't think it's fair to criticize the Tiger FO for thinking Schoop would again be at least in the 1-1.5 WAR range. But given that, should we have expected Paredes to have become better than that? Before this season, if you had asked in my totally fan based subjective judgment I'd have pegged Paredes as maybe as topping out as a 2 WAR player, partly because even if the good plate discipline started to come through, he had yet to prove much in the way of his defensive chops and he does look like he could easily "grow" out of his quickness, even if he hasn't yet. Whereas I do think Schoop is a plus 2B. So sort of a wash between the two of them potential wise to me there, though of course you gain 6 yrs with Paredes. OTOH - to me Candy's resume has been more up and down and he's missed more injury time. Even though Candy's best last year was a lot better than Schoop, to me there has always been more an aura of fragility around his performance. I don't think I would have banked on Candelario blocking anyone long term.
  5. but that's the thing with relievers, if you take them out quick you get them back quick. You leave them deep, you lose them for a couple of days. There is no way around it, you face a certain number of batters, you use a certain number of pitchers. The only real way to save your pen is to get out of innings. If you don't, you just burn the guy giving up the runs plus the guy who finally puts out the fire. The only good exception I would see is a guy you are sending out the next day anyway.
  6. oh - he found some goofus Detroiter who supposedly has some kind of social media presence out at the pool. Total drivel. And that should do it.
  7. well that didn't take long. Another shift run. Does anyone count them?
  8. Shane Greene in the game pitching for Scranton against the Hens.
  9. pretty mysterious how a guy half the size of Cabrera generates so much bat speed.
  10. Meanwhile Pineda was so-so today at Toledo. 3.2IP 5H 2ER 1BB 1K 1HR. 68 pitches
  11. I don't get managers. He didn't give you the inning. It was clear he wasn't going to. You still had to use the BP, all you did was give up the runs and still use the BP. When it comes to handling starters, give me a Sparky Anderson anytime. He wasn't much with his relievers, but I always thought the "2nd time in trouble" rule for starters was spot on.
  12. IDK, maybe a team can have too much history with a guy. If this turns out to be anything resembling real, it would be a cause of having seen all the flaws and not being able to see change. That would be a serious indictment of a lot of people in the system. No point trying to develop guys if your are blind to when it's working. But it's 100 PA. We'll see where he is at 200 before we start filing the tines on our pitchforks.....
  13. Brieske has to get beyond these phases where he just completely loses his breaking ball.
  14. Huge walk rate - more walks than Ks this season. By the time a hitter gets to AA that's not easy to do.
  15. Beau's stuff is still just bit short of having a reliable out pitch.
  16. No doubt it's pretty terrible. The thing is none of these people actually have anything to say that's of any interest. You could write the Q & A out before Kane even opens his mouth.
  17. When they drafted Madden there was discussion he was advanced enough to move quickly.
  18. Looks like grass but WIKI says it's been artificial since 2019, so that explains the great roll on Willi's hit.
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