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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Torkelson with pretty terrible ball flight sense there. No way that was even close to being caught. Willi makes the question moot. Rolls one to the wall. You don't see that often...
  2. Can somebody please drop Johnny Kane off the south rim of the Grand Canyon?
  3. Keuchel just the thing to speed up Tork's bat.
  4. Madden with 5 IPP of 1 hit ball, 0BB 4K. Jobe only allowed to go 2 innings today. 2H 1R 2K Erie scored 12 today. Perez, Lipcius, Meadows, Dingler all with multiple hits inc HR for Perez and Meadows.
  5. Paredes' HR/FB is about what Mike Trout's is. If does keep that up then every single person in the Det org that had anything to do with giving him batting instruction or the decision to move him really does need to be fired. OTOH, he may be this year's Chris Shelton. Of course the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.....🤔
  6. Jeepers. Riley tries to call Reyes off but Reyes is already parked under it and has no-one to go really.
  7. When Soto pitches like this, he is as good as anyone. Just needs to bottle it and keep it somewhere he won't lose it again.
  8. that one wasn't as tough. Normally that could have been basket caught without the slide, but the maybe slide allowed him to stop quickly in case there was an infielder close by.
  9. so Harold is 28, won't be a free agent till 26 but is arb eligible. If he can put up a 750 OPS for a couple of more years he should be worth his arb cost next season, maybe questionable the season after that, but I think he wins the Tiger utility derby outright for foreseeable future.
  10. He's kind of a throw back to guys like Mickey Stanley in CF, who didn't have sprinter's speed but always made the right 1st step, which is worth just as much time on the catch.
  11. Seriously, there were scouting reports out before he was drafted that pegged his future as 1b/dh. sure - maybe 10 years from now...
  12. LOL - I was just going to post that this was a white flag line-up and Kody bombed it. That said, Kody may need to start taking some of Candelarios PT. He's been really bad.
  13. I'm sure this is true but that is about as in-artfully as you could have expressed it in that tweet. He's going to get hammered. I'll be sure to play my tiniest violin for him.....
  14. So Maine is not giving in to Scotus without a fight. They are demanding any school in the program adhere to the state's LGBTQ non-disecriminaiton policy. The schools that filed the original suit probably will not participate on those grounds. More courts cases will be pending. This is a very clarifying situation though. It shows that these schools really want the money not to educate, but to do their religious indoctrination with public money.
  15. I always thought one of Ernie's strengths was that he didn't use a lot of stock phrases. Even 'house by the side of the road' was something that for a long time he used pretty sparingly. In his last years he did given in more to the fact that stock phrases were popular with the audience.
  16. third parties only function legislatively and only then if the they can swing the balance of power. They make no sense at all in presidential election, it's just a wasted vote unless your guy actually has a practical chance to win, and no 3rd party presidential candidate in my lifetime has.
  17. before the 'corner' wasn't it just 'the old ballpark', which maybe he and Kell both used.
  18. Yup. You need to vote to prevent what you don't want as much as to get what you do want. The repubs have internalized that much better than the dems.
  19. Biden should have run in '16, but would have lost because Hillary's supporters would have stayed home.....
  20. a lot of momentum in the wrong direction to overcome!
  21. Obama carried a lot of baggage being the 1st black President. I'm sure he feared, and rightfully so - since history proved it happened anyway, that if he allowed himself to be labeled as too 'radical' it would be an end to the chance of another black man being elected. He picked what he thought was the single most important thing he could do and put all his political capital into it. Yeah - if he had been more experienced he might have been more effective, and you can always look back in hindsight and see other options his admin missed, but I'm not going to slam him for doing the lift that he did, which was one no-one else had achieved in 50 yrs.
  22. interesting. Since Baddoo hasn't done much to argue for his call up, I wonder if this is the end of the road for someone like Robson.
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